Originally posted by domonkassyu:y all must undergnd de??i not running undergnd biz like some church i knw of leh..haha..and build undergnd very ex..
something differnent.
also have big concert hall to house in all the fav singers
Originally posted by domonkassyu:den how come some nubcakes can get at lv 41 or 43??
Impossible lol. Wat pet they using?
Originally posted by Fantagf:
something differnent.also have big concert hall to house in all the fav singers
like super mall liao..
Originally posted by Midlusionz:Impossible lol. Wat pet they using?
king bangladash..
gtg to my sch liao..sianzz...by noah,fantagf,midlusionz..see ya again..
Originally posted by domonkassyu:king bangladash..
gtg to my sch liao..sianzz...by noah,fantagf,midlusionz..see ya again..
Kk, byebye
Originally posted by domonkassyu:i guess no matter how anyone interpret, the safest and best way is to reconfirm it with the bible to see if its consistent with God's nature and personality..sure wont go wrong..
no leh..maybe just another rumor that raised my hope of using alucard again in an upgraded graphic SotN
But then wun it be back to square one? wat if the person reading the bible perceive differently wif another? i think there r some pple in the world who thinks 1 + 1 doesn't necessary equals 2... :D ...and u see...brey still refuses to answer my question :)
u can look at the gaming websites, the new 3D CV on PS3 stars alucard...but it isn't SOTN.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:But then wun it be back to square one? wat if the person reading the bible perceive differently wif another? i think there r some pple in the world who thinks 1 + 1 doesn't necessary equals 2... :D ...and u see...brey still refuses to answer my question :)
u can look at the gaming websites, the new 3D CV on PS3 stars alucard...but it isn't SOTN.
the basics of the bible are all the same, and there are no two ways to interpret this. I think that the word of G_d is very clear as to how He expects us to live our lives.
I will answer it when you tell me which feast.. .till now you still have not said which one, unless you don't know? ; )
how can the world be created in a mere 6 days? thats ludicrous. 2009 years ago, if you told the people earth was created in 6 days, people would have accepted it without any doubt, cos science and technology then were non existent.
humans cun do it in 6 days but we r not toking abt a human being here...unless u see God as a mere human being...
to rooney9
its going to be an apple orange argument if we continue cos our perceptions of God is alredi diff to begin wif...u view God as a mere mortal, limited by time n space n is exhaustible...christians dun view God in such a manner...wif tis, i rest my case...
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:But then wun it be back to square one? wat if the person reading the bible perceive differently wif another? i think there r some pple in the world who thinks 1 + 1 doesn't necessary equals 2... :D ...and u see...brey still refuses to answer my question :)
u can look at the gaming websites, the new 3D CV on PS3 stars alucard...but it isn't SOTN.
thats where the congregation and the elders comes in lor..say eg im a noob..i read the bible and perceived topic A as such..during a group study..i voice out my interpretation and is corrected by say an elder..but he cant just say im wrong..he have to show me why im wrong..with other verses..that will all prove to be in line with what he said..that is the consistency i was saying..so from there..if im not convinced..i will find other verses to "debate" with..so either way, its either i learn the truth..or they learn the truth..and both will benefit no matter what..just like if chuck norris were to fight chuck norris..winner will be chuck norris..u ask brey many qns leh...
hmm..if only they remake it with better graphics..actually alot of ps game if remake without much alteration will be very good..can earn another round of money without doing much...
Originally posted by Rooney9:how can the world be created in a mere 6 days? thats ludicrous. 2009 years ago, if you told the people earth was created in 6 days, people would have accepted it without any doubt, cos science and technology then were non existent.
bro..if you read my simplified bible thread..you will understand the meaning of 6 days..and science and tech was ard too..people in the past were more perfect than people now..
o well my ark was build perfectly
without science and tech ..too
Till now Science cant figure out
how the great ark was able to build
without the help of sicence and tech too
Originally posted by noahnoah:
o well my ark was build perfectly
without science and tech ..too
Till now Science cant figure out
how the great ark was able to build
without the help of sicence and tech too
no to mention it was built by an old man in his 80s-100s...and how he managed to get every animals 2 each according to its species and kinds..
well, he had a book called how to built an ark without techologies and science for dummy..author.God..
speaking abt the ark..the size and shape of it was way too technological advance..that the titanic was inspired with that design.
Originally posted by domonkassyu:no to mention it was built by an old man in his 80s-100s...and how he managed to get every animals 2 each according to its species and kinds..
well, he had a book called how to built an ark without techologies and science for dummy..author.God..
speaking abt the ark..the size and shape of it was way too technological advance..that the titanic was inspired with that design.
the funnie thing was that each and every pair
of animals were able to stay in harmony
without eating up one and another !!
and dun forget they neet to poo too
Can u imagine the smell? i think there must be
some sort of advance system that flushes
away the urine and watever waste matter!!
Originally posted by noahnoah:
the funnie thing was that each and every pairof animals were able to stay in harmony
without eating up one and another !!
and dun forget they neet to poo too
Can u imagine the smell? i think there must be
some sort of advance system that flushes
away the urine and watever waste matter!!
they are in an ark..and whats under them??water and more water...where else u wanna dump the waste that eventually became very fertile soil??hehehe...
as for them staying in harmony..God had said that the lion will lie beside the cow and eat grass..so i think its ok...im just curious how he managed to collect so many animals in so little time..its just ard 40 years if im not wrong..and he got to build the ark..
and dont forget the food supply...how it was kept fresh even for the animals..
Look at tis"
Most Hebrew scholars believe the cubit to have been between 17½ -21½ inches long. This means that the ark would have been 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high if the 18 inch cubit was used. If a larger cubit was used it would have been proportionately longer.
The displacement tonnage of the ark, which is the weight of water it would displace at a draught of 15 cubits, would be more than 22,000 tons. By comparison the U.S.S. Salem, a 716-foot-long heavy cruiser commissioned in 1949, has a displacement tonnage of 21,500 tons. The ark's gross tonnage which is a measure of cubic space (100 cubic feet is one gross ton) would be 15,100 tons. The ark's total volume would have been 1,518,000 cubic feet. This would equal the capacity of 569 modern railroad stock cars. The standard size for a stock car is 44 feet long and a volume of 2670 cubic feet. This would make a train more than 5 ½ miles long. The floor space for the ark would be over 101,000 square feet
The following calculations show the amount of the ark space that would be required to carry the stated number of animals, based on the average size of a sheep.
40,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 445,000 ft3 OR | 445,000 ft 3 1,518,750 ft3 |
× 100 = 29% of the Ark's capacity |
35,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 389,375 ft3 OR | 389,375 ft3 1,518,750 ft3 |
× 100 = 25% of the Ark's capacity |
16,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 178,000 ft3 OR (kind = genus taxon) |
178,000 ft3 1,518,750 ft3 |
× 100 = 11.7% of the Ark's capacity |
2,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 22,250 ft3 OR (kind = family taxon) |
22,250 ft3 1,518,750 ft3 |
× 100 = 1.4% of the Ark's capacity |
Many writers on the subject of Noah's ark have different estimates for the amount of animals that the ark would have to carry. Doctors Morris and Whitcomb in their book, The Genesis Flood, estimate that approximately 35,000 animals were placed on board the ark. In another book written on the subject, Noah's Ark - A Feasibility Study, John Woodmorappe states that only about 2,000 animals would have to be on the ark. Being rather conservative he continues his study with the assumption that 16,000 animals could easily be cared for on the ark.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
Look at tis"
Most Hebrew scholars believe the cubit to have been between 17½ -21½ inches long. This means that the ark would have been 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high if the 18 inch cubit was used. If a larger cubit was used it would have been proportionately longer.
The displacement tonnage of the ark, which is the weight of water it would displace at a draught of 15 cubits, would be more than 22,000 tons. By comparison the U.S.S. Salem, a 716-foot-long heavy cruiser commissioned in 1949, has a displacement tonnage of 21,500 tons. The ark's gross tonnage which is a measure of cubic space (100 cubic feet is one gross ton) would be 15,100 tons. The ark's total volume would have been 1,518,000 cubic feet. This would equal the capacity of 569 modern railroad stock cars. The standard size for a stock car is 44 feet long and a volume of 2670 cubic feet. This would make a train more than 5 ½ miles long. The floor space for the ark would be over 101,000 square feet
The following calculations show the amount of the ark space that would be required to carry the stated number of animals, based on the average size of a sheep.
40,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 445,000 ft3 OR 445,000 ft 3
1,518,750 ft3 × 100 = 29% of the Ark's capacity 35,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 389,375 ft3 OR 389,375 ft3
1,518,750 ft3 × 100 = 25% of the Ark's capacity 16,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 178,000 ft3 OR
(kind = genus taxon) 178,000 ft3
1,518,750 ft3 × 100 = 11.7% of the Ark's capacity 2,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 22,250 ft3 OR
(kind = family taxon) 22,250 ft3
1,518,750 ft3 × 100 = 1.4% of the Ark's capacity
Many writers on the subject of Noah's ark have different estimates for the amount of animals that the ark would have to carry. Doctors Morris and Whitcomb in their book, The Genesis Flood, estimate that approximately 35,000 animals were placed on board the ark. In another book written on the subject, Noah's Ark - A Feasibility Study, John Woodmorappe states that only about 2,000 animals would have to be on the ark. Being rather conservative he continues his study with the assumption that 16,000 animals could easily be cared for on the ark.
wah..very technical...as according to NIV version..genesis 7:1-4 he was to take in 7 of each male/female of clean and 2 of each of unclean..as according to its various kinds..7:3 mentioned the various kinds..which means the darwin evolution theory as mistaken..birds and animals even fishes were able to adapt to their surroundings at different circumstances..for darwin point the birds of his that some had larger beaks while some had smaller..he call it evolution.but in his theory, creatures will eventually evolved into something else totally..like ape to man..some land dwelling dog like creature to the eventual whale..this would be wrong..
adapting to differenct settings will only cause the creature to develop little changes even in the physical sense so it will be able to better survive..this adaptibility and possible genetic mutation is already mapped out by God when he created stuff...
and such a huge vessel ends up not being found at all..no traces..no nothing..just imagine the amount of trees needed to build the ark..
Nice Pic!!
me also planning to build
one like this:
Originally posted by noahnoah:
Nice Pic!!
yep..but the lion looks whimpy..
Originally posted by breytonhartge:the basics of the bible are all the same, and there are no two ways to interpret this. I think that the word of G_d is very clear as to how He expects us to live our lives.
I will answer it when you tell me which feast.. .till now you still have not said which one, unless you don't know? ; )
If the basics of the bible are all the same, then u should perceive Jesus & Yeshua as the same person. Jesus is written in the bible! regardless of wat churches teach.
i dun quite get the "tell you which feast"...can u repeat ur question? :)
Originally posted by domonkassyu:thats where the congregation and the elders comes in lor..say eg im a noob..i read the bible and perceived topic A as such..during a group study..i voice out my interpretation and is corrected by say an elder..but he cant just say im wrong..he have to show me why im wrong..with other verses..that will all prove to be in line with what he said..that is the consistency i was saying..so from there..if im not convinced..i will find other verses to "debate" with..so either way, its either i learn the truth..or they learn the truth..and both will benefit no matter what..just like if chuck norris were to fight chuck norris..winner will be chuck norris..u ask brey many qns leh...
hmm..if only they remake it with better graphics..actually alot of ps game if remake without much alteration will be very good..can earn another round of money without doing much...
haha...so im not wrong to say.....again it boils down to how one perceives :)
u can check out the new CV on PS3...great graphics like god of war.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:If the basics of the bible are all the same, then u should perceive Jesus & Yeshua as the same person. Jesus is written in the bible! regardless of wat churches teach.
i dun quite get the "tell you which feast"...can u repeat ur question? :)
how hard is the question, tell me which feast of Yahweh you want to discuss first... by your answer you clearly show me that you do not even know what the feasts of Yahweh are.
no way I will ever precieve the church's jesus as Yeshua. They are different people altogether.
Originally posted by +Sikoyo+:haha...so im not wrong to say.....again it boils down to how one perceives :)
u can check out the new CV on PS3...great graphics like god of war.
i would stick to how one perceive didnt matter because when compared with the bible...the consistency of God's personality will show..the only eg i can think of is say im a foreigner..i got the huge thick book of how lee kuan yew wrote about his life...i got no idea who he is in the beginning..nor the chance to talk to him as he is so high up..but i got the damn book..luckily at $1 from bras basah complex..
the first thing i will learn is he is call lky..the church omitted the name of God and subtituted it with titles even though the name of God appeared more than 7000 time in both testament..
so as i read on the book of lky..i (assuming there is no whitewashing..), i come to realize what kind of a leader and person he is and believe in him,makin him my idol..and i began to hear ppl calling him names and negative remarks..so i can only re check it with that damn book i have in hand and refute those name calling assholes..because i cant talk to lky personally..so thats how i dare say i understand God better than many long time christians or even high level clergymen out there..
like GoW ar??hmm..i like my side scrolling..PS2 LoI and the other one didnt really interest me for long...see liao den sianzzz..