Right on Mod. SIS at it again.... which is why I refuse to comment on his current posting.Originally posted by M:Hi SIS, so that's what you know about bibilcal tongues, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. While generously sharing with us your sentiments, I'd like to politely urge you to exercise restraint and respect, even if you cannot agree with or fathom the subject. I believe you are rational enough to comprehend this, and leash up your proclivity to ridicule.
The posting guidelines shall be ready to assist all soon. I may not have the time for lengthy exchanges / posts, but I'll avail myself to keep this ground hospitable. Thank you for your understanding.
I don't speak in tongues personally and I have been a Christian for at least 24 years.Originally posted by lork:Anyone wanna share how to achieve it or receive it? Somebody??
I don't want. Even if i want it, God forbids because in the Scriptures it says that tongues have ceased. I have the Word of God, i dun need tongues. I have the prompting of the Holy Spirit that help me to grow in the Lord and bear the fruits of the Spirit.Originally posted by Icemoon:If that is a gift, it should be given by G-d, how can you ask for it?
But I think god biased lah. He enjoys communicating with charismatic pastors and their followers. Speaks with the pastor regularly ("yesterday the Lord told me, revealed to me blah blah ...") and blesses the followers with the gift of the tongue.
Think staunch protestants like fandango want also cannot get ... but the amateur christian in charismatic church has tongue that flows like river .. haiz
i'm attending Hope Brisbane. =)Originally posted by lork:Hey Devon which church u attend in OZ?
Why i'm curious is because when the pastor or cell leader praying, everybody seems to break into tongues and I don't what I should do cause I have not receive the gift yet and all i did was to keep silent,
It seems like people around you are uttering and kinda hard for you to follow the other people.
So what should we do when the pastor is praying with the church? Keep silent?
I remember when that happened to me, I just prayed silently on my own. Is there a need to follow in that scenario?Originally posted by lork:Hey Devon which church u attend in OZ?
Why i'm curious is because when the pastor or cell leader praying, everybody seems to break into tongues and I don't what I should do cause I have not receive the gift yet and all i did was to keep silent,
It seems like people around you are uttering and kinda hard for you to follow the other people.
So what should we do when the pastor is praying with the church? Keep silent?
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. - 1 Corinthians 13:1Let us not forget that the one of the purpose of tongues is an expression of love to God.
Let us not forget that the one of the purpose of tongues is an expression of love to God.Is it ? Seems to me from the replies tat some of the people treat speaking in "tongues" like a medal and seems to desire to "abtain" such higher level of... well... "abtainment". BTW: I mention places like Macdonald etc not because I saw such behaviors there but because in society these behaviors is just... queer and funny....
Of course if we "grunt and moan" in public, we're no more than a modern pharisee. It's not what we do that makes us holy, and nor do we need to show anyone we are holy. It's our personal relationship with God that is important. You can speak or pray in whatever language you want, as long as you pray with a seeking heart, God will hear and He will shall surely answer.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:Is it ? Seems to me from the replies tat some of the people treat speaking in "tongues" like a medal and seems to desire to "abtain" such higher level of... well... "abtainment". BTW: I mention places like Macdonald etc not because I saw such behaviors there but because in society these behaviors is just... queer and funny....
If u talk about "personal relationship", it seems tat some church have people "grunting and groaning" in front of everyone in the church making other members relatively amused and uncomfortable. I can imagine myself for tat too if suddenly a lot of people broke up into mumbo jumbo when attending a lecture. If u ask me, it seems to have decayed till speaking in tongues is nothing but some form of "bragging" because one had reached some higher stage of "holiness"... (Maybe it is like kong fu or something where higher level of Qi can make u fly around or break through wood)
BTW if "holy spirits" do enter a body, might as well ask it to leviatate or perform some telekinetic ability rather than just speak incoherently... I mean, everyone can speak incoherently... how do u really know it is some holy spirit tat entered your body![]()
i agree 100% wif what u say my fren.....Originally posted by fandango:I don't want. Even if i want it, God forbids because in the Scriptures it says that tongues have ceased. I have the Word of God, i dun need tongues. I have the prompting of the Holy Spirit that help me to grow in the Lord and bear the fruits of the Spirit.
God is not biased. If you say that the god that speaks to the charismatic pastors and followers is the Christian God, I suggest you study the Scriptures again to see if thats God or the devil.
By saying that the charismatic pastors and followers recieves messages, signs from God in these days, it means that they are prophets and apostles (because God only speaks and reveal prophesies to prophets and apostles). Right? Prophets in these days? Nope, they are the false prophets.
Some charismatic says that tongues are angelic languages. Can someone enlighten me why do you need to speak in angelic languages when God can hear my prayer be it i pray in English or Chinese? Are you praying to God or are you praying to the angels? Think about it. Please provide scripture proofs.
Even angels speak to us in human language, consider Gabriel and the angel at the tomb.
Actually there are varying charges on the charismatic movement having origins in pagan and shamanistic practices. I also have problems with "new revelations" that I hear from some pastors.Originally posted by fandango:The interpretation of praying in tongues by the charismatic churches is so dangerous. If you can, steer clear of that because with proof from the scriptures, modern tongues praying/speaking is beginning to look like it's from the Devil.
... the same way why some charismatic churches is teaching that we should worship with sign languages and the raising of banners and streamers and hitting tambourines during worship. Apparently based on some obscure OT verses on the song of Mariam.... Take one verse twist it around, and you get a new money making seminar for the young. This one is real. Organised by International Prayer Conference (not sure who they are) in June in ACJS (Barker Rd).Originally posted by fandango:Some charismatic says that tongues are angelic languages. Can someone enlighten me why do you need to speak in angelic languages when God can hear my prayer be it i pray in English or Chinese? Are you praying to God or are you praying to the angels? Think about it. Please provide scripture proofs.
Even angels speak to us in human language, consider Gabriel and the angel at the tomb.
in the light of the reality of spiritual realm. it is good to know that for every God's gifts and purposes, satan has his own set of counterfeits. To know that satan being the father of lies and deceiver likes to imitate God in many ways and from there carry out his evil plans.HOw does speaking in "tongues" confess that Jesus is the Word made flesh, the incarnate Son of God ? And why do u think the "devil" is so dumb and not make anything tat briefly associate with God and then deceive everyone the other way ? It is not like Walt Disney cartoons where bad guys must look ugly and one look u will know he is a bad ass.
So it never occured new to me that there will be demonic tongues, false prophets etc....
the only way to test a spiritual gift is whether the gift promotes and confess that Jesus is the Word made flesh, the incarnate Son of God.
that question is possible to answer but with ur lack of biblical sound knowledge and bias mind. i wont venture into that. satan is never dumb and infact to counterfeit God's stuffs is one of the smartest way to deceive people. Whether Jesus is a liar or Lord...i have fully settled that question personally and i wont force anyone to believe just because i said so. The Bible and many things has proven and testified that He is Christ, the Son of the Most High God.Originally posted by stupidissmart:HOw does speaking in "tongues" confess that Jesus is the Word made flesh, the incarnate Son of God ? And why do u think the "devil" is so dumb and not make anything tat briefly associate with God and then deceive everyone the other way ? It is not like Walt Disney cartoons where bad guys must look ugly and one look u will know he is a bad ass.
In fact why do u think Jesus is not a lie from the devil but from God ? It has suceeded in seperating the main religion isn't it ?