Originally posted by breytonhartge:how hard is the question, tell me which feast of Yahweh you want to discuss first... by your answer you clearly show me that you do not even know what the feasts of Yahweh are.
no way I will ever precieve the church's jesus as Yeshua. They are different people altogether.
anyone who read the bible will know the feasts of Yahweh but i asked u which feasts are u talking about in the 1st place...passover? unleavened bread? weeks? tabernacles? pentecost? trumpets? and my earlier question was how do u keep them as of today?
supposingly...and if...and i said if, if u are wrong and on judgement day u found out the two are the same God, aren't u gonna be condemn to hell for blasphemy? even if u had kept the feasts.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:anyone who read the bible will know the feasts of Yahweh but i asked u which feasts are u talking about in the 1st place...passover? unleavened bread? weeks? tabernacles? pentecost? trumpets? and my earlier question was how do u keep them as of today?
supposingly...and if...and i said if, if u are wrong and on judgement day u found out the two are the same God, aren't u gonna be condemn to hell for blasphemy? even if u had kept the feasts.
deleted.. i leave you to your own devices.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:anyone who read the bible will know the feasts of Yahweh but i asked u which feasts are u talking about in the 1st place...passover? unleavened bread? weeks? tabernacles? pentecost? trumpets? and my earlier question was how do u keep them as of today?
supposingly...and if...and i said if, if u are wrong and on judgement day u found out the two are the same God, aren't u gonna be condemn to hell for blasphemy? even if u had kept the feasts.
actually no..cuz IF..at the end of days..a trinitarian god is the true God..based on the bible that he is love..he will forgive all those who showed faith but was misled to believe in God not being a mystical trinitarian god so long as they with the new knowledge choose to serve him as the trinitarian deity.. ^^
Originally posted by breytonhartge:deleted.. i leave you to your own devices.
well u still refuse to answer me :) so i take it as u celebrate the passover every year by slaughtering a male 1 year old sheep or goat(and how do u know its 1 years of age unless u raised it all by urself), apply some of its blood outside ur doorpost & eat the meat roasted over fire wif unleavened bread hastily.
Understood & case closed.
Originally posted by domonkassyu:actually no..cuz IF..at the end of days..a trinitarian god is the true God..based on the bible that he is love..he will forgive all those who showed faith but was misled to believe in God not being a mystical trinitarian god so long as they with the new knowledge choose to serve him as the trinitarian deity.. ^^
bro dats wat i believed too but i jus wan brey to answer me ernestly becos he claimed to kept all the feasts & commandments of God without fail.
isn't dat equal to ---> sinless? impossible for a mortal.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:bro dats wat i believed too but i jus wan brey to answer me ernestly becos he claimed to kept all the feasts & commandments of God without fail.
isn't dat equal to ---> sinless? impossible for a mortal.
well..the original plan of the mosiac laws..was to keep a covenant..and if..if...anyone can keep all the laws..by right..prehuman jesus need not come liao..cuz that person would have perfected himself...but..becuz humans are born with inherited sin..so jus too bad lor..no matter wat oso need a champion for us..so jesus have to come on a multi tasked mission..
Originally posted by domonkassyu:well..the original plan of the mosiac laws..was to keep a covenant..and if..if...anyone can keep all the laws..by right..prehuman jesus need not come liao..cuz that person would have perfected himself...but..becuz humans are born with inherited sin..so jus too bad lor..no matter wat oso need a champion for us..so jesus have to come on a multi tasked mission..
When i was in my dream...
I heard a far away voice~~
that voice seems like from Mr S.A Tan de
Jesus had left this bloody world full of Sin..
True a not ar?
Originally posted by domonkassyu:well..the original plan of the mosiac laws..was to keep a covenant..and if..if...anyone can keep all the laws..by right..prehuman jesus need not come liao..cuz that person would have perfected himself...but..becuz humans are born with inherited sin..so jus too bad lor..no matter wat oso need a champion for us..so jesus have to come on a multi tasked mission..
Agreed. so brey should not hav claimed he kept everything in the bible :) then wats the point of his messiah to come to earth.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:Agreed. so brey should not hav claimed he kept everything in the bible :) then wats the point of his messiah to come to earth.
hence your misunderstanding.. .I did not say the you keep the commandments for salvation, I said you have to keep the commandments because of salvation. These are two very distinct and separate ideas. Unfortunately, the church always gets this mixed up when one starts to mention Torah. Torah does not earn me righteousness, grace through Yeshua does.
I said that because you are saved you are now under His rules and His ways so therefore the commandments have to be kept as you are His child, they are our very basic foundation for living life according to what pleases Him. He has already told you what pleases Him yet man chooses to follow vain tradition, the Jews who do not know Maschiach do things more right than the church would ever do. At least they follow His ways.
The point of Maschiach coming the first time was so that we would have grace and the opportunity to repent and Teshuva back to Yahweh. The message of the church has always been wrong. They made it about jc, but the message of Yeshua has always been turn back to the Father. This message is central to all the works in the bible... G_d calling us to turn back to Him.
Originally posted by breytonhartge:hence your misunderstanding.. .I did not say the you keep the commandments for salvation, I said you have to keep the commandments because of salvation. These are two very distinct and separate ideas. Unfortunately, the church always gets this mixed up when one starts to mention Torah. Torah does not earn me righteousness, grace through Yeshua does.
I said that because you are saved you are now under His rules and His ways so therefore the commandments have to be kept as you are His child, they are our very basic foundation for living life according to what pleases Him.
deleted as it's unappreciated :)
many hav great knowledge but how many know humility?
im proven wrong again despite having hopes :)
Originally posted by noahnoah:
When i was in my dream...I heard a far away voice~~
that voice seems like from Mr S.A Tan de
Jesus had left this bloody world full of Sin..
True a not ar?
u hear satan before ar??haha..when Jesus left this world..people are still sinful..people he res..still died..people who are born til today still aint perfect and sinful..so i guess its true..
BUT....Jesus also left a gift..a gift of redemption(not the song by gackt)..those who will die in the name of Jesus will live...but many who choose to die in Jesus name will be rejected by Jesus and God..for they do not know those people...
sin will never be eradicated so soon..but when its over..people will never be sad ever..
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:Agreed. so brey should not hav claimed he kept everything in the bible :) then wats the point of his messiah to come to earth.
i guess he tried his best to at least kept all major de..sabbath..passover..etc..but i think the mosiac law got 100-200 laws bah..and some are very difficult for certain group to keep..
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:many hav great knowledge but how many know humility?
im proven wrong again despite having hopes :)
with great power comes great responsibility..words from my wise uncle ben =p
Originally posted by domonkassyu:with great power comes great responsibility..words from my wise uncle ben =p
change from CV to spiderman ah...lol.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:change from CV to spiderman ah...lol.
no lah..prefer venom
To be accurate, the mosaic laws have a total of 613 laws... break any one = break all..
Its not difficult.. its impossible and only Jesus can do it... That was what made Him worthy to be a sacrifice for us..
Originally posted by Joshen zx:To be accurate, the mosaic laws have a total of 613 laws... break any one = break all..
Its not difficult.. its impossible and only Jesus can do it... That was what made Him worthy to be a sacrifice for us..
quite true...as with other angels too..cuz they too are without sin..
Originally posted by Joshen zx:To be accurate, the mosaic laws have a total of 613 laws... break any one = break all..
Its not difficult.. its impossible and only Jesus can do it... That was what made Him worthy to be a sacrifice for us..
why is it that when ever one talks about Torah/Commandments/Law the first thing christians assume is that we cannot keep it? or we don't have to keep it? why also do christians always make that distinction that salvation and Torah are mutually exclusive?
Yet Yeshua did say follow Yahweh's commandments. His sacrifice for us is not so that we don't have to keep Torah, His sacrifice for us is so that we have the grace to repent and turn back to Yahweh and walk in Torah.
His sacrifice for us is so that we have the grace to repent and turn back to Yahweh and walk in Torah.
Yes, that is right. What i mean is because Jesus has already purchased for us freedom and there is therefore now NO condemnation, a christian can walk boldly in God's prescence and continue in Gods ways. However, should he fail, he should not condemn himself for failing, but pick himself up,look to Jesus, and continue walking...
There is no longer a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love and confidence that we are empowered to live Godly lives ... Grace is not an excuse to carry on sinning. It is a providence for the sinner to come back and continue his walk..
Please understand that we are not anti-nomian.. haha.. We are definitely for righteous living, just against the fact that some preachers (no names here) often blast the congregation for failing, when it should be reminding them how much they are loved and need not fear ..
Originally posted by Joshen zx:
Yes, that is right. What i mean is because Jesus has already purchased for us freedom and there is therefore now NO condemnation, a christian can walk boldly in God's prescence and continue in Gods ways. However, should he fail, he should not condemn himself for failing, but pick himself up,look to Jesus, and continue walking...
There is no longer a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love and confidence that we are empowered to live Godly lives ... Grace is not an excuse to carry on sinning. It is a providence for the sinner to come back and continue his walk..
Please understand that we are not anti-nomian.. haha.. We are definitely for righteous living, just against the fact that some preachers (no names here) often blast the congregation for failing, when it should be reminding them how much they are loved and need not fear ..
that is where the christian walk goes so wrong... christians do not understand the meaning of freedom. how can one say you lead a Godly life if you are not even following His Torah? love preaching is the problem of the church people have lost the fear of ADONAI. the christian does not walk in the ways of ADONAI.
Jesus Himself defined Fear of the Lord.. Not fear as in scared, in terror, but rather, I'll quote instead.. =)
Deuteronomy 6:13
Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.
In Luke 4:8 , 8And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. All Bible references give Deut 6:13 for this verse..
Also, Paul has written in 1 John 4:18,: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Now, back on topic, please realise that I am not posting against you. I am in fact, agreeing WITH you that "His sacrifice for us is so that we have the grace to repent and turn back to Yahweh and walk in His ways" ...
Also, its not exactly nice to lump all christians together as one lot.. there are many good churches around who encourage believing right and living right..
Money is my Lord.
Originally posted by breytonhartge:that is where the christian walk goes so wrong... christians do not understand the meaning of freedom. how can one say you lead a Godly life if you are not even following His Torah? love preaching is the problem of the church people have lost the fear of ADONAI. the christian does not walk in the ways of ADONAI.
the path of love isnt truely wrong too..for God is love..however..true christians must also have fear for God..not the type of fear for a criminnal or a strong adversary...but an awe inspiring fear..that the most high is willingly to love you and save your soul..with both the love and fear of God..can one truely be free..
Originally posted by domonkassyu:the path of love isnt truely wrong too..for God is love..however..true christians must also have fear for God..not the type of fear for a criminnal or a strong adversary...but an awe inspiring fear..that the most high is willingly to love you and save your soul..with both the love and fear of God..can one truely be free..
no it is not wrong in moderation, but I find christians pursue it to the detriment of everything else, esp some branches...