errmm...ok.....Originally posted by Bochupi:kekeke, never seen him liao. Dont wanna see him also.![]()
hehe, he always say that and I was wondering if everyone think like him then who still need to go to church. Just hope he's not surprise when his time is up.Originally posted by NeonTetra:errmm...ok.....
I believe that if his intention is sincere, God will accept him one.Originally posted by Bochupi:so it means that as long as you repent b4 you die, you'll still go to heaven?
I've got a friend who always say that he'll repent to god only when he's about to he'll go to heaven too huh?
x 1000Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:I believe that if his intention is sincere, God will accept him one.
But your friend got a very serious logical flaw, what makes him think he'll have the chance to play it out his way until his deathbed before making the choice? After all, if he kenna chia langar or window drop on his head, he got time to think about such things meh?
God's grace is like medicine, you can recieve it today or recieve it tomorrow, it will still work, but can you be sure that you'll last till tomorrow?
Don't play play eh...
hehe, that one must tell him liao..donno if he's dead already or not leh.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:I believe that if his intention is sincere, God will accept him one.
But your friend got a very serious logical flaw, what makes him think he'll have the chance to play it out his way until his deathbed before making the choice? After all, if he kenna chia langar or window drop on his head, he got time to think about such things meh?
God's grace is like medicine, you can recieve it today or recieve it tomorrow, it will still work, but can you be sure that you'll last till tomorrow?
Don't play play eh...
Yes we are saved by grace. Grace that allows us to be reconciled with God in spite of our sin. Grace that spurs us to obey God and repent, thus turning away from our wicked ways.Originally posted by Devils_advocate:Hello everyone! Can anyone tell me whether a Christian who commits suicide can go to heaven? Since we are saved by grace, I presume it should be yes right?
How do you know a Christian was truly saved then? I know of a man who was very sincere in believing Jesus at his salvation and prayed the salvation prayer with all his heart and was baptised with the Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues, but betrayed God for some time and lived with the devil. Pls read the parable of the prodigal son. Mind you - it is talking about a Christian son of God who rebelled and live like the devil in sin although he came back to God. This son of God could have given up and died in a foreign land. So is he still God's son? It doesn't matter where and how you die bcos you are still flesh and blood of God or the begotten of God.Originally posted by attitudewins:A truly saved Christian is unlikely to commit suicide if he consistently lives a life that is obedient to God. No where in the Bible was an example given that a true Christian has ever commited suicide. Murdered, yes, not suicide.
If a so-called Christian commits suicide, there is a question that we won't be able to answer - Is the person saved in the first place? There is an example of a man who is close to Jesus Christ, also one of His 12 disciples, who committed suicide - Judas Iscariot.
In the case of Judas Iscariot, he committed suicide out of remorse for his deed, and not of his sinful nature. However, he was one of those so-called "Christians" that was ministering together with the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, he has not the salvation of God in his soul. (Mathew 27:3,4,5; Luke 22:3)
My belief is that when a Christian is truly saved, the Holy Spirit dwells in him. It is not possible for a truly saved Christian, who consistently obeys God, to commit suicide. Job, in the book of Job of the old testament, is a great example.
The tendency here is that people think that they can use this Grace given by God as a fire-escape for their own soul. However, those people to think this way can never be more wrong.
You didn't answer my question about God being unfair bcos of grace. If Jesus died for all, how come all are not saved? Pls read Romans 9:11-29 for it speaks of Sarah and Rebecca and "children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls". It goes on to say God hated Esau before he was born! So could God have hated some people here on earth before they are born? So unfair? Then it goes on to say about Pharaoh being used by God and as you all know God hardened pharaoh's heart. So unfair? Then Paul scolded us for saying why God still find fault with us when He wills everything. He said we are in no position to reply against God to say why God made us this way. Then came the clay and potter issue. Romans 9:21: "Does not the potter have power over the clay from the same lump to make one vessel for honor ad another for dishonor?" Romans 9:22 goes on to say about "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction". So are some people already being prepared for hell? Can we blame them totally for not accepting Christ?Originally posted by sillyme:Grace is getting what we don't deserve. And God has fully demonstrated it when Jesus died on the cross. He did not die just for few individuals but He died for all ( 1 John 2:2 ; 2 Peter 3:9 ; 2 Cor. 5:19).
God has already done what is required for us to go back to Him. It is up to us to choose Him. Our salvation is not a predestined one. But God desire all men to be saved ( 1 Timothy 2:4 ) and desires none to perish ( Ezekiel 18:23 ).
God has given free will and without a doubt Christians can still choose to sin ( Hebrews 10:26 ). We are not predestined for salvation nor to hell because if we were, then there will be no free will.
Ultimately, some will choose to abuse God's grace. But it's the very same grace that allows us to be forgiven. It's really up to us to persevere in our faith and continue to put our trust in Him
X2Originally posted by attitudewins:Here's a phrase for thought. Have you ever considered that if God would want to be really fair, all of us would be in hell?
I personally believe that God's love for man surpasses any creature in his creation domain. Strictly speaking, God did not require us to know if any other person is truly saved or not. It is not our business to know otherwise He would have told us so. Therefore, whether a person is truly saved is purely a knowledge between that person and God. No third party will have knowledge of the result of this relationship.
Our task as Christians in the world is to bring the message of salvation and guide those who wants to know Jesus Christ to the path of salvation. We ourselves are not in the position nor power to save a soul, but we can be instrumental in the salvation process by the grace of God. Even if we have witness to a person and led the person to pray the sinner's prayer, we would not know for certain if the person is truly saved. Fortunately there are some signs which if we are observant we could observe.
As is mentioned in the Bible, a truly born again Christian will bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, temperance, and meekness. (Gal 5:21-23)
Originally posted by Devils_advocate:sorry i haven't been logging as i was occupied.
You didn't answer my question about God being unfair bcos of grace. If Jesus died for all, how come all are not saved? Pls read Romans 9:11-29 for it speaks of Sarah and Rebecca and "children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to [b]election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls". It goes on to say God hated Esau before he was born! So could God have hated some people here on earth before they are born? So unfair? Then it goes on to say about Pharaoh being used by God and as you all know God hardened pharaoh's heart. So unfair? Then Paul scolded us for saying why God still find fault with us when He wills everything. He said we are in no position to reply against God to say why God made us this way. Then came the clay and potter issue. Romans 9:21: "Does not the potter have power over the clay from the same lump to make one vessel for honor ad another for dishonor?" Romans 9:22 goes on to say about "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction". So are some people already being prepared for hell? Can we blame them totally for not accepting Christ?
From all these verses and others in the Bible, we know there is election. Nobody can deny it. It's in the scriptures. Grace is by no means fair! Bcos it's undeserved mercy.
NB. Anyway how did you link the bible verses to HTML tags on website? Saves my typing. Pls help.[/b]
I think you are contradicting your beliefs as a Christian. Then all Christians shouldn't preach the gospel bcos you can't even know for sure whether someone who confesses is saved or not! Anyway, according to God's stds, anybody who doesn't believe in Jesus are doomed to hell so how can you say we don't know who are saved and who aren't?? This means all those who died without confessing Jesus as Lord are condemned to hell! That includes all those who died before Christ and those who never heard of Jesus. So is God fair I ask again? Grace I repeat is UNFAIR. God chooses to extend grace to anyone he likes and people tend to abuse it bcos they didn't work for it.Originally posted by attitudewins:Here's a phrase for thought. Have you ever considered that if God would want to be really fair, all of us would be in hell?
I personally believe that God's love for man surpasses any creature in his creation domain. Strictly speaking, God did not require us to know if any other person is truly saved or not. It is not our business to know otherwise He would have told us so. Therefore, whether a person is truly saved is purely a knowledge between that person and God. No third party will have knowledge of the result of this relationship.
Our task as Christians in the world is to bring the message of salvation and guide those who wants to know Jesus Christ to the path of salvation. We ourselves are not in the position nor power to save a soul, but we can be instrumental in the salvation process by the grace of God. Even if we have witness to a person and led the person to pray the sinner's prayer, we would not know for certain if the person is truly saved. Fortunately there are some signs which if we are observant we could observe.
As is mentioned in the Bible, a truly born again Christian will bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, temperance, and meekness. (Gal 5:21-23)
You should look up his treatise on predestiny and election on the web. Very interesting! Calvin condemns the Augustinian theory and calls him a dog! But it's very long man and hard to understand. I wish someone could summarise it and tell us. It seems like predestiny or fate to me for someone to be saved. It is God who chooses and not men. We don't choose Christ but Christ chooses us. That's why I say some are not elected to be saved. Christians are very fortunate to be chosen. Narrow is the gate to heaven.Originally posted by M©+square:Someone spoke on Calvinist theory??? The Irresistable Grace? Hmm....something fresh in the forum.
Words are more powerful than you think Devil1976 especially if it's the word of God. Have you ever been hurt by words from someone? Why are you hurt? It has power? You bet it has! God's words are so powerful that it is like a sharp two edged sword or in our context, a lethal M16 or Weapons of Mass Destruction, that it can divide the soul and spirit of men. More powerful than a bomb blast. I urge you not to despise the Word of God!Originally posted by Devil1976:Words....![]()
If you are a believer,Originally posted by Devils_advocate:I think you are contradicting your beliefs as a Christian. Then all Christians shouldn't preach the gospel bcos you can't even know for sure whether someone who confesses is saved or not! Anyway, according to God's stds, anybody who doesn't believe in Jesus are doomed to hell so how can you say we don't know who are saved and who aren't?? This means all those who died without confessing Jesus as Lord are condemned to hell! That includes all those who died before Christ and those who never heard of Jesus. So is God fair I ask again? Grace I repeat is UNFAIR. God chooses to extend grace to anyone he likes and people tend to abuse it bcos they didn't work for it.
Anyway, I want to say is God being fair for sending all to hell just bcos of Adam?
I know words are powerful... But don't mind me making a BOLD statement here... There ain't really such thing as words of God than there are words of humans...Originally posted by Devils_advocate:Words are more powerful than you think Devil1976 especially if it's the word of God. Have you ever been hurt by words from someone? Why are you hurt? It has power? You bet it has! God's words are so powerful that it is like a sharp two edged sword or in our context, a lethal M16 or Weapons of Mass Destruction, that it can divide the soul and spirit of men. More powerful than a bomb blast. I urge you not to despise the Word of God!![]()
i think what u mnean is if a person believe in God & jesus name will he go ot heaven even if commit sucide: SURE 100 %Originally posted by Devils_advocate:Hello everyone! Can anyone tell me whether a Christian who commits suicide can go to heaven? Since we are saved by grace, I presume it should be yes right?
so is every little sin.Originally posted by KittynMeow:my views... no. the act of committing suicide in itself is a form of disobedience to God...