If God does not judge Its people,there is no authority or right for us to judge others.The bible says let the one who is sinless cast the first stone and all the people feel guilty because we all have sinned before.God says even if you are right, you also should not judge but forgive one another.I admit that I am also too judgmental.Judgmentalism hurts others and brings damages to the world.
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:If God does not judge Its people,there is no authority or right for us to judge others.The bible says let the one who is sinless cast the first stone and all the people feel guilty because we all have sinned before.God says even if you are right, you also should not judge but forgive one another.I admit that I am also too judgmental.Judgmentalism hurts others and brings damages to the world.
But you can scorn can't you to tell what is right what is wrong.
So SCORN!!!!!
Well what you wrote is true however if you do not rebuke satan(literal or evil spirit) when it comes to bug you you're letting it to do more damage to you. The same with people whose lives are an insult to God(and to his fellow misunfortunate men). I'm surprised that with money people would terrify believers into submission and accordingly they 'disavowed' God. I say FUC* THEM. No wonder so many Christian lives are sterile.....what is worse than being a sterile Christians. The rituals would save or cheerish you?! If I were them I would turn into a complete evil. I'm not saying you have to be a saint or take up arms but for God's sake stand up to evil. Your god is not evil but the God of Abraham who shone His face to the people of Israel. One potent Christian could do a thousand more than a million sterile Christians.
And Jesus did condemn the Pharisee then.
Peter condemned a couple to death too.
You see what you wrote is not aplicable to any situation. In some situation it's better and it is expected to take your stand and show the other that they were wrong. If they don't listen wait for reinforcement from God LOL while enduring whatever insult and persecution yourway. In time(luckily it's a one way journey) you'll be proven right if you remain faithful.
Do not judge, do not condemn, but do not be afraid to admonish the sinner. If you don't speak up, then you are a partner in crime.
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:If God does not judge Its people,there is no authority or right for us to judge others.The bible says let the one who is sinless cast the first stone and all the people feel guilty because we all have sinned before.God says even if you are right, you also should not judge but forgive one another.I admit that I am also too judgmental.Judgmentalism hurts others and brings damages to the world.
it's taken rather out of context by ongsoonsiang.
the crowd which Jesus addressed to, at that point of time, were thirsty for blood, and was about to stone a woman in adultary to death. and they questioned Jesus, to test Him, wanting him to trap Himself with His own words.
If He allowed the woman to live, He would indirectly be saying, that he condone her sinful actions, thus He is over-riding the law, and they could use it against Him.
But if He allowed them to stone the woman to death, He wouldn't be the "sheperd who came to seek and save the lost", because He didn't love her enough to save her.
But instead, Jesus, in His wisdom, didn't disallow anyone to stone her, which was right by the law. but He pointed out the hypocrisy of the action. Can anyone stone her without any hypocrisy? and everyone knew they couldn't, so they left.
and Jesus, being the sinless one, could have stoned her, but chose to give grace, and grant her 2nd chance in life. "Go, and sin no more."
being judgemental would mean you're pointing out the errors of others, without the intention to help the person better themselves. you're more concerned with the wrongdoing than the person who did it. you're eager to point fingers, to shame and ridicue.
but God didn't tell us to ignore sins. in fact the bible said in Galatians 6:1 - Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.
and TS was wrong in saying that God does not judge. God judged the isrealites throughout the old testament. Jesus himself judged the outward holiness of the pharasees and teachers of the law, condemning them for putting burdens on the people without lifting a finger to help.
and Jesus do judge the sins of the prostitutes and money collectors. But He could see right through their hearts, and acted accordingly. And there was repentance. sometimes he also became harsh, and beat up those people who desecrated God's temple by turning it into a marketplace.
You'll notice Jesus especially went against the teachers of the law, because they weren't holy inside, but acted holy outside.
so i totally disagree with everything TS said
i think not to judge but to discern
Imagine a world with no judgement. There'd be no individualism. How boring!
Jesus preached the gospel of love and forgiveness.Jesus said we are to love one another and forgive one another.That means we cannot judge because to judge is to comdemn and that is not love and forgiveness.
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Jesus preached the gospel of love and forgiveness.Jesus said we are to love one another and forgive one another.That means we cannot judge because to judge is to comdemn and that is not love and forgiveness.
hmm u must be clear in what u say leh TS. if u're talking about.. say we see a prostitute, then we look at her in disgust and say she is low class, a sinner etc.
then yeah i agree with u ba.
but if you're saying that... we should ignore when ppl does something wrong, i think i hv to disagree.
Originally posted by rlsh07:i think not to judge but to discern
I think so too.
Discern is a better word when come to differentiate what is right or wrong.
Jesus did 'judge' the Pharisee.
SingaporeMacross got it right I think like the others: If you don't speak up you're a partner in crime. Or if you're the victim you owe it to yourself to speak up at the very least lest they continue their abuse of you or worse somebody else.
Judge not, so shall you not be judged.Comdemn not, so shall you not be comdemned.Forgive, so shall you be forgived.
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Judge not, so shall you not be judged.Comdemn not, so shall you not be comdemned.Forgive, so shall you be forgived.
so does that mean that a Christian cannot be a magistrate (judge) or a Christian cannot moderate a singing competition like Singapore Idol (a judge)????
i fully agree with what dumb2 had written, and that you've taken the scripture out of context.
... and by the way the spelling is CONDEMN not COMDEMN! You see I just judged that you made a wrong spelling....
I agree with dumbdumb too...and it is really dangerous to quote scripture out of contex. If you do quote them, at least be able to explain.....like dumbdumb did with the stoning of the prostitue (or rather, not stoning).
Sadly though, many Christians are very judgmental. Some usual comments heard, if you're a Christian from:
A small church: Small church= no blessing from God = not walking right with God
A megachurch: Megachurch = evil = going to hell
Dressing trendy: Oh! Your clothes have pictures of the skull. Satanic!
Dressing plainly: You dress too old-fashioned, not attractive. Not walking right with God.
Seems ludicrous, right? But I hear these views quite often.
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:it's taken rather out of context by ongsoonsiang.
the crowd which Jesus addressed to, at that point of time, were thirsty for blood, and was about to stone a woman in adultary to death. and they questioned Jesus, to test Him, wanting him to trap Himself with His own words.
If He allowed the woman to live, He would indirectly be saying, that he condone her sinful actions, thus He is over-riding the law, and they could use it against Him.
But if He allowed them to stone the woman to death, He wouldn't be the "sheperd who came to seek and save the lost", because He didn't love her enough to save her.
But instead, Jesus, in His wisdom, didn't disallow anyone to stone her, which was right by the law. but He pointed out the hypocrisy of the action. Can anyone stone her without any hypocrisy? and everyone knew they couldn't, so they left.
and Jesus, being the sinless one, could have stoned her, but chose to give grace, and grant her 2nd chance in life. "Go, and sin no more."
Actually what happened was that there was a travesty of the law. It is weird nobody pointed that out.
According to the Old Testament:
Leviticus 20
10 If a man commits adultery with the wife of* his neighbour, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.
So where is the man? ;p
Originally posted by Icemoon:
Actually what happened was that there was a travesty of the law. It is weird nobody pointed that out.According to the Old Testament:
So where is the man? ;p
I read somewhere that some Bible scholars theorised that the adulterer could have been 1 of the Pharisees Lol.
Originally posted by Durotar:I read somewhere that some Bible scholars theorised that the adulterer could have been 1 of the Pharisees
It is certainly possible. Hehe.
My understanding is that not every events in the bible happened as it is......and the bible was written much later. The events are passed down as oral traditions.
However, the teachings and meaning behind such events are important as in this case. It shows the wisdom of Jesus (as point out by dumbdumb), the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the grace of God (in forgiving the sins) and everything else that dumbdumb has said.
So becareful when quoting bible verses....
Important point - God does not contradict his teachings.