Originally posted by Ironside:
Liberals have been denying the resurrection of the Christ by insisting that ChristÂ’s did not actually rose from the dead physically. Whereas the apostles insist that the Lord Jesus Christ rose physically. It is a major doctrine in Christianity.
Circular argument, if there is any argument at all.
Paul obviously referred to this verse amongst many to support his teaching of a PHYSICAL RESURRECTION when he said :”according to the Scriptures” Paul and Peter were on the same line in their teaching about the resurrection.I never once claim that the resurrection is not physical. So don't try to enact a strawman.
Furthermore, I'm not interested in any character who never wrote the epistles and gospels in question.
Question: When was the Lord Jesus Christ glorified? When He resurrected from the dead.
Question: When will the believer be glorified? When the Lord Jesus Christ comes the second time to rapture His own to resurrect them and transform their lowly bodies to conform His.I say this again - there is NO evidence that the Jesus Christ of Paul is the Jesus Christ as portrayed in the gospels and Acts.
The reasoning is simple:
1. Paul wrote his epistles before Acts and the gospels. It is a mistake to ignore this when doing a textual analysis.
2. Paul claimed that he owed nothing to the pillars in the Jerusalem Church. Everything about Christ, He got himself without any input from the apostles.
3. You ignored the problematic verse in Cor where Paul claimed to see the same Christ that appeared to Cephas and the other apostles.
4. The earliest gospel, the Gospel of Mark, did not develop the resurrection account. My bible divides the ending into the longer and shorter ending. The shorter ending did not have the resurrection account.
You seem to be familiar with Christian doctrine. HavenÂ’t you heard about the 3 aspects of salvation?I want to distance myself from doctrines and re-examine Scripture from an analytical point of view.
No problem. The resurrection is the glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ. When He resurrected from the dead on the third day that was His glorification. You trying to kid who? A glorified body with holes?
I have studied theology for a long time. I have sat under professors and Bible teachers countless times. I have read books on theology and etc. I have yet to encounter one theologian who teaches that the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in the gospels [which you call holes version] is not the same with the resurrection in the Pauline epistles [which you call glorified version]. Do you read books by Bishop Spong? Marcus Borg? John Dominic Crossan?
These are professors in famous universities and Spong is in charge of a big parish as well.
What has the humble pie got to do with our topic my friend? Are you the type of guy that involves his ego and pride when talking to someone in the internet? A certain someone whom you have not seen personally and will probably not met in your life, a certain someone whom you do not know his name? Are you like that? If not, then why ask this question?Why are you so defensive now?
I'm quite disappointed with your reply. After a million lines, I still do not see any historical or textual analysis in your reply.
I just give you a simple example to illustrate your kind of reasoning:
Person A today - There is a red New Zealand apple on the table.
Person B tomorrow - There is a New Zealand apple on the table.
Ironside - they are talking about the same apple from NZ! Person B says got apple, which is what person A was saying.
Do you see the fallacy?