What is new? Even if something is written in black and white, you can still say it is man made .. for example the New TestamentThen why put halfway black and white halfway oral ? Even scholars said tat the OT is full of glitches and loopholes while the oral traditional contradicts one another. Then nothing is really consistent and u believe wat u wanna believe
It is mentioned in the Garden of Eden account in Genesis, albeit a bit cryptically.Please show it to me more explicitly
Actually God did punish them, but not by using bolts of lightnings.The punishment is not even harsh and it is still unfair
Let me give the readers a clue. Here is a [partial] list of the 12 tribes of Israel, arranged in order of seniority, i.e. older brother comes first:
1. Reuben
2. Simeon
3. Levi
4. Judah
Wah .. so coincidental hor .. two of our characters are in the list!
Here is another clue - has anyone stopped to think why the scepter will come out of Judah? I mean come on .. Judah is not even the firstborn.
what long time? how long have you been here?Originally posted by Creation1656:Icemoon, I wanted to aske you this question for a long time. Are you an ex-christian?
G-d Bless
Originally posted by stupidissmart:What halfway black and white and halfway oral?
[b]Then why put halfway black and white halfway oral ? Even scholars said tat the OT is full of glitches and loopholes while the oral traditional contradicts one another. Then nothing is really consistent and u believe wat u wanna believe
Please show it to me more explicitlyTaichi the arrow to Creation1656.
The punishment is not even harsh and it is still unfair Is tat even a punihsment ?You say leh? Over the Isaac and Ishmael issue, two groups of people arguing for thousand of years liao. To lose the scepter to the descendants of your younger brother, you will tui2 man ..
Here is what I call a sovereign God.Originally posted by Creation1656:Many people will be suprised that in Judaism, Satan works for G-d.
Please show it to me more expilicitlyAll the 7 laws of Noah can be found in Genesis.
Please show it to me more expilicitlyAll the 7 laws of Noah can be found in Genesis.
I think that's a very naive and self-comforting doctrine.Originally posted by Creation1656:Many people will be suprised that in Judaism, Satan works for G-d. Satan means to obstructs, an adversary. Some rabbis even take the position that satanic forces is the greatest blessing that G-d has given humankind. Satan is used by G-d to train us, to build our muscle. This position will freak out many people especially christians.
Icemoon, I wanted to aske you this question for a long time. Are you an ex-christian?
G-d Bless
What halfway black and white and halfway oral?How come some facts r written while a lot r just oral ?
You say leh? Over the Isaac and Ishmael issue, two groups of people arguing for thousand of years liao. To lose the scepter to the descendants of your younger brother, you will tui2 man ..Tui ? I am still head of a tribe and I am still alive living till few hundred years enjoying the slaves and possessions I took from the other tribes. Is tat Tui ?
"Now the serpent was more crafety than any beast in the field that the LORD God has made. And he said to the women, Indeed has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden'". Genesis 3:1Tis is crazy. I read through the story and I still cannot see why u say tis is a law from god when it is the snake tat said everything. I think tis is twisting the whole story
1. Birkat Hashem. Do not utter G-d name in vain. The serpent lied using G-d name. G-d said that only one tree was forbidden, not all the trees. Adam and Eve were permitted to eat from all the trees except 'one'.
" For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil". Genesis 3:5
2. Avodah Zarah. There is only one sovereign G-d. The serpent again tried to convince Eve that she can be like G-d. Eve role in the garden was to help Adam, not to be like 'G-d".Tis is again ridiculous. I don't see the link between tis and a law made by god. Again it is the snake tat speaks and there is no mention of god teling the laws
"When the women saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her and he ate". Genesis 3:6
3. Gezel. Do not steal or theft. Taking things without permission is theft.I am pefectly honest here. I don't see the link from the bible to your proposed laws from god. These really is no link. In tat case the snae is the real god and he is just playing a fool with adam and eve
I have listed out three Laws or command. Icemoon has said that all the rest can be found in Genesis. See if you can find them.
Wake up your stupid idea. And no, that is not Judaism's belief either, that is satanists acting as christian believeWelcome to the club, brother. You too are suprised and you freak out. Maybe that is why Rabbi wears those funny beards and clothes .. to freak out people with funny ideas.
I don's see a link between tis and a law made by god."The LORD God said to the serpent,
Some points to ponder.Originally posted by specialOps:I think that's a very naive and self-comforting doctrine.
To say that satan works for God, is like saying he is God's friend. Then why did God condemn and cast him to eternal doom? If he is working for God, God should give him a throne.
Come on...stop deceiving yourself. God is not schizo and crazy.
In the bible, believers are thought to flee from temptation, escape from the snare of the devil, fight against the principalities of darkness, and you say he works for God?
Wake up your stupid idea. And no, that is not Judaism's belief either, that is satanists acting as christians believe.
Of course tui lah. Even historical circumstances don't favour them. See hor .. even Jews or the Kingdom of Judah is named principally after Judah.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Tui ? I am still head of a tribe and I am still alive living till few hundred years enjoying the slaves and possessions I took from the other tribes. Is tat Tui ?
In what ways is it self-comforting?Originally posted by specialOps:I think that's a very naive and self-comforting doctrine.
Ok .. case closed then.Originally posted by stupidissmart:I am pefectly honest here. I don't see the link from the bible to your proposed laws from god. These really is no link. In tat case the snae is the real god and he is just playing a fool with adam and eve
From the above G-d punish both Eve and the serpent for their transgressions.Com'on... the law tat is broke is they eat the fruit of wisdom. It is not stealing or only one god exists or do not utter god word in vain. I think the interpretation is too far fetch from the original doctrine.
Notice what G-d said to Eve in verse 16 compered to her earlier desire in verse 6.
To give an example. During the 1960's there is a practice of public canning for naughty boys in our school. Say student A, steal $1.00 from his classmate and was caught. The principal gave him 3 rotan in front of the school. His message to his students will be this. Stealing is wrong, break the law(whatever you call it), face the music.
Com'on la.. I already said they lived for so long, head of tribes and have the possessions and slaves from the tribe they killed and compared tis with burnt by fires from the sky or strike by lightning or god go down and strike them and having their culture, families all massacre, all their children as slaves forever and their possessions taken. Their lines is even considered to have stopped since all the males had died while these 2 still have their line continued forever. Now u compared the magnitude. Can u still tell me they tui ?
Of course tui lah. Even historical circumstances don't favour them. See hor .. even Jews or the Kingdom of Judah is named principally after Judah.
Because God knew if everything is left to the written document, then it will most likely be perverted later on. This is proven later on, when Christians perverted the written document and call it the Old Testament.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Nobody answered me tis question. Why leave out so many important points from the written document and had to rely on oral tradition ? Why leave it halfway written halfway spoken and the interpretation goes according to wat u like to believe ? If I believe the scripture more than oral, then I believe in scripture here. If I believe rabbi A more than Rabbi B here, I believe him here. Then everyone is believing in their own religion
Because God knew if everything is left to the written document, then it will most likely be perverted later on. This is proven later on, when Christians perverted the written document and call it the Old TestamentThe oral system is more perverted bah... u can add in anything u like and there is nowhere for u to verify. Everybody can become their own prophet
Com'on ... the law is broke is they eat the fruit of wisdom. It is not stealing or only one god exist or do not utter god words in vain.I beg to defer
But isn't the Bible a collection of books written by prophets?Originally posted by stupidissmart:The oral system is more perverted bah... u can add in anything u like and there is nowhere for u to verify. Everybody can become their own prophet
Originally posted by SumOne:When I speak my mind, I said it like it is. To the many who don't agree with me, it never bothers me. If you get shot, then it is like those who eat chillies feel hot. Truly, when I speak my mind, it is a reflection of my true self. I have no pretentions and I have no god to defend. If you think that is anger, then it is your prejudice. You have not really debunk my many statements but you think you are a pyschiatrist!
Irony to say the least.
I think you need to look back and examine your intentions. Your posts only continue to show the type of person you are. Posts like these continue to reflect your state of mind.
Somehow, I feel you just have a lot of anger inside. Please, [b]be tolerant and not prejudicial!.
To everyone else, just carry on your discussion.[/b]
I beg to deferThe law is only "do not eat from the tree of the wisdom of good and evil". Tat is the only law. U say the other things like there is only one god etc, to be frank I cannot see why u got tat conclusion from tis story. The serpent is punished because he encourage eve to eat the fruit. Tat is it. The other laws r not mentioned at all. U r not following the text at all
1. The serpent deliberately misquote G-d. For this the serpent was punished.
2. Eve desire in verse 6 was to be like G-d. Now, her desire will be for her husband, verse 16.
3. Eve also ate the fruit which G-d did not give them. She was punished.
Remenber, Break the Law (whatever you call it), face the music.
I hope, you can see clearly now that some people, even today, would try to live a moral life, along with some mistakes along the way. While some others are full of anger and hatred. I am sure that you will surely agree that it is our hope that our descendents inherit a world that is redeemed.There r people who r full of hatred and anger... and so ? U want a world tat is redeemed. But wat do u mean by redeemed ?
But isn't the Bible a collection of books written by prophets?I felt tat certain details r added from the oral system and can not be found in the written system. If everything is written, then it is interpretation of the bible and there is no such thing as an of oral system. If u say there r unsaid things, then I have to ask tis question is why leave the bible imcomplete ? For people to act as prophet and add watwever they want ? The prophet r supposed to be unique and specifically chosen by god, not any person who like to talk wat they think. Even in the biblew I thought men have to be careful of people who claim they r prophets.
The oral system expounds on the written system, not adding onto it. Furthermore there are many things unsaid in the written Bible. So it is incomplete to just refer to the written Bible.
U want a world tat is redeemed. But what do U mean by redeemed.A redeemed world. Olam Ha-Ba. The messianic age. A world characterized by the peaceful co-existance of all people and nations. Hatred, intolerance and wars will cease to exist. There will be no murder, robbery or jealousy, there will be no sin. The whole world will recognize Hashem as the only true G-d. A perfect world like the original garden of Eden.