Originally posted by MrSotong:[/b]
Hi ,
I , myself , is a Christian and I found this website.
I make myself clear , I'm not here to make any trouble or misunderstanding so please do not be offended by the website either.
A few Qs from that website :
Why didn't God tell Adam and Eve about hell?
1. God did tell Adam and Eve the consequences about their actions back in eden.
Why didn't Jonah tell the people of Ninevah about it?
2. I think the people of Ninevah understood Jonah enuff to repent immediately.
Why did Peter never once mention hell in his sermon on the day of Pentecost?
3. Not sure.
Why didn't Paul tell the idol worshipers in Athens about hell?
4. Not sure.
Did Jesus ever say the word hell?
5. Yes.
If Jesus took our punishment and if that punishment is eternity in Hell, shouldn't He still be there?
6. Some christians believe Jesus went to hell and came back after three days, but not all becoz it is not explicitly mentioned in the bible.
Do you "try" to love God because you feel you have to?
7. Yup sometimes.
Are you afraid of someone you love going to hell?
8. Who isn't?
Would you like to know that no one will spend eternity in
hell ?
9. Yes, but that wont happen.
Can any kind soul answer for me ?
your point being???? BTW the link u provided is not Christian. Doctrinally sound Christians believe in a literal hell for sinners.
Originally posted by specialOps:actually where do the christians get the idea that there will be an eternal hell?
To summarise all into one single answer...it is simply because the warning from hell doesn't save people, it is the knowledge of the love of GOd that saves.
Because of extremist Chrsitians, some people view Christianity as a fearsome thing, as just about a warning from hell.
Hell is a reality. You read about it many times in the bible. There is hell, prepared for not just satan, but also people who will not repent.
Some inclusive-doctrine "christians" say no humans will go to hell, that's not true, you can read revelations and see that there were multitudes of people who were sent there at the very end.
[b]Love that saves
By going around just telling people: If you don't believe you go hell, what do you think people's impression of God will become?
The image of God will be misrepresented and people will think that Christians and God Himself are extremists, crazy, selfish people.
You are right that many of the apostles didn't mention hell, because they reached out in love.
Look at the method they used, sometimes they do not even mention God first, but their first intention was to help people, give hope, give love, and naturally the love that is unconditional leads them to know God.
don't bluff lah .. love and hell doesn't go together.Originally posted by specialOps:The theme of the bible is God's love for His people.
where?? then explain Psalm 104:35?Originally posted by specialOps:Haven't I already said?
It is clearly said in the bible in various parts, in the gospel, in the old testament, in book of Revelation...but its not the main theme.
The theme of the bible is God's love for His people.
are you sure there will people burning in hell?Originally posted by specialOps:No bluff you.
It is not intended for God to send the same people He love to hell.
But because of justice, if one chooses not to turn back after knowing the truth, there's no choice.
what justice? change the constitution or penal code can liao lor.Originally posted by specialOps:No bluff you.
It is not intended for God to send the same people He love to hell.
But because of justice, if one chooses not to turn back after knowing the truth, there's no choice.
Even our president more powerful .. can give pardon to death row criminals.Originally posted by specialOps:But because of justice, if one chooses not to turn back after knowing the truth, there's no choice.
Haha...I'm extremely curious which church u go to...Originally posted by breytonhartge:where?? then explain Psalm 104:35?
I beg to differ with you, the main theme for the Tanakh and the Brit Chadashah is about how to live your life according to Yahweh's requirements.
The chinese has hell and even Catholicism, Islam and Judaism have concept of purgatory. You can think of purgatory as temporary hell.Originally posted by specialOps:Changing the law will make God an unjust God where evil can get away with it.
President pardon death....ever met a President who would send His son to be trialled and punished on your behalf, so that you can be pardoned?
I think that is a strawman - the bible is not about "you don't do this, I punish". Brey certainly doesn't think that way (I hopeOriginally posted by specialOps:The entire overall theme of the bible is NOT about "you don't do this, i punish". It is about God's love for His people, that He wish He did not ever have to execute justice.
No I do not think that way... it is about how we should be living our lives according to how Hashem would have wanted it. Thus He has given us so many examples of great men and women of Yahweh who have responded to His love and lived their lives accordingly. But it does also tell us of the consequences should we choose our own way...Originally posted by Icemoon:I think that is a strawman - the bible is not about "you don't do this, I punish". Brey certainly doesn't think that way (I hope)
What he is saying is essentially this - God, if I love you, what should I do?
All the talk about God's love for His people is .. talk only. The important part is how should you respond. How did the biblical characters respond? What they did right and wrong?
Yahweh's requirements take up more than just Sh'mot(exodus) they are also covered in Beresheet(Genesis), Vayikra(Leviticus), B'midbar(Numbers), Devarim(Deuteronomy), they are also found in Hebrews, in the Gospels, in Revelations, in Mishlei (Proverbs), in Tehillim(Psalms) and any other book found in the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah.Originally posted by specialOps:Haha...I'm extremely curious which church u go to...
God's requirements only take up a small part of the bible, mainly in Exodus, listed as the Ten Commandments, and reiterated by Jesus that the Law basically means to love God and to love people.
The rest of the bible is about ??? Its about God's provision, deliverance, grace, plan for our salvation, plans to bless us, prosper us.
What is going from Egypt to Israel about? It is about deliverance from oppression and lack, into freedom and prosperity.
What is David's story about? It is despite his weaknesses, because of His love for God, his sins were forgiven and God blessed him greatly.
What is Song of Solomons about? What is Revelation about....and the many many many books.
The entire overall theme of the bible is NOT about "you don't do this, i punish". It is about God's love for His people, that He wish He did not ever have to execute justice.
I suppose it isOriginally posted by specialOps:Before I answer further, are u a Jew?
Have u been to a theological college before?
Or are you just a nut?
For most Christians,Originally posted by breytonhartge:Ok next question now that you know about the love of Hashem for you, what are you going to do about it? Now that you have your grace, what do you do? What is the next level?
Why do you call him a nut?Originally posted by specialOps:Or are you just a nut?
Originally posted by Icemoon:thank you for answering... kekeke
I suppose it is
why do you presume so many things? and why is someone a nut just because their ideology does not suit yours...Originally posted by specialOps:Before I answer further, are u a Jew?
Have u been to a theological college before?
Or are you just a nut?
I would be interested in the protestant's view of "understanding the cross"...Originally posted by Icemoon:In Protestant theology, the Cross is the symbol of victory through defeat. Without a good understanding of the Cross, Protestantism would not be born.