Originally posted by BroInChrist:
But here's where the problem is. Either the cup has water or it is empty, in the same way as either there is a God or there is no God. To say there is no water when there is would be making a false statement or else it would be self deception. You can't say that there is no water and there is water at the same time in the same sense. That would be akin to throwing truth out of the window, don't you agree?
Yeap...but the cup is never really "empty"....it may not have water, but still have air or bacteria in it ! That's the problem with definitions and trying to label everything based upon logic thinking....those things prevent us from seeing the real truth....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Yeap...but the cup is never really "empty"....it may not have water, but still have air or bacteria in it ! That's the problem with definitions and trying to label everything based upon logic thinking....those things prevent us from seeing the real truth....
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
The law of identity and the law of the excluded middle applies in this instance. When we are talking about water in the cup we are just talking about whether there is water or not. We are not talking about air that is present and in a sense fills up the space. This I think forms part of communication.
You'll have to believe and agree that there is water (English definition), otherwise scientists will label it as H20....different people will call it differently but by removing those definitions, we observe and agree that its essential for life....just that....no definitions...
Originally posted by Demon Bane:You'll have to believe and agree that there is water (English definition), otherwise scientists will label it as H20....different people will call it differently but by removing those definitions, we observe and agree that its essential for life....just that....no definitions...
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Calling it water or h2o is still labeling the same real substance. Where terms are used interchangeably there is no issue. But call water o2 and that would be violating the law of identity.
Therefore, there are so many definitions and names.... to describe life....
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
call water o2 and that would be violating the law of identity.
shakes head. what an idiotic comment of yours yet. no such thing as idiotic, only idiots.
Originally posted by Demon Bane:
Therefore, there are so many definitions and names....to describe life....
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Yet they are all describing one thing, life.
Yes...different means same objective....
Yes...different means same objective....
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Originally posted by Demon Bane:Yes...different means same objective....
Not same objective, but different words to describe the same OBJECT.
Okay u are right !
Created religions are essential for the people to depend on something....many times we depend on the things we created....eg. Transport, aircon, lifts and house....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Created religions are essential for the people to depend on something....many times we depend on the things we created....eg. Transport, aircon, lifts and house....
But the things we created are then also dependent on us for their upkeep! But God is different, the God revealed in the Bible and who created the universe is NOT dependent on the universe. He is the self-existent God.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:But the things we created are then also dependent on us for their upkeep! But God is different, the God revealed in the Bible and who created the universe is NOT dependent on the universe. He is the self-existent God.
So did God created Himself or He is everlasting even before he created everything?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:So did God created Himself or He is everlasting even before he created everything?
I think I answered this before. For something to have created itself would be an impossibility as it involves a contradiction. To be able to create yourself you would need to exist prior to that, but how can that be? So the Bible is logically right in this, that God is eternal. That which is eternal has no beginning and thus does not have a cause, and thus it makes no sense to speak of a creator of an eternal being.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:I think I answered this before. For something to have created itself would be an impossibility as it involves a contradiction. To be able to create yourself you would need to exist prior to that, but how can that be? So the Bible is logically right in this, that God is eternal. That which is eternal has no beginning and thus does not have a cause, and thus it makes no sense to speak of a creator of an eternal being.
Why do God wanna create the Angels? Is it before or after He created Adam/Eve ?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Why do God wanna create the Angels? Is it before or after He created Adam/Eve ?
God created the angels to serve Him and to minister to His people. You can read about what the angels did in the Bible. They were created BEFORE Adam and Eve but still within the creation week. Remember that Adam and Eve were created as the climax of God's creation on Day 6, after which God blessed the 6th day and rested on the 7th day.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:God created the angels to serve Him and to minister to His people. You can read about what the angels did in the Bible. They were created BEFORE Adam and Eve but still within the creation week. Remember that Adam and Eve were created as the climax of God's creation on Day 6, after which God blessed the 6th day and rested on the 7th day.
Is it really possible to create the world and everything in 6 days? You think the earth was 6000y old ? Why do God allow disasters to happen to the people whom believed in Him ?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Is it really possible to create the world and everything in 6 days? You think the earth was 6000y old ? Why do God allow disasters to happen to the people whom believed in Him ?
If you would ask me, I think 6 days is too long for God to create the universe! Remember that God is omnipotent. He could create the universe in a blink of an eye if He wanted. In fact, Augustine had this issue with 6 days too, and he believed God created in an instant, but nevertheless he believed in a universe that was not even 6000 years old at the time of his writings. So why 6 days of work and 1 day of rest? You think God needed that rest from exhaustion? No, but so that it would set a pattern for man, to work for 6 days and rest for 1 day, thus this is the basis for our 7 day week. Think about it, the week is the only period of time that has no corrollary in any astronomical body in the heavens.
As to disasters you are asking a different question, but one which I also have answered before. We live in a cursed and fallen world because of Adam's rebellion against God. See http://creation.com/church-leaders-and-natural-disasters
Originally posted by BroInChrist:If you would ask me, I think 6 days is too long for God to create the universe! Remember that God is omnipotent. He could create the universe in a blink of an eye if He wanted. In fact, Augustine had this issue with 6 days too, and he believed God created in an instant, but nevertheless he believed in a universe that was not even 6000 years old at the time of his writings. So why 6 days of work and 1 day of rest? You think God needed that rest from exhaustion? No, but so that it would set a pattern for man, to work for 6 days and rest for 1 day, thus this is the basis for our 7 day week. Think about it, the week is the only period of time that has no corrollary in any astronomical body in the heavens.
As to disasters you are asking a different question, but one which I also have answered before. We live in a cursed and fallen world because of Adam's rebellion against God. See http://creation.com/church-leaders-and-natural-disasters
Hahaha! That's quite true...if He really IS GOD....could had just blink an eye and all would be created in an instant....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Hahaha! That's quite true...if He really IS GOD....could had just blink an eye and all would be created in an instant....
Now I suppose you would appreciate why I really did not bother to answer Jacky Woo who keep harping on this? His idea of God is just too small!
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Now I suppose you would appreciate why I really did not bother to answer Jacky Woo who keep harping on this? His idea of God is just too small!
Hahaha! Everybody will have different views mah....trying to convince people to our thinking by saying how stupid one had been was not a good strategy....trying to have an open mind about this....Hahaha!
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Hahaha! Everybody will have different views mah....trying to convince people to our thinking by saying how stupid one had been was not a good strategy....trying to have an open mind about this....Hahaha!
But you should know that it was Jacky WHO called those who believed in a young earth stupid, or questioned our intelligence.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:But you should know that it was Jacky WHO called those who believed in a young earth stupid, or questioned our intelligence.
We can think all that is there....but putting it in writing here will not be nice....as a christian, u should forgive people whom are mean to you....Hahaha!