Originally posted by Gareth3ying:You must also remember that political systems that tried to exterminate religion and calling it a scumb bag of our modern civilisation also didnt last very long either
In the reign of the Tsar's time in Russia, many Russians were strong believes of othrodox Christianity before the takeover by the Bolsheviks. When communism had its firm hold, religion was banned, religious books destroyed. In 70 years after the fall of the monarchy, the entire soviet union disintegrated and people who once had their faith removed could now openly worship.
The taleban when they removed or blew up the Buddha at banyan were cursed, resulting in their loss of power from 2001 to the US-led Afghanistan forces. Is it not so that god has a play in it?
Even countries that still practice "communism" and the northern country that is a die hard communist all know that it is better to keep religion alive and not to desecrate religious artefacts for they know they shall be cursed.
Posted by dcvx
Its a theory yes that is being research on. What is religion? A belief that is passed on that has no scientific proof etc that can be verified but is slowly being proven wrong with advancement in science.
Do we need further research into the theory of evolution? How many fossils have been dug out? You might as well catalog all the plants and animals in this world and then make a conclusion.
A belief that is passed on that has no scientific proof etc that can be verified but is slowly being proven wrong with advancement in science.
Is religion wrong in everything? The bible has for once quoted scientific arguments in some chapters. for example, the existence of lightning, the tides the days.
Major religious texts do have quotations on Scientific concepts. True, maybe their concepts like Aristotle is wrong, but you also have to consider the amount of scientific knowledge present in those days and the people who copied the scriptures of the bibles hand by hand. Mistakes were made by man. not by god.
If you didn't know how to read, species that did not survive would have died out. Furthermore, there are still millions of different species of birds, insects etc etc and not just 1. Please explain that as well. If your world, there is only 1 bird, 1 insect, 1 fish etc, i really wonder where you came from.
How do you know they died out? Where is the fact? Fossils? Even the big asteroid crash 65 million years ago is just a theory. How do you know they didnt survive? Maybe some manage to hide? Like the 300 million year old fish? Not adpated into its environment but still found in the world?Who said chemistry, physics, biology etc are not against religion? How did people start astronomy? It came from advancement in physics to allow people to view the world, how did people started the big bang theory and how elements etc came about? That comes from chemistry by analysing the contents of space matter. Without biology, how do people start evolution theory and show that virus etc are mutating and evolving to be resistant to drugs etc. Its a fact that every branch of science is helping to deprove religion in their respective ways just that they don't all link to it directly and its clear you fail to see how the sciences are all link together and each science is not a seperate entitiy.Does anywhere in the bible deny the existence of chemical reactions? elements? None.What i'm saying here is that science and religion are intertwined. Not religion against Science or Science against religion. They're hand in hand
It can't be changed too easily because too many people still chooses to believe in it. People have believed in god for 2000+ yrs yet science is only progressiing and starting to disprove alot of stuff in the past 100 yrs or less so obviously it takes more time to wakeup ppl who have sunk too deep into their beliefs.
What evidence do you have that it was even god who write the 1st bible and not just a work of a man? There can be prove of its existance but what proof is there of who wrote it?
There are evidence of species being extinct and endangered. We don't even need go back millions of years. In the past 100 years, animals like the dodo bird, the tasmanian tiger etc have become extinct and they are real enough.
Fossils shows many different lifeforms in the past, way before human beings existed. Explain why human beings came about so late and how did those fossils came about? Its too much to evidence and findings all over the world to be made by a group of people who are lying. There may not be alot of fossil evidence but more than enough to prove of live before humans and where do god appear in those times?
Astronomy is a science, evolution theory is also a branch of science and these are researching into areas that contrict what many religious text talks about. The reason simply because there is no evidence to prove what religion says is true and does the bible explains the purpose of the moon or the other planets, stars etc that we see? Its because theres a lack of knowledge that drives scientist to research the field and by going into the field, their findings start to contridict religious writings. In that sense, you can say religion has driven science but into a direction to contridict the religious stuff.
BTW, i assume u are not blind and know how to read my nick. If you are blind to notice your mistakes, that will perhaps explain why you are blindly beliving in religion as well.
Originally posted by Larryteo:He's new here.
And....that's why i'm letting him know there's a cleaner way of posting his responses..?
To dcvx
Firstly, during transcription and translation, in the process of DNA synthesis, there are 1 million ways for genes to be skipped, deleted and even misinterpreted. Why does this process that is happening in your body right now takes place so smoothly? Why does something so microscopic that is only 1 nanometer takes place so accurately? and even when there are mutations, why do many of them cause no effect to the human body? Can you explain why this copying machine can photostat 6 billion genes within 1 minute?
For viruses and bacteria out to cause harm.
there are trillions of bacteria and viruses in our world today. Why do some of them wreak havoc and why do some live happily ever after? Since you say that evolution is taking place all the time, and since bacteria has so many generations, why do after 10 or 100 generations do i not see a mutation. Everything's coordinated so perfectly, it doesn't seem to have occurred by chance. the mathematics do not prove it. And secondly I do not see any trial and error bacteria and viruses being created after many generations too
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Could you click on the wheel at the top right corner at each post so it would create an automatic quote?
It's very difficult to understand which post is yours and which one is quoted by dcvx
U're as blind as the posted ah. I think hes in dreamland and talking to a non existant dcvx
Originally posted by Rooney9:someone linked the bombing of the buddha statues in afghanistan to that of the US invasion of afghan in 2001 as god playing a role omg
. I am really and truly confounded by this type of explanation.
can someone pls enlighten them why the US invaded afghan in 2001. this just goes to show how ignorant of world affairs are you. a typical frog in the well knowledge.
Wait......Islam and Christianity are both worshippers of the God of Abraham. While Buddhism can be argued as an alternate religion to God, meaning he's going to hate it.
Why would Afghanistan be punished for blowing up a statue of a religion that God has not endorsed? I would think he would be pretty happy the Taliban did that..
Originally posted by dkcx:U're as blind as the posted ah. I think hes in dreamland and talking to a non existant dcvx
Zzz i'm just asking him to post in a way that's easier for me to read.
Why the hate?
Originally posted by Rooney9:someone linked the bombing of the buddha statues in afghanistan to that of the US invasion of afghan in 2001 as god playing a role omg
. I am really and truly confounded by this type of explanation.
can someone pls enlighten them why the US invaded afghan in 2001. this just goes to show how ignorant of world affairs are you. a typical frog in the well knowledge.
That 'someone is you.
Originally posted by Gareth3ying:To dcvx
Firstly, during transcription and translation, in the process of DNA synthesis, there are 1 million ways for genes to be skipped, deleted and even misinterpreted. Why does this process that is happening in your body right now takes place so smoothly? Why does something so microscopic that is only 1 nanometer takes place so accurately? and even when there are mutations, why do many of them cause no effect to the human body? Can you explain why this copying machine can photostat 6 billion genes within 1 minute?
For viruses and bacteria out to cause harm.
there are trillions of bacteria and viruses in our world today. Why do some of them wreak havoc and why do some live happily ever after? Since you say that evolution is taking place all the time, and since bacteria has so many generations, why do after 10 or 100 generations do i not see a mutation. Everything's coordinated so perfectly, it doesn't seem to have occurred by chance. the mathematics do not prove it. And secondly I do not see any trial and error bacteria and viruses being created after many generations too
Still blind as usual...
Who says everything is working perfectly? Explain birth defects, cancers etc which are caused by defective genes and problems be it in the DNA itself or during the process of DNA replication. Please study more bio before you talk.
U sure there is no mutation? Please explain how H1N1 came about? Why was it non existent or not harmful 10 yrs ago or 100 yrs ago and only decide to spread and kill only last year?
SARS in 2003, where did it come from? Why did it suddenly appear then? Same with all the epidemics like black death etc in the past. Did they appear out of nowhere? How did they come about? How do u know the harmeless virus etc now won't evolve into something deadly in time to come?
some of the replies given I have read, really proved my point, lack of coherence and common sense.
Pls do not take me for a fool with that kinda of explanations. some even took quotations from another forum to be some evidence or proof that evolution is false, thats another classic. is there another strong word for inferior?
US invasion of afghan in 2001 was the result of taleban bombing of the buddha statues? to that frog in the well, US invasion of afghan was the result of 9-11, where afghan is a hotspot for taleban and other islamic extremism, where their camps are famous for being conducted there. thats why the US invaded afghan to rid of the taleban and then either kill or capture the extremists there.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Zzz i'm just asking him to post in a way that's easier for me to read.
Why the hate?
For reading his post 1 sided and not even looking at who hes talking to
Originally posted by dkcx:It can't be changed too easily because too many people still chooses to believe in it. People have believed in god for 2000+ yrs yet science is only progressiing and starting to disprove alot of stuff in the past 100 yrs or less so obviously it takes more time to wakeup ppl who have sunk too deep into their beliefs.
What evidence do you have that it was even god who write the 1st bible and not just a work of a man? There can be prove of its existance but what proof is there of who wrote it?
There are evidence of species being extinct and endangered. We don't even need go back millions of years. In the past 100 years, animals like the dodo bird, the tasmanian tiger etc have become extinct and they are real enough.
Fossils shows many different lifeforms in the past, way before human beings existed. Explain why human beings came about so late and how did those fossils came about? Its too much to evidence and findings all over the world to be made by a group of people who are lying. There may not be alot of fossil evidence but more than enough to prove of live before humans and where do god appear in those times?
Astronomy is a science, evolution theory is also a branch of science and these are researching into areas that contrict what many religious text talks about. The reason simply because there is no evidence to prove what religion says is true and does the bible explains the purpose of the moon or the other planets, stars etc that we see? Its because theres a lack of knowledge that drives scientist to research the field and by going into the field, their findings start to contridict religious writings. In that sense, you can say religion has driven science but into a direction to contridict the religious stuff.
BTW, i assume u are not blind and know how to read my nick. If you are blind to notice your mistakes, that will perhaps explain why you are blindly beliving in religion as well.
There are evidence of species being extinct and endangered. We don't even need go back millions of years. In the past 100 years, animals like the dodo bird, the tasmanian tiger etc have become extinct and they are real enough.
The dodo bird wasn't extinct because of natural causes. It became extinct because of human interference. The Tasmanian tiger;s extinction is because of similar causes too.
Astronomy is a science, evolution theory is also a branch of science and these are researching into areas that contrict what many religious text talks about. The reason simply because there is no evidence to prove what religion says is true and does the bible explains the purpose of the moon or the other planets, stars etc that we see? Its because theres a lack of knowledge that drives scientist to research the field and by going into the field, their findings start to contridict religious writings. In that sense, you can say religion has driven science but into a direction to contridict the religious stuff.
But what intiated the Scientist to find out more about the world around us and to actually investigate about our world? If modern Science has only stuck around for 100 years why didnt humans start earlier? is there a reason? Was religion an obstacle?
Fossils shows many different lifeforms in the past, way before human beings existed. Explain why human beings came about so late and how did those fossils came about? Its too much to evidence and findings all over the world to be made by a group of people who are lying. There may not be alot of fossil evidence but more than enough to prove of live before humans and where do god appear in those times?
But many lifeforms do not show a trend. A theory is still a theory and isnt 100% correct, in that strange lifeforms with no apparent ancestors still are around. Like the jellyfish. Where did it come from?
Originally posted by Rooney9:some of the replies given I have read, really proved my point, lack of coherence and common sense.
Pls do not take me for a fool with that kinda of explanations. some even took quotations from another forum to be some evidence or proof that evolution is false, thats another classic. is there another strong word for inferior?
US invasion of afghan in 2001 was the result of taleban bombing of the buddha statues? to that frog in the well, US invasion of afghan was the result of 9-11, where afghan is a hotspot for taleban and other islamic extremism, where their camps are famous for being conducted there. thats why the US invaded afghan to rid of the taleban and then either kill or capture the extremists there.
I do not take you as a fool. You are indeed a fool.
hahaha someone cannot discuss and debate openly and have to resort to playing a troll. is he incapable of defending the inconsistencies, unsustainability and paradox of the god concept?
Okay people basically this discussion can go on longer and longer, because there really are many disparate evidences that can be interpreted one way or another. It has now reached the point where I can view it this way or I can view it that way. We just have to wait for modern Science to reach the tipping point and show itself that religion is baseless or that religion does have a role to play in our modern world.
Originally posted by Gareth3ying:There are evidence of species being extinct and endangered. We don't even need go back millions of years. In the past 100 years, animals like the dodo bird, the tasmanian tiger etc have become extinct and they are real enough.
The dodo bird wasn't extinct because of natural causes. It became extinct because of human interference. The Tasmanian tiger;s extinction is because of similar causes too.
Astronomy is a science, evolution theory is also a branch of science and these are researching into areas that contrict what many religious text talks about. The reason simply because there is no evidence to prove what religion says is true and does the bible explains the purpose of the moon or the other planets, stars etc that we see? Its because theres a lack of knowledge that drives scientist to research the field and by going into the field, their findings start to contridict religious writings. In that sense, you can say religion has driven science but into a direction to contridict the religious stuff.
But what intiated the Scientist to find out more about the world around us and to actually investigate about our world? If modern Science has only stuck around for 100 years why didnt humans start earlier? is there a reason? Was religion an obstacle?
Fossils shows many different lifeforms in the past, way before human beings existed. Explain why human beings came about so late and how did those fossils came about? Its too much to evidence and findings all over the world to be made by a group of people who are lying. There may not be alot of fossil evidence but more than enough to prove of live before humans and where do god appear in those times?
But many lifeforms do not show a trend. A theory is still a theory and isnt 100% correct, in that strange lifeforms with no apparent ancestors still are around. Like the jellyfish. Where did it come from?
They died because they could not adapt to their new environment just like everything else. Nothing stays the same forever so any species that cannot adapt will just die out. Human influence is just like the influence of any other species. A new species evolved and take over the environment from other species that could not adapt to the new change.
There were many factors why science only progress recently. If it just took a day to arrive from stone age to today, religion would be over tomorrow. Progress takes time. How many years in school did you study before you know enough stuff to know? In the past without proper education, its already amazing we got to where we were. Did god come down 1 day and taught us how to build a computer? Did god teach us how to build concrete buidlings etc?
As we have said, science is still progressing, what it has not found out now doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In 2000 years from now, there might be little that science has not found out just like it how long the belief of god has lasted. Given time, things will change as they are slowly changing now.
Originally posted by Gareth3ying:Okay people basically this discussion can go on longer and longer, because there really are many disparate evidences that can be interpreted one way or another. It has now reached the point where I can view it this way or I can view it that way. We just have to wait for modern Science to reach the tipping point and show itself that religion is baseless or that religion does have a role to play in our modern world.
We didn't sent u an invitation to join in so don't make it sound like we were the cause.
There are many other topics you could have found interest in and talk there while the argument goes on.
Its good for my post count as well as to pass time while i await the start of another academic semester.
Originally posted by Rooney9:hahaha someone cannot discuss and debate openly and have to resort to playing a troll. is he incapable of defending the inconsistencies, unsustainability and paradox of the god concept?
the irony of what roony9 has just said. ouch.
Originally posted by Gareth3ying:Okay people basically this discussion can go on longer and longer, because there really are many disparate evidences that can be interpreted one way or another. It has now reached the point where I can view it this way or I can view it that way. We just have to wait for modern Science to reach the tipping point and show itself that religion is baseless or that religion does have a role to play in our modern world.
you have to understand the context and the era the religion came from, thousands of years ago where science and technology are basic and rudimentary.
I once watched discovery channel where there is an Indian temple full of rats, as the devotees are worshipping a rat deity. the devotees even treated the urine of the rats as some holy urine/water. do you subscribe to their worldview that their god deity or god, is the creator of mankind and universe? what say you?
larryteo really sounds like hes living in self denial.
Originally posted by dkcx:For reading his post 1 sided and not even looking at who hes talking to
Actually i'm not, i'm just asking him to post it in a manner that's more readable.
Somehow you take it as i'm defending him when i'm actually on your side. *shrug*
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Actually i am, that's why i'm asking him to post it in a manner that's more readable.
Somehow you take it as i'm defending him when i'm actually on your side. *shrug*
Not saying you took his side but i would have preferred u to spell the name correctly then follow in his mistake...
Originally posted by Gareth3ying:There are evidence of species being extinct and endangered. We don't even need go back millions of years. In the past 100 years, animals like the dodo bird, the tasmanian tiger etc have become extinct and they are real enough.
The dodo bird wasn't extinct because of natural causes. It became extinct because of human interference. The Tasmanian tiger;s extinction is because of similar causes too.
Astronomy is a science, evolution theory is also a branch of science and these are researching into areas that contrict what many religious text talks about. The reason simply because there is no evidence to prove what religion says is true and does the bible explains the purpose of the moon or the other planets, stars etc that we see? Its because theres a lack of knowledge that drives scientist to research the field and by going into the field, their findings start to contridict religious writings. In that sense, you can say religion has driven science but into a direction to contridict the religious stuff.
But what intiated the Scientist to find out more about the world around us and to actually investigate about our world? If modern Science has only stuck around for 100 years why didnt humans start earlier? is there a reason? Was religion an obstacle?
Fossils shows many different lifeforms in the past, way before human beings existed. Explain why human beings came about so late and how did those fossils came about? Its too much to evidence and findings all over the world to be made by a group of people who are lying. There may not be alot of fossil evidence but more than enough to prove of live before humans and where do god appear in those times?
But many lifeforms do not show a trend. A theory is still a theory and isnt 100% correct, in that strange lifeforms with no apparent ancestors still are around. Like the jellyfish. Where did it come from?
I believe the period you are looking for is the Renaissance, i think we can safely say it's the point where the more secular way of thinking, or the scientific revolution started. Not more than a 100 years ago.
There are alot of contributing factors to how it started, the Black Death that swept through Europe for one devastated the priesthood as hard as the peasantry, resulting in doubt and distrust of the Roman Catholic Church which had claimed to be the ultimate representative of God.
There are also claims that Zheng He's Voyages resulted in Chinese artifacts flowing to Italy, shocking the European worldview that there was actually a prospering civilization that matched their own, triggering the Renaissance.
Considering that the Roman Catholic Church had direct control of the religion, philosophy, morals, politics, art and education of Europe i think we can safely say religion was the main obstacle, though i'd be fair to say that the only way then to be able to study such matters was to join the clergy so the Church did contributed.
There has been fossils found that dated back to 580 million years ago, jellyfishes belong to the Cnidaria family of organisms. But considering that the Jellyfish dwell in the oceans and consists of 95% water it's going to be extremely difficult to obtain fossils of its ancestors.
Frankly i'd like to see the evidence that Life did not come about through evolution, all i see from Creationism is the holes in Evolution but little proof on we were created besides a dusty book more than a thousand years old.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:I believe the period you are looking for is the Renaissance, i think we can safely say it's the point where the more secular way of thinking, or the scientific revolution started. Not more than a 100 years ago.
There are alot of contributing factors to how it started, the Black Death that swept through Europe for one devastated the priesthood as hard as the peasantry, resulting in doubt and distrust of the Roman Catholic Church which had claimed to be the ultimate representative of God.
There are also claims that Zheng He's Voyages resulted in Chinese artifacts flowing to Italy, shocking the European worldview that there was actually a prospering civilization that matched their own, triggering the Renaissance.
Considering that the Roman Catholic Church had direct control of the religion, philosophy, morals, politics, art and education of Europe i think we can safely say religion was the main obstacle, though i'd be fair to say that the only way then to be able to study such matters was to join the clergy so the Church did contributed.
There has been fossils found that dated back to 580 million years ago, jellyfishes belong to the Cnidaria family of organisms. But considering that the Jellyfish dwell in the oceans and consists of 95% water it's going to be extremely difficult to obtain fossils of its ancestors.
Frankly i'd like to see the evidence that Life did not come about through evolution, all i see from Creationism is the holes in Evolution but little proof on we were created besides a dusty book more than a thousand years old.
Ignore Stevensen101, his posts about religion and the origin of humans have major flaws and also some signs which highlight his stupidity and lack of understanding of both creationism and evolution. Dusty? My bible is clean and even I can't see any dust though its black like your brain.
stevenson posts has lots more facts and references than mere statements
larry, this is what you shld be learning from him
considering i have even pointed out even basic flaws in your understanding of bible
Originally posted by laurence82:stevenson posts has lots more facts and references than mere statements
larry, this is what you shld be learning from him
considering i have even pointed out even basic flaws in your understanding of bible
.....He linked the mutation of viruses to the mutation of animals changing from a species to another ._.