Originally posted by SocialOutcast:
Hi to both Brey and Laoda...
I read through the entire thread already. To be fair, it seems to me that the theology both of you hold onto are in fact more similar than they are different.
Can I say, that both of you agree that
1) Salvation is by faith alone. We are not justified by works.
2) After being saved, we are still required to keep the law. Do we sin more so that grace may increase? May it never be!
3) We cannot keep the law completely.
All due respect, I think laoda you have misunderstood brey's point. He believes in salvation by faith only...yet insists on the necessity to keep the law as far as we could. This is certainly biblical. I do not understand what you two are really arguing about...
The real contention, I feel, is minor. And Chin Eng has spelt it out nicely for us. They are more to do with Christian cultural 'inventions' like Christmas. The question is, do such cultural inventions undermine our salvation, and are they an abomination to the Lord? I feel this is what Brey calls the 'Christianity' we believe in. My stand is that, doctrinally wise, the Christianity today is no different from the first century.
I am not arguing with laoda... just putting across a point. But his bias is based on his mis-assumption that I have a legalistic stand point and that I advocate for keeping the law as a requirement for salvation, which I do not.
The point here being are we to accept these so called christian cultural inventions? Whether they are an abomination to Yahweh has to be based on Yahweh's standard, not the excuses that christians today proffer for their acceptance. Ie the focus is different, i use it as an opportunity to talk about Yeshua etc... what does the Lord say about the human heart? It is decietful above all things. How easy it is for us to push for the easier more well accepted route. Did the early christian fellowship accept easter? did they keep the wrong day for the sabbath? Do we know the real reason why we keep the sabbath on a sunday rather than sundown friday to sundown saturday. But then which day did Yahweh make holy?
If these cultural inventions are minor, then why did Shaul say in 2 Tim 3:14-17
14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Concerning the date of Dec 25, do you know who is claimed to be born on this date? The sun god Tamuz. Ask yourself a simple question. Should those who claim to be Christian take the Bible seriously? In Jeremiah 10:2, God declared to His people through the pen of the prophet: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles." He went on to state that "the customs of the peoples are futile," that is, they are utterly empty and useless. God wants His people to follow His instructions, not to look at pagan practices and seek to copy them. What kind of empty, pagan customs was Jeremiah talking about in Jeremiah 10? The specific example in that chapter involved going out into the woods, cutting a tree and bringing it home to set it upright and decorate it (vv. 3–4). Does this sound amazingly like putting up a Christmas tree? It should.
Easter sunday is the day that culminates the forty days of lent, but where did we get these numbers from? the 40 days are taken from the ordered time of remeberance for Tamuz who was supposedly killed in his fortieth year, a day for each year of his life. Easter sunday also celebrates the birth of the pagan goddess of sexuality isthar.
It is a well documented fact that the roman catholic church advocated for these pagan celebrations to be incorporated into main stream belief so as to facilitate the conversion of pagans to christianity.
I have to agree with ben, are you really sure that doctrinally, the christians today do not differ from the first century? I beg to differ on this point. I think that today doctrinally the church has moved very far away from Yeshua's original intention.
Personally, i think that these issues are but a starting point and are by no means minor, they are very easily points which ha sa tan uses to corrupt the church as we know it today. There is more spiritual significance behind all these so called pagan cultural melds than first meets the eye. The battle here is not in the physical realm, but in the spiritual. That is why we are warned to be on guard and test the spirits all the time.
We are asked to worship Yahweh in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). What does this mean?
My main contention here is yes our lives are saved by faith, but what next? How do we grow from faith to faith as the bible so speaks about? How do we learn the mysteries of the bible which has been given to us? There must be a deeper walk with Yahweh than just salvation by grace. Even Shaul admonishes that we are to progress on to eating of solid food and not milk. But this is where I feel that the church today has failed, we have been only getting milk or worse!