I am very against people and preachers who use verses to support their claims one.Originally posted by Icemoon:aiyo .. dun have to be so harsh also.
His depiction of God very scary. At the beginning God was like full of praise for Job - upright blameless guy. God was boasting to Satan - "have you considered my servant Job?"
so those words were to agitate Satan? God was using jie4 dao1 sha1 ren2 tactic?
Hmm, then ppl will say that they are unbiblical?Originally posted by M©+square:I am very against people and preachers who use verses to support their claims one.
i dun quite follow u. by this u mean people using bible verses to justify their actions?Originally posted by M©+square:I am very against people and preachers who use verses to support their claims one.
So i won't hold back when comes to such people.
There was once Brey also did that. Then had a few exhange, now you see.
There's a gulf.![]()
Not that they are unbiblical.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:Hmm, then ppl will say that they are unbiblical?
Yes, Icemoon should know what i'm talking about.Originally posted by ben1xy:i dun quite follow u. by this u mean people using bible verses to justify their actions?
could u elaborate a little further?
ok. i get the picture!Originally posted by M©+square:Not that they are unbiblical.
Just that the doctrince/teaching which they presented is theory centered and then using verses to support.
Eg. Prosperity Gospel.
Yes! There are godly principles in which they teach.
But is this a doctrine? No.
But is it true that God has and will give us in which whatever we ask for?
Yes. A humble and contrite heart, God will not hold his hands away from such believers.
Is it enough for us to say ' God gives us wealth and riches!!!'
'Just pray and ask from your father, and He will hear you and give His riches to you.'
NO no no and no.
This is way off....and this is what i meant by using a few verses and principle to come out with a doctrine.
NO go...
i wanna clarify this temr 'word-faith'Originally posted by M©+square:Yes, Icemoon should know what i'm talking about.
No lah. Most word-faith preachers does that.
It's up to individuals.Originally posted by ben1xy:ok. i get the picture!
Do a search on Word faith?Originally posted by ben1xy:i wanna clarify this temr 'word-faith'
so the BPs, Methodist, etc. these denomination are not 'word-faith' right? does this mean that there are sets doctrines agreed upon?
Orh......Originally posted by M©+square:Not that they are unbiblical.
Just that the doctrince/teaching which they presented is theory centered and then using verses to support.
Eg. Prosperity Gospel.
Yes! There are godly principles in which they teach.
But is this a doctrine? No.
But is it true that God has and will give us in which whatever we ask for?
Yes. A humble and contrite heart, God will not hold his hands away from such believers.
Is it enough for us to say ' God gives us wealth and riches!!!'
'Just pray and ask from your father, and He will hear you and give His riches to you.'
NO no no and no.
This is way off....and this is what i meant by using a few verses and principle to come out with a doctrine.
NO go...
http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/char/more/w-f.htmOriginally posted by M©+square:Do a search on Word faith?
You'll read up on interesting stuff.![]()
i saw one of those sermons through the net. they were talking abt borrowing money and finance stuffOriginally posted by M©+square:It's up to individuals.
Like CHC invites Preacher expert on Economics to use Godly principles to teach on how the members could prepare themselves for the coming economy.
Some people writes such preachers off as heretic.
Some just care-less.
Some are quite neutral. Listen to some and pick the good points.
Some are upset.
I belong to the upset...disgusted.
Simply because these preachers are defiling the pulpit, and teaching the people of God things which are not God centered.
I hope i don't make myself sound like i'm super righteous and telling off those preachers.
The simple fact that these are sensational theories and messages which the modern church yearns to hear, tells me that the church is drawing further and futher away from God's ideal home.
i think we can both agree with MC on thisOriginally posted by SingaporeMacross:Orh......![]()
Originally posted by M©+square:Hey, tat was wad i was saying about, cheng2 gong1 shen2 xue2
Not that they are unbiblical.
Just that the doctrince/teaching which they presented is theory centered and then using verses to support.
Eg. [b]Prosperity Gospel.
Yes! There are godly principles in which they teach.
But is this a doctrine? No.
But is it true that God has and will give us in which whatever we ask for?
Yes. A humble and contrite heart, God will not hold his hands away from such believers.
Is it enough for us to say ' God gives us wealth and riches!!!'
'Just pray and ask from your father, and He will hear you and give His riches to you.'
NO no no and no.
This is way off....and this is what i meant by using a few verses and principle to come out with a doctrine.
NO go...
You havent answered my question.Originally posted by illvsion:hope i'm speaking to christians if not i'm probably from the wrong forum. Because we should believe the word because The word is God 1 John 1:1.
Paul warned, if anyone preaches anything other than the gospel, let it be a curse.
Aren't this forum Eternal Hope> Sufferings > are discussed such that every one will get hope and build one another not to bring ppl down?? i will not start a war but to share my views and things i have learn to build one another. i'm open to be corrected but on basis. not from some Dr so and so... without bible verse. Aren't christian be worried receiving from people preaching reader digest?
thanks Icemoon for bringing the part on God boasting about job. I have found and learn something new.
let God answer his action
Ezekiel 14
12 The word of the LORD came to me: 13 "Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its men and their animals, 14 even if these three men—Noah, Daniel [a] and Job—were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD.
15 "Or if I send wild beasts through that country and they leave it childless and it becomes desolate so that no one can pass through it because of the beasts, 16 as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, even if these three men were in it, they could not save their own sons or daughters. They alone would be saved, but the land would be desolate.
17 "Or if I bring a sword against that country and say, 'Let the sword pass throughout the land,' and I kill its men and their animals, 18 as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, even if these three men were in it, they could not save their own sons or daughters. They alone would be saved.
19 "Or if I send a plague into that land and pour out my wrath upon it through bloodshed, killing its men and their animals, 20 as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, they could save neither son nor daughter. They would save only themselves by their righteousness.
21 "For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: How much worse will it be when I send against Jerusalem my four dreadful judgments—sword and famine and wild beasts and plague—to kill its men and their animals! 22 Yet there will be some survivors—sons and daughters who will be brought out of it. They will come to you, and when you see their conduct and their actions, you will be consoled regarding the disaster I have brought upon Jerusalem—every disaster I have brought upon it. 23 You will be consoled when you see their conduct and their actions, for you will know that I have done nothing in it without cause, declares the Sovereign LORD."
whatever God does there's a reason and it's usually recorded.
just remember he's before christ. and what God booast is correct.
Abraham, issac , jacob are righteous by faith.
if we don't go by faith then what? pls enlighten me
and pls don't say ppl are this and that without letting the author know on what basis, i appriciate Icemoon for letting me know what i should lookout for.
and clear people's doubt.
you may be right when you ask God for wealth. Not buy lottery and wait and ask God to help you strike(cos tomorrow might not see him in church anymore). He know how to give it to the person. probably gave him a good career, and probably some challange came and he trusted the Lord to overcome it, walk with the Lord and learn responsibilities thru the job, then still have time for family and friends and go to church.
Deuteronomy 8:18
But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.
notice it's the ability, not just give u wealth.
Originally posted by illvsion:May i just comment on the above part as i believe in relates to my earlier question.
Job's suffering is done by the devil and God allowed it( God's protection departed) as Job is not a man of faith( he doubt that perhaps his sons have sin job 1:5) but a man of self-righteous. if you read his whole story , he say i have done this , done that, why still suffer. complain to his friends about God is unjust. then God have to come until the end and tell him off, "where were you when i laid the foundation of the earth?" job 38:4 . is like saying,(my own term) why? trying to gain credits huh? Then when job realised he need God and humbled himself, God restored him double of what he lost.
To me, it is about the intentional appeal to men's carnal desires (from the pulpit to the congregation) which our Lord has warned many many times against. And i share with you, my disgust.Originally posted by M©+square:It's up to individuals.
Like CHC invites Preacher expert on Economics to use Godly principles to teach on how the members could prepare themselves for the coming economy.
Some people writes such preachers off as heretic.
Some just care-less.
Some are quite neutral. Listen to some and pick the good points.
Some are upset.
I belong to the upset...disgusted.
Simply because these preachers are defiling the pulpit, and teaching the people of God things which are not God centered.
I hope i don't make myself sound like i'm super righteous and telling off those preachers.
The simple fact that these are sensational theories and messages which the modern church yearns to hear, tells me that the church is drawing further and futher away from God's ideal home.
For me, i feel that after one prays for healing, one shld be in the right mind that God's will is THE BEST, and nt think that God will definitely heal one, cos God has the will whether or nt to.Davidche, are you refering to this?
If every prayer God will listen to, then God isnt God, but a all-powerful servant that listens to one's commands.
Another thing you said about the daily bread, Shld we be praying for bread daily or 3 times a day?[
God don't change his mind but we change.(sometime we believe sometime we don't) we have to ask for blessing and protection constantly thru prayer. ( that's y Jesus teach us to pray "give us today our daily bread." y not yearly or eternal bread ? then no need to pray anymore right?) If you ask for something yet don't believe God will supply ( aka try try) sure won't happen one. and sometime when thing don't happen soon enough, devil taking the opportunties saying won't happen one, God will bless meh ? what have u done to deserve it?!? then loose hope and try something else. oh man, the devil's same trick on adam and eve works again.My question for you is shld we pray daily or 3 times a day(edit).
klydeer thanks for pointing out those things that i may take note of and hopefully be able to answer and let us grow in the Lord.Originally posted by klydeer:May i just comment on the above part as i believe in relates to my earlier question.
May i ask what do you mean when you say Job is not a man of faith ? In comparison to Job, you are a man of faith ? So perhaps you can tell us how would you have reacted if:
1. All of your properties are taken or destroyed in an instant.
2. All of your sons and daugthers died when the house in which they lived suddenly collapsed.
Do you know what Job did afterwards in Job 1:20? Read it in case you didnt.
Or havent you noticed what God says in verse 8 ? You have another meaning for the word "blameless" ?
You quoted Job 1:5 as Job not have faith ? But Job sacrificed the burnt offering every single day (do you know what this means in those days?) without God coming to tell him that his sons have sinned. That is not faith ? To me, that is the faith of trusting the Lord in all circumstances - even those in the hearts of his sons. Are you a parent ? If you are, have you prayed to the Lord to forgive the sins upon which your sons might have committed in the day and through the night ?
I have a few more questions for you. Hopefully you will be answering them.
1. What is faith to you ? Is it by the recognition of your well being and prosperity ? Or is it through suffering, yet we praise God no matter the outcome ?
2. How do you define God's relationship with you?
3. What do you think Jesus mean in Matthew 9:13?
Thank you.
Not that they are unbiblical.I can say, there's many things that people misunderstand on "Prosperity Gospel"(hmm why not health gospel...). 1 reason is i feel is.
Just that the doctrince/teaching which they presented is theory centered and then using verses to support.
Eg. Prosperity Gospel.
Yes! There are godly principles in which they teach.
But is this a doctrine? No.
But is it true that God has and will give us in which whatever we ask for?
Yes. A humble and contrite heart, God will not hold his hands away from such believers.
Is it enough for us to say ' God gives us wealth and riches!!!'
'Just pray and ask from your father, and He will hear you and give His riches to you.'
NO no no and no.
This is way off....and this is what i meant by using a few verses and principle to come out with a doctrine.
NO go...