Originally posted by laurence82:
my hypothetical case assumes the third party knows lar
but i agree, sun qi zi ran
Since you say you are a non Christian....
Just to clear up your mind. The Jews believed that the way to know God is by "works;" doing good and following the law.
Jesus came along and reminded everybody that it is by Faith and Faith alone.
But the Christian nowadays have gone back to pre Jesus times and insist that the way to know God is by being a good person.
To be considered a good person, you "believe" Jesus sacrificed himself for you. It is still the "I must be a good person to know God" Jewish beliefs with a twist; nevertheless it is the same "I must be a good person to know God."
You can see the problem immediately because every Christian continues to sin. There is also the issue of how good is good enough? During Jesus times, it was just like what you see during the Taleban rule in Afganistan. Cannot do this and that and women cannot this and that.
There is no such thing as I sin and as long as I believe in Jesus, it is OK. Try this, go and kill somebody and then say "I belive in Jesus, I believe in Jesus." You think God will come down from "heaven" and tell the judge; hey he believes in Jesus, let him go?" You will hang for sure if you get caught.
You will get your just deserts if you sin.
On the other hand don't imagine for a moment that the way to know God is by getting rid of sin (whether by following the law or believing in Jesus.) It is by Faith in God. Only people who have come to know God by faith will tel you this. In some chuches they go so far as to preach prosperity. It is selling something that people want to hear and so the church is packed. Based on what I know, it is nevertheless an abomination to God. You cannot use God's name in vain even if it is to pack people into churches. You are more blessed even if the church is as poor as a church mouse and nobody comes.
Ask the Christians here to quote you the words of Jesus explaning all the paragraphs above this one.
Justification by Faith does not refer to "no punishment for sins."
According to Jewish beliefs; you cannot come to know God unless you are "justified." You must have the qualifications. It refers to the beliefs that to know God you need to be a good person. To be a good person you must follow the LAW. To be justified, you must fufill the LAW. This is what Jesus ever so politely tried to tell the Jews is in error. They would have none of it. Did you watch Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ? Well Jesus was willing to die horribly for his stand.
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that to come to God, to know God, to have a relationship with God; to Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.... is by Faith in God. Not by being a good person or by fufilling the law (justification by Law) but justification by Faith. Faith in God.
Jesus died a horrible death to announce His Gospel to the world and His disciples went all the way back to undo His sacrifice and preach their own gospel; you must be a good person before you can know God. Instead of you must have Faith in God before you can enter into God's Kingdom.
The term "justification ' by faith is for the Jews to understand, not for you. You only need to know that Faith is the key to enter into the kingdom of God.
So while some Christians get it, that to know God is by Faith and not by the beliefs that you must be a good person either by following the law or believing in Jesus, others think that as long as they are good people (by believing in Jesus' sacrifice) that's it. They then go about doing Christian activities and never enter into the Kingdom of God.
The Jews during Jesus times knew exactly what Jesus was trying to say and they rejected it. The Christians nowadays are just "blur." They live their lives exactly like you, a non christian, not having a relationship with God. They do a lot of Christian activities, everything except having a relationship with God. most of them as I can see anyway. Not all of them.
Simply put,
Sin will bring you your just desserts whether you believe or not; whether you know God (have a relationship with God) or not.
Faith is what you need, to come to know God and for a relationship with God.
You will notice that what I have just said does not say anything about God other than you need faith to get to know God. There is only one God. Read my previous few posts. Knowing God is entering into the kingdom of God, here and now and not after you die.
The focus of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Faith in God. Not How to become a good person 101 and not How to become prosperous 101. The Christians in Singaporeans resort to these aims because, like Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man (meaning most Singaporeans) to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24. Similar verses are in Mark 10:25 and Luke 18:25).
Do you want a relationship with God? That is entirely up to you. If you want it, want to "enter into the Kingdon of God," only Faith will get you there. So what remains is:
What is Faith in God?