I dunno the seventh day come liao or not ..Originally posted by maven2:But the OT tells us that God rested from all his work. Which led me to believe that the seventh day still has yet to come, in the chronological history of man. When that day comes, all creation will stop work and rest in God's presence. We call it by another name.
God didnt have a boss so his day was shortOriginally posted by Icemoon:How long was a "day"?
You guys have fun here with Mr No Sense of Humor.Before I get strike by lightning.....I am outta here!!Originally posted by TheGoodEarth:irrelevant reply. stick to the discussion as well as the context of the discussion.
if you cannot stick to the rules, face the consequences.
You are shocked BUT I m not surprised. Human nature has not changed before Christ and after Christ. So a bigot will remained one.Originally posted by Icemoon:wahah .. i kinda shocked unker eng edited TGE's reply.![]()
Originally posted by maven2:I'm starting this new thread to discuss the creation of Man. One of the motivating factors for starting this thread is that I believe, that only by understanding Man, his Creation and his Purpose, can we more fully understand God, Heaven and Hell.
Only discussions are encouraged here. Those who wish only to "prove" themselves correct and all-understanding are encouraged to go elsewhere. I encourage other users to also ignore anyone who chooses to do so, so that we can stick to topic and learn together. This is a thread intended at Christians, so some of the Basic premises are the Bible is infallibly correct. Non-Christians, too, are welcome to join, but I hope, you understand the basic premises. No argument must be made on the premise, because without an established premise there is no use discussing.
You contradict yourself here. Actually, you intend to make this an exclusive discussion for your own agenda. But you tried to be nice. Hypocrite!
This thread is aimed at discussing so that there will be mutual edification.
To get the ball rolling, I'll start with the first of the Discussion points:
Genesis 1 and 2 : The account of the Creation of Man.
Discussion point: The Seven Days of Creation were not physical 24-hour days. The Seventh day has not come and we are living in the Sixth Day.
.... are your continual post here is NOT for your own agenda? look's who's the hypocriteOriginally posted by TheGoodEarth:You contradict yourself here. Actually, you intend to make this an exclusive discussion for your own agenda. But you tried to be nice. Hypocrite!
exactly, which is why I am watching this thread closely..... 2-3 days huh.... wow... fast reader. took me longer than that to read Deathly Hallows.Originally posted by SturmDerSchatten:Hey, this is an interesting thread, but highly flammable if handled wrongly. I'm reading a book entitled "From Genesis to Genetics: The Case of Evolution and Creationism" by a "John A. Moore". Will get back to you guys when I've finished it (which should be in about 2-3 days).
Wow. 2-3 days is fast! I'm looking forward to your contributionOriginally posted by SturmDerSchatten:Hey, this is an interesting thread, but highly flammable if handled wrongly. I'm reading a book entitled "From Genesis to Genetics: The Case of Evolution and Creationism" by a "John A. Moore". Will get back to you guys when I've finished it (which should be in about 2-3 days).
Originally posted by Ironside:I always enjoy reading your replies. But I'm afraid I have to deviate a little with regards to some of your points.
[b]I dont think there was a "time" for the day.
God showed Moses how he created the earth. It must have been shown in parts else Moses might still be looking at it today.
Somewhat a movie where they fade to black and out to show the different things that happened over a course of a day. Maybe that's why he calls it evening and day.. hehehe
Each day, in my opinion was a purpose.
"My fathers still works till now, and I also work"
Here is my two cents worth:
The evangelical and dispensational scholars of the Bible have reached a consensus that the word "day" in Genesis refers to a 24 hour period.
If we let the Bible interpret itself, all speculations will be laid aside:
The word "day" in Genesis in Hebrew was also used in Exodus 20. And there in Exodus the word "day" means a literal 24-hour day.
Ex 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Joh 5:17 But Jesus answered them, "My Father has been working until now, and I have been working."
God has always been a worker. God created the universe in six days. And there after rested or ceased from His work of Creation. After that He began the work of Sustaining His creation.
When man fell, God then began His redemptive work. Soveriegnly controlling Providence for the Son to come into the world. Now He is still working preserving His redeemed, convicting sinners, saving sinners, sustaining His creation, controlling Providence, doing good to all [evil and good alike].
He is working. A new creation is coming: a new earth, a new heaven where righteousness dwells forever. For one to be a part of that, one must first be a new creature in Christ.
2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
The word "new" actually means to renew. And that entails work.
It always did? Wow. Is this the religion that starts with a J you were hinting?Originally posted by Icemoon:I dunno the seventh day come liao or not ..
but Judaism has always understood the Sabbath as pointing to the World to Come.
So it matches your theory.
I had scanned through that book before, interesting read but I tend to disagree with the author on certain areas.Originally posted by SturmDerSchatten:Hey, this is an interesting thread, but highly flammable if handled wrongly. I'm reading a book entitled "From Genesis to Genetics: The Case of Evolution and Creationism" by a "John A. Moore". Will get back to you guys when I've finished it (which should be in about 2-3 days).
The Torah doesn't talk about redundant things one. Every word is there for a reason. Every plot or subplot in the Torah invites us to something deeper. For example we sometimes find characters being introduced abruptly, then disappear after that. They seem to have no connection to the larger plot, but ..Originally posted by maven2:Besides as Icemoon pointed out earlier, the Jewish concept of day and night (sundown and sunrise) could not have existed in the first "3 days" because there was no sun! I think that his explanation seems more plausible at this moment.
how ah?Originally posted by laurence82:there is a way to read the original post![]()
I dunno why they like to choose SAC .. last time I was there also .. in the New Sanctuary.Originally posted by sillyme:Sorry to sidetrack.
There will be a conference on creation held by Creation Ministries International, in conjunction with St Andrew's Cathedral. It will be on ffrom October 4–6, 2007.
Please check here (http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/5204) for details.
These kind of conferences always have 1 sided views.Originally posted by Icemoon:I dunno why they like to choose SAC .. last time I was there also .. in the New Sanctuary.
Basically just a one sided [view] conference.
Maven .. want to go or not?![]()
I wonder what effect it has on those science students. Science students learn about evolution right?Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:These kind of conferences always have 1 sided views.