A Check-Up for Wives
For reading & meditation -
1 Peter 3:1-12"Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands ..." (v. 1)
Yesterday the men were asked to examine themselves using a simple questionnaire as to how they were doing as husbands. Today a similar opportunity is extended to wives.
1. Are you depending on the Lord to meet your basic needs for security, significance, and self-worth? (YES/NO)
2. Can you meet financial disasters bravely without condemning your husband for his mistakes, or comparing him unfavorably with others? (YES/NO)
3. Do you dress with an eye for your husband's likes and dislikes in color and style? (YES/NO)
4. Do you keep up your own personal prayer life so that you may meet everything that arises with poise? (YES/NO)
5. Do you avoid daydreaming or fantasizing about other men you might have married? (YES/ NO)
6. Are you sensitive to your husband?s moods and feelings and know when, and when not, to bring up delicate issues? (YES/NO)
7. Do you respect your husband? (YES/NO)
8. Are you careful never to criticize your husband in front of others? (YES/NO)
9. Do you keep track of the day's news and what is happening in the world so that you can discuss these with your husband? (YES/NO)
10. Are you a "submissive" wife? (YES/NO)
A score of 7 to 10 yes responses - excellent. Below 7 yes answers - it's decision time.
For Further Study
Prov. 31:10-31;
1 Tim. 3:11;
Esther 1:201. What are the characteristics of a virtuous woman?
2. What do her children call her?