Originally posted by Tcmc:Dude, obviously if I am billigual and have been to Uni before I know the problem of translation. You dont have to be a language expert to know meaning is lost in translation.
But sorry dude, this explanation does not work when an allknowing, allpowerful and creative god is in the picture.
If you really want to explain why the bible contains translation errors/inconsistencies there are a few ways -
1. "God" was incapable or unwilling or not powerful enough to preserve the meaning through translation, therefore there is no "God" in the picture, merely a religious book written by men
2. There are errors in the current bible but the original supposedly inspired by God is perfect. (Unproven)
Which one is it?
If you claimed to be so knowledgeable with translation issues, then why did you harp on "winged creature" as a word used for bats? It wasn't wrong, yet you keep pecking at it and bring up all sorts of efficiency issues just to want to win the argument.
The meaning of the Bible is NEVER changed. Truth does not change, but our understanding of it does. We align ourselves to the truth, truth is discovered. Likewise the meaning of Scripture is discovered, not determined by us. The doctrine of inspiration extends only to the Autographs. Yes, there's no Autographs in existence today so I cannot prove to you anything on that, but translation issues are handled by textual criticism, and so far the Bible has withstood the attacks of people like you. Are there translation errors? Yes. How we know? Textual criticism. That means we know the truth behind these errors and how they occur. What's lost then? Nothing.
1. Yes I have no problem with the hebrew word of winged creature but I have problems with why an allpowerful entity has to use such an inconvenient word and then allow the scribes to translate wrongly to "bird" and when he knew all this would mess up. :) You still didnt read ah?
2. Truths dont change? Are you sure? What was true 100 years ago, still true today?
Like I said, I gave you 2 options of explanation for translation/statistical errors in the bible, pls choose one ---
1. "God" was incapable or unwilling or not powerful enough to preserve the meaning through translation, therefore there is no "God" in the picture, merely a religious book written by men
2. There are errors in the current bible but the original supposedly inspired by God is perfect. (Unproven)
Originally posted by Tcmc:1. Yes I have no problem with the hebrew word of winged creature but I have problems with why an allpowerful entity has to use such an inconvenient word and then allow the scribes to translate wrongly to "bird" and when he knew all this would mess up. :) You still didnt read ah?
2. Truths dont change? Are you sure? What was true 100 years ago, still true today?
Like I said, I gave you 2 options of explanation for translation/statistical errors in the bible, pls choose one ---
1. "God" was incapable or unwilling or not powerful enough to preserve the meaning through translation, therefore there is no "God" in the picture, merely a religious book written by men
2. There are errors in the current bible but the original supposedly inspired by God is perfect. (Unproven)
1. Is "winged creature" an inconvenient word? Inconvenient to who? To Bible bashers only when they know that they don't have a case.
2. Yes, truths don't change. Of that I am sure. Otherwise, when you are dead in a 100 years and someone says you are a girl will you say it is true? Truth changes mah! Duh!
3. I already answered you. Inspiration is only extended to the Autographs, not to the copies. But if you failed to marvel at what textual criticism has accomplished for us, then it only shows you are ignorant of it.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Tcmc,
1. Is "winged creature" an inconvenient word? Inconvenient to who? To Bible bashers only when they know that they don't have a case.
2. Yes, truths don't change. Of that I am sure. Otherwise, when you are dead in a 100 years and someone says you are a girl will you say it is true? Truth changes mah! Duh!
3. I already answered you. Inspiration is only extended to the Autographs, not to the copies. But if you failed to marvel at what textual criticism has accomplished for us, then it only shows you are ignorant of it.
Again failed to read.
1. I have problems with why an allpowerful entity has to use such an inconvenient word and then allow the scribes to translate wrongly to "bird" and when he knew all this would mess up. :) You still didnt read ah? Why he already know it will mess up then he still use the winged word?
2. I am a girl, so please be gentleman ok! Anyway, some truths change and some truths dont change! So you were wrong, partially! Dont be simpleminded!
3. Lol. Baseless statements. "inspiration". What a broad and general term.
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
Again failed to read.
1. I have problems with why an allpowerful entity has to use such an inconvenient word and then allow the scribes to translate wrongly to "bird" and when he knew all this would mess up. :) You still didnt read ah? Why he already know it will mess up then he still use the winged word?
2. I am a girl, so please be gentleman ok! Anyway, some truths change and some truths dont change! So you were wrong, partially! Dont be simpleminded!
3. Lol. Baseless statements. "inspiration". What a broad and general term.
You will ALWAYS have a problem with Christianity because all you are doing is trying to find justification to confirm your own rejection of the faith. You never had a good reason for leaving the faith, so now you trying to find anything that sticks.
Oh so you are a she? My bad. I should be nicer to you then. Again truths don't change. If it does, then the statement "truths change" can change to "truths don't change" any time soon?
Inspiration is not a baseless statement. Please, and I am being gentle on you now, go read up on Christian doctrine.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Tcmc,
You will ALWAYS have a problem with Christianity because all you are doing is trying to find justification to confirm your own rejection of the faith. You never had a good reason for leaving the faith, so now you trying to find anything that sticks.
Oh so you are a she? My bad. I should be nicer to you then. Again truths don't change. If it does, then the statement "truths change" can change to "truths don't change" any time soon?
Inspiration is not a baseless statement. Please, and I am being gentle on you now, go read up on Christian doctrine.
1. LOL. No if you could explain your points logically and coherently i will believe ! But so far you have not!
2. Too broad and general! Quran and Hindu Scriptures are all inspiration too! Richard Dawkins' books are too! OR You choose which are inspiration again?
Originally posted by Tcmc:1. LOL. No if you could explain your points logically and coherently i will believe ! But so far you have not!
2. Too broad and general! Quran and Hindu Scriptures are all inspiration too! Richard Dawkins' books are too! OR You choose which are inspiration again?
But the problem is that YOU are not being logical or coherent!
Did Dawkins claim divine inspiration for his books? LOL!
Originally posted by BroInChrist:But the problem is that YOU are not being logical or coherent!
Did Dawkins claim divine inspiration for his books? LOL!
OH so you only look out for DIVINE inspiration?
Then i guess you only see hindu scriptures, quran, sikh scriptures and bibles as inspiration!
Originally posted by Tcmc:OH so you only look out for DIVINE inspiration?
Then i guess you only see hindu scriptures, quran, sikh scriptures and bibles as inspiration!
Eh hello miss, I am defending Biblical doctrine of inspiration ya? Why should I be defending the holy books of other religions?
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Eh hello miss, I am defending Biblical doctrine of inspiration ya? Why should I be defending the holy books of other religions?
That is why i say inspiration is very subjective and broad!
Bible is inspiration to you like Quran is inspiration to a muslim!
Originally posted by Tcmc:That is why i say inspiration is very subjective and broad!
Bible is inspiration to you like Quran is inspiration to a muslim!
they dun care about other religions, so your qns on other religion is non existent to them. how self centred they are. talking about being condescending and patronising.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:But the problem is that YOU are not being logical or coherent!
look whose talking
kettle calling the pot black
if the bible can be so wrong on earth age, how can you trust it as a source as the truth.
earth is 6000 years old and created by god in 6 days
how can the size of earth be created in 6 days
even a 3 kid year kid also know that
Originally posted by Tcmc:That is why i say inspiration is very subjective and broad!
Bible is inspiration to you like Quran is inspiration to a muslim!
You are just lumping things together without thinking.
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:they dun care about other religions, so your qns on other religion is non existent to them. how self centred they are. talking about being condescending and patronising.
You find fault with me when atheists like you and your ilk rubbish ALL religions as false? The plank in your eye is protruding out dude!
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:if the bible can be so wrong on earth age, how can you trust it as a source as the truth.
earth is 6000 years old
and created by god in 6 days
how can the size of earth be created in 6 days
even a 3 kid year kid also know that
Question begging epithets spotted!
Please explain why an omnipotent God cannot create the universe and all that is in it in 6 ordinary days.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Question begging epithets spotted!
Please explain why an omnipotent God cannot create the universe and all that is in it in 6 ordinary days.
Essentially you are asking Jacky to explain why Allah, Sikh God, Lord Brahma, Jesus cannot create the universe in a period of time.
It's gonna be hard!
Cos every God I mentioned here IS omnipotent.
It's by faith!
So why do humans wanna create religions ? Seeking answers to the great unknown ?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:So why do humans wanna create religions ? Seeking answers to the great unknown ?
Many reasons why people create/follow religions
1. Comfort
2. Explain the the things that they are ignorant/uneducated/unaware of
3. Friends/Social network
4. Satisfaction
But I seek comfort in chocolates and loved ones.
Even if religions are man-made....they are still essential to many people....we invented the things and we rely upon them....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Even if religions are man-made....they are still essential to many people....we invented the things and we rely upon them....
Yup I agree
I have stated the reasons above why people still choose religion!
Is there something that modern science can't explain ? Please list down some....can religions explain those things?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Even if religions are man-made....they are still essential to many people....we invented the things and we rely upon them....
ever thought why some human don't accept religion.....
1. they are comfortable, even chocolates is enough...
2. they know everything, at least they think they know, or most I would say is indifferent, not everybody wants to know where we come from and where we go.
3. they have friends, especially christians friends who tell them everything they need to know.
4. and they are satisfied, and they start telling other christians what they should know.
there is nothing wrong with that.....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Is there something that modern science can't explain ? Please list down some....can religions explain those things?
Why dont you tell me some things that science cannot explain BUT religion can?
Originally posted by sgdiehard:ever thought why some human don't accept religion.....
1. they are comfortable, even chocolates is enough...
2. they know everything, at least they think they know, or most I would say is indifferent, not everybody wants to know where we come from and where we go.
3. they have friends, especially christians friends who tell them everything they need to know.
4. and they are satisfied, and they start telling other christians what they should know.
there is nothing wrong with that.....
I know you are trying to be sarcastic. Strange, the bible forbids sarcasm.
Anyway you might not know it :)
Reasons why 17% of singaporeans dont have religion are simple - we are happy with our lives and need no additional/lesser things.