hahaha...Chin Eng, why u keep harping on that pt? like a good dog refusing to let go of a juicy bone??? but seriously, i like tat....
to Badzmaro,
if thats the case, then are we not ppl who dont exist, non-existent forumers who are debating wif other non-existent forumers? so i must be hallucinating that all of u actually exist but are actually no more than my illusions? :)
here we have ignorant people talking nonsense again.................
typical of christians.............
know too little and assume far too much.........................
Originally posted by despondent:to Badzmaro,
if thats the case, then are we not ppl who dont exist, non-existent forumers who are debating wif other non-existent forumers? so i must be hallucinating that all of u actually exist but are actually no more than my illusions? :)
Yes, yes, yes, you exist. The body is you and you are the body but don't know why when a person dies, can't even bring the body along.
Yes, yes, yes, you exist. The body is you and you are the body but don't know why don't know why many times we have no control over the body (coma, fainted, sickness)?????.......................
Originally posted by Pinknutri:Yes, yes, yes, you exist. The body is you and you are the body but don't know why when a person dies, can't even bring the body along.
Yes, yes, yes, you exist. The body is you and you are the body but don't know why don't know why many times we have no control over the body (coma, fainted, sickness)?????.......................
We exists bewcause God created us.
Originally posted by despondent:to Badzmaro,
if thats the case, then are we not ppl who dont exist, non-existent forumers who are debating wif other non-existent forumers? so i must be hallucinating that all of u actually exist but are actually no more than my illusions? :)
I do not exist... I am you. And you are me. But there is no Us and no Them. Only We. Just like there are no nouns and adjectives, but only words and sounds.
The Cow doth Moo... when the Brick of suffering shall Kentucky Fried Chicken the soul.
Muslims also potong but Asromanista2001 din attack Islam.
This proves he is baised against Christian.
very good......................please post more.....................we're getting there
Originally posted by BadzMaro:I do not exist... I am you. And you are me. But there is no Us and no Them. Only We. Just like there are no nouns and adjectives, but only words and sounds.
The Cow doth Moo... when the Brick of suffering shall Kentucky Fried Chicken the soul.
you're right.................just as scientists are saying the universe is an illusion..................
physical reality is an illusion...................
you're like in a virtual reality..........................only your consciousness is real
Originally posted by BadzMaro:I do not exist... I am you. And you are me. But there is no Us and no Them. Only We. Just like there are no nouns and adjectives, but only words and sounds.
The Cow doth Moo... when the Brick of suffering shall Kentucky Fried Chicken the soul.
You are correct, the cows don't moo. It is your hearing senses and your brain that moo. Will a person who is deaf since young know that the cow moo ?
What we see is not actually what we see. If you study Science, you know that the images that we see are all upside down. Why we don't see the world upside down is explained below :
So, what you see, hear, touch or what is all from our brain.
very true..................scientist said you don't hear or see with ears or eyes................
they're just sensors picking up these frequencies....................
these frequencies are decoded by the brain into sounds and sights...................
in other words..................the so-called reality is an illusion.................just frequencies...........
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
very true..................scientist said you don't hear or see with ears or eyes................
they're just sensors picking up these frequencies....................
these frequencies are decoded by the brain into sounds and sights...................
in other words..................the so-called reality is an illusion.................just frequencies...........
Asromanista's true intention revealed with proof.
He wanna attack christianity and convert ppl who left the faith to Buddhist !!!
No wonder he comes the forum to post everyday.
What's next converting Muslims to buddhists?
Converting jews to buddhists?
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
you're right.................just as scientists are saying the universe is an illusion..................
physical reality is an illusion...................
you're like in a virtual reality..........................only your consciousness is real
This is buddhism teachings too.
More proof !!!
Originally posted by Taiyaki:This is buddhism teachings too.
More proof !!!
This is proof you are attacking Buddhists
Typical xtian
Originally posted by Taiyaki:This is buddhism teachings too.
More proof !!!
at least proven by science....................
better than believing in an old man in the sky that's obsessed with foreskins...............LOL
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
at least proven by science....................
better than believing in an old man in the sky that's obsessed with foreskins...............LOL
what old man? god has no gender lol.
to christians he's an old man in the sky mah.......................LOL
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
to christians he's an old man in the sky mah.......................LOL
lol even the maha brahma, is genderless, neither female nor male. it is formless I think.
but God different...................he even need animal sacrifice...................
also he obsessed with foreskins......................
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
at least proven by science....................
better than believing in an old man in the sky that's obsessed with foreskins...............LOL
And u posted in a christian forum.
Only muslims and jews cut their foreskin !!!
Post it in Islam forum not here.
Originally posted by Taiyaki:
And u posted in a christian forum.Only muslims and jews cut their foreskin !!!
Post it in Islam forum not here.
Originally posted by laurence82:
Cutting foreskin is not a christian practice.
Judaism and Islam still have.
Originally posted by Taiyaki:
Cutting foreskin is not a christian practice.Judaism and Islam still have.
so u all dont use the Old Testament...wow
Originally posted by laurence82:
so u all dont use the Old Testament...wow
We only read the scriptures and consider old testament as important esp prophecies on Jesus in old testment times.
We don't practise anything in old testament.
We can eat pork and don't need to cut foreskin unless doctor ask us to cut.
We don't observe sabbath and judaism laws.
Originally posted by Taiyaki:
And u posted in a christian forum.Only muslims and jews cut their foreskin !!!
Post it in Islam forum not here.
i'm talking about God being obsessed with foreskins......................
he almost killed Noah becoz he never potong..................
and God can't recreate humans without foreskins.......................LOL