Sexual virus - Masturbation & Auto-sexuality
“Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.” (Song of Solomon 2:15).
What kind of fox is this? It is not a big fox but little ones; not one but many. What are these ‘little foxes’ doing? They are ruining the vineyards at the crucial time when the vineyards are blossoming. The timing of destructive work of the ‘little foxes’ is bad timing for the owner of the vineyard.
There are several views in understanding the Song of Solomon where this verse is found, but I would like to call your attention to just one of the views for the understanding of our sexuality.
The natural view of this book is that the Song is a poem extolling human love - a mutual love between husband and wife. It teaches us not to despise physical beauty and married love as being of a low order, for these are gifts from the Creator to His creatures (James 1:17; Gen 2:18, 22-25).
Since the Song is a poem extolling human love then it definitely focuses on the aspect of human sexuality. Enlightened, this truth allows me to submit to you that ‘little foxes’ here are sexual sins that come to distort and hijack our sexuality. Please note that it is not just one ‘sexual virus’ but numerous ‘viruses’.
Masturbation is one of the ‘little foxes’ that comes to ruin our sexuality. This sexual virus is very small for it is hidden in the closet of our private lives - only God, the devil and we ourselves know it. It is potent for it starts its destructive work in our lives at the most vulnerable time, while our sexuality is beginning to awaken and blossom - in our teenage and young adult years.
The Scripture is clear, “Catch the foxes for us!” We must ask God to catch these ‘little foxes’ for us - get rid of them. No way can we condone, enjoy or deny its presence.
What is Masturbation?
The Oxford Dictionary defines masturbation as “sexually arouse (oneself or another) by manual stimulation of the genitals”. Unpacking this definition a little deeper, there are two types of masturbation. First, there is auto-sexuality. An auto-sexual is a person who only has sex with himself or herself – to “sexually arouse oneself by manual stimulation of the genitals”. Second, there is sexual arousal of another by manual stimulation of the genitals leading to ejaculation of semen inside or outside the female body, but except the female genitals.
What masturbation is not
Mutual stimulation of each otherÂ’s genitals as a foreplay to intercourse within the marriage bed of husband and wife is not masturbation.
What is the biblical term for masturbation?
The biblical term for masturbation is categorized under acts of immorality (Rev 2:20); sexual immorality (1 Thess 4:3; 1Cor 6:18-20); sexual promiscuity and sensuality (Rom 13:13); ungodly lust (Jude 1
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It is ungodly lust or an act of immorality because it does not constitute godly sexual intercourse within marriage. Dwight Hervey Small, a pastor and counselor who has taught for many years at Wheaton College sheds light on the sanctity of sexual intercourse:
“…Sexual intercourse is an act which affects the whole personality, a personal encounter between a man and a woman in the depths of their being, which does something permanent to each, for good or for ill. Hence it cannot be treated merely as a sensual indulgence, the effects of which pass with the act.”
Likewise masturbation “…cannot be treated merely as a sensual indulgence, the effects of which pass with the act.” It is improper use of God’s given sex drive, and hence an unnatural sexual act.
Why is masturbation an unnatural sexual act?
1. Godly natural sex must be consummated by physical union through sexual intercourse between husband and wife willingly becoming one. (Gen 2:23-25; 4:1a). In contrast, masturbation involves only the doer arousing himself or herself sexually to reach orgasm. It does not fall within the permissible will of God concerning sex. In plain terms, one cannot have sex with himself/herself.
2. Sexual fantasies are often involved in the act of masturbation. Jesus taught that it is a sin to lust after another person (Mt 5:2
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. Sometimes sexual fantasies may involve an imaginative person or invisible person. There is a danger of opening a door to sexual spirits or having sex with an unclean spirit.
3. Masturbation is lust, not love. We are instructed to flee from youthful lust (2 Tim 2:22). The lust of the flesh and eyes can trigger masturbation (1 Jn 2:15,16).
4. Masturbation is self-idoltary - “People will be lovers of themselves…” (2 Tim 3:2).
5. Masturbation is false-comfort, an ungodly coping mechanism for oneÂ’s sex drive.
6. Masturbation is misuse of our physical body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is sin against the body - “Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body” (1 Cor 6:1
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7. Masturbation is unnatural sex drive, where it drives a person to masturbate sometimes immediately after he or she has had sexual intercourse with his/her spouse, as reported by some who have had this problem.
Possible Causes of Masturbation
1. Generational root of sexual sins: Many people shared that their habit of masturbation started as young as age three, way before the awakening of their sexuality.
2. Sexual abuses such as molest or rape allows penetration of sexual spirits of the abuser to enter the door of the victimÂ’s spirit.
3. Personal sexual sins open the door of oneÂ’s spirit to demonic sexual spirits to influence oneÂ’s sexual expressions and desires.
How to catch ‘this little fox’ in our sexuality?
If masturbation (sexual sin) is an area of defeat in your life:
1. Own up. Tell at least one other trustworthy person the exact nature of the sin.
2. Admit to yourself that you have been powerless up to now with this sin and that you need help to get free.
3. Agree with God that He wants you to be a holy man/woman of God and that He can and will remove this sin from your life.
4. Repent. Take responsibility and accountability, say sorry to God, and ask for forgiveness and cleansing.
5. Receive the forgiveness of God for you, forgive all others, and forgive yourself. Healing cannot happen without forgiveness.
6. Change your belief systems, thinking and behaviour.
7. Know the things that trigger ungodly sexual behaviour and learn to avoid them.
Food For Thought :
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” (Gal 6:7). I suspect that if a person sows sexual corruption in his life, he will also reap a harvest of sexual problems for himself, his spouse and his descendants.
Scripture Verse For Thought :
“Since, we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” (1 Cor 7:1)