Originally posted by Philip Pullman:is it meant for foolish christians only?
Top Ten Signs You're a Foolish Christian
10. You vigorously preach the existence of God, yet you frequently blame other supernatural beings for all the evils in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.
9. You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when evolutionists say that people evolved from micro-organisms, but you have no problem with the creationist claim that we all were created in the image and likeness of a god, sans his superpowers.
8. You criticize Atheists who believe in science and evidence, and say that it can't possibly be true because they're just phenomena created by god, yet you never question the bible which was written and sanctioned by mere men.
7. You can't seem to understand the primary differences between fundamental Muslims and fundamental Christians (Muslims believe in the god while Christians adores the holy man).
6. You say that evolution is full of fairytales, yet you believe all life forms including plants, trees, insects, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals were created from a snap of the finger - As if the bible isnÂ’t the biggest fairytale of them all.
5. You laugh at the scientists, even though they have calculated the odds of life forming by natural processes to be estimated less than 1 chance in 10 to the 40,000 power, much less than the number of galaxies in the universe – But you find nothing wrong with believing that the universe, billions of years old, was created only ten thousend years ago.
4. You accuse fundamental Muslims of being intolerant, judgmental and hateful, while you foam at the mouth calling them freaking lunatics, ignorant, weak-minded, stupid fundies, and hateful bigots.
3. You ignore scientific concepts like cause and effect, and you don't realize that a closed system can be defined however the observer wants, so you throw out technological phrases to try to ignore the implications of thermodynamics by saying the laws of physics are not set in stone.
2. While all evidence, logic and reasoning point to evolution and absolute truth, you prefer to hide behind relativism and a theory of creationism which does not, in fact, describe the creation of the universe at all, or why concepts of good and evil or morality exist.
1. Christianity fails to adequately explain the existence of forever evolving world, for it rejects the existence of an eternally changing universe. Christianity cannot offer man any eternal significance whatsoever. Flase hope in afterlife is insufficient, for then we live to await death -- there is no purpose in a universe full of supernatural overtone.
Actually have your considered this?Originally posted by Phaze:I did consider that at first. However, I disagree with your apologia.
To fundamentalist Christians, all atheists are fools.
It comes from Psalm 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."
The standard answer is coz he wants you to have faith.Originally posted by stupidissmart:The author just copy the top 10 signs u r a foolish christian and recycle it to become top 10 sign u r a foolish atheist. The stupiest thing is they deny science regularly
And i don't understand why is it difficult for an omnipotent god to make human believe in him.If he is real, and sincerely want people to believe in him, then why he did such a bad job given he is omnipotent.
Non-religious don't care what the religious believe? Then why are you arguing and why are atheists bashing religion? It used to be the religious ones who interfere but now the atheists are starting to do it too.Originally posted by Phaze:There still are religious fanatics. It's just that the non-religious are finally finding their voice.
I think for the most part, the non-religious don't really care what the religious believe. The problem is the religious like to interfere with the lives of others.
lovely.Originally posted by Phaze:The standard answer is coz he wants you to have faith.
you need to be more specific here. How would you define scolding and does it have any connections to atheists being ''judgmental..etc...''Originally posted by extrinsic:sorry, i only read point 4, since u quoted in red.
my views are, they (christian) started it first.
i was first told:
- u dun believe in christian, u die in hell
- u dun believe in christian, u r foolish, ignorant.
- without jesus, there is no U
- u are all sinned, no matter wad u do. but believe in jesus, then u will b spared of sins.
i dunno abt most of the ppl here, they are the ones who started the scolding first.
Allow me, a flame thread is constructed by two elements: the TS and the repliers.Originally posted by gigabyte14:flame thread![]()
can't be helped.... no garmen!Originally posted by gigabyte14:flame thread![]()
yes, its fairOriginally posted by davidche:Allow me, a flame thread is constructed by two elements: the TS and the repliers.
From what i see, "foolish" is just a word used by and subjected to the TS. Anyone could judge the TS merely based on that word alone and reach negative conclusions not only about the person but also the religion he is associated with.
But is it fair?
The standard answer is coz he wants you to have faith.I don't know about u guys but people need to have reason to have faith. And god expect people to have faith just because... eh... a book nobody can claim they understand fully ? Furthermore there r many books out there telling facinating stories as well. How do u know which book is which ? An omnipotent being can come out with a better system isn't it ?
you are so horrible... what had the crocodiles done to deserve this ?...Originally posted by Demonight:aaah..if only we could put religious fundamentalists and atheists in a pit full of very hungry crocodiles..sigh..we can only dream
lol .. have you read Dawkins, SIS? Betcha will love his books if you have not done so.Originally posted by stupidissmart:I don't know about u guys but people need to have reason to have faith. And god expect people to have faith just because... eh... a book nobody can claim they understand fully ? Furthermore there r many books out there telling facinating stories as well. How do u know which book is which ? An omnipotent being can come out with a better system isn't it ?
Well, I do admit that it's not as much of a problem in Singapore because we are mostly a secular society, but as I mentioned earlier, the beliefs of the religious do affect the non-religious.Originally posted by jondizzle foshizzle:Non-religious don't care what the religious believe? Then why are you arguing and why are atheists bashing religion? It used to be the religious ones who interfere but now the atheists are starting to do it too.
agree wif u!Originally posted by jondizzle foshizzle:Non-religious don't care what the religious believe? Then why are you arguing and why are atheists bashing religion? It used to be the religious ones who interfere but now the atheists are starting to do it too.
When my niece asks me if evolution really occurs and if we really descended from monkeys, I'm concerned.*clap* *clap* *clap*
When a friend of mine gives all his money to the church and barely has any savings because first of all, god will provide and secondly, the Rapture is at hand, I am concerned.
When people think that the Bible is the written, infallible word of god and live their lives by it, I am concerned.
So maybe I wasn't completely accurate. I don't care, for the most part, what people believe as long as it doesn't affect me.
But the beliefs of people I care about affect me.
The beliefs of people I don't care about, but who help shape policy and the society that I live it, affect me.
How about me? They wonder why this fellow go to church but like forever not baptised.Originally posted by stupidissmart:*clap* *clap* *clap*
I am not joking... when i read tat, I felt I have experienced the same thing as u.
I myself also faced many people who r becoming believers
I have friends tat stop interacting with people from other areas after they become christian
I have friends who is complaining tat he have no money, and even borrow money to make ends meet, yet give generously to church
I have friends who after becoming christians, suddenly don't believe in evolution and say it is a lie. And when i talk about it with them, they have no answers but just display blind obedience to the religion
I have friends, who after becoming christian, suddenly have no time for anything he wanna do. He have to spend 2 days a week in church activity
I have a friend who asked me to go to church with him. When I refuse I never see him ever
I know a person who write a lot of words praising god in every page in his industrial attachment notes. He got reprimanded by his supervisor
And now we even have rules set by religious people pushing their agenda.
All the above stories r trueI am worried. To me is seems tat people r drawn to something like a vacuum and then become a changed person. And it is not for the better. They seemed to lost their rationality
actually, sometimes, you can attend the service, sit through the service without anyone knowing you were there...Originally posted by Icemoon:How about me? They wonder why this fellow go to church but like forever not baptised.![]()