actually, not many people really ask God to reveal it to them also , even if God does speak, not many would really listen, which reminds me of a joke...Originally posted by Chin Eng:exactly.....
my point was that the phrase "ask God to reveal it to you." (look higher up in this page) is an overused cliche.... because in reality, does that happen very often, be it the asking or the revealing? Isn't this the very same reason why churches split, and factions are formed, because someone claimed to have some divine revelation?
The asking and revealing always happen to charismatic pastors ..Originally posted by Chin Eng:exactly.....
my point was that the phrase "ask God to reveal it to you." (look higher up in this page) is an overused cliche.... because in reality, does that happen very often, be it the asking or the revealing? Isn't this the very same reason why churches split, and factions are formed, because someone claimed to have some divine revelation?
The reason why churches split is because we as humans have minds that are too closed, also we are very set in our ways. To be able to grow one must always have a teachable heart/spirit and be humble before the Lord.Originally posted by Chin Eng:exactly.....
my point was that the phrase "ask God to reveal it to you." (look higher up in this page) is an overused cliche.... because in reality, does that happen very often, be it the asking or the revealing? Isn't this the very same reason why churches split, and factions are formed, because someone claimed to have some divine revelation?
........sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............................................Originally posted by Chin Eng:Exactly brey.....
But the issue is NOT whether God reveal or not reveal, nor is it the amount and quality of the revelation....
The issue is: sometimes we use too many cliches in our communication.
Example: we had a meeting among our worship service leadership. One of the points in the agenda specifically attempted to deal with some questionable topics an invited speaker made during worship. One well-meaning member of this committee said: let God use the speaker and speak to us in His way.....
So can we assume this statement to be true? That God is using His servant to minister to the congregregation? Or
Is this a cliched statement because it is indeed true that said speaker had some questionable points that required closer attention?
Note that cliches do not have to be false, they are just overused statements uttered in place of anything truly constructive and helpful.
have fun...Originally posted by cinderell:wow, didnt know there's a christianity forum here! well, been a long time since i last logged in. btw, im fellow anglican too. from COR.
Church of what?Originally posted by cinderell:wow, didnt know there's a christianity forum here! well, been a long time since i last logged in. btw, im fellow anglican too. from COR.
COR = CHAPEL OF THE RESURRECTIONOriginally posted by Icemoon:Church of what?
chapel/church ofOriginally posted by vince69:COR = CHAPEL OF THE RESURRECTION
(just guessing)
bingo.Originally posted by vince69:COR = CHAPEL OF THE RESURRECTION
(just guessing)
First, did Yeshua ask us to celebrate His birth? Is it pleasing to Him that we celebrate His birth especiallys since the day it is so called celebrated is no where reomotely close to the date Yeshua was born and the way it is celebrated, has nothing to do with Yeshua, eg. christmas tree, santa clause, etc.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:i still don't get it..
how can: celebrating Jesus' birth, remembering his 40 days in the desert, rejoicing in his victorious resurection, be satanic and paganistic? it's beyond me.
and probably the rest too.
granted, even if the word Easter is pagan, surely it shows that God makes good things out of evil?
Did Jesus tell us not to remember those days!??!?!Originally posted by breytonhartge:First, did Yeshua ask us to celebrate His birth? Is it pleasing to Him that we celebrate His birth especiallys since the day it is so called celebrated is no where reomotely close to the date Yeshua was born and the way it is celebrated, has nothing to do with Yeshua, eg. christmas tree, santa clause, etc.
As for easter it is confused with passover and the feast of unleavened bread. It is during this feast that Yeshua rose from the dead and not easter which is the pagan festival which happens to coincide with passover.
Where in the bible does it ask us to remember Yeshua's 40 days in the desert?
In all of this, it all boils down to, whether God is pleased with us keeping all these man made festivals when we are not even keeping the feasts which have been commanded by God which we know will definitely please Him, the most important one of all being the sabbath.
It is clearly stated in the book of Leviticus that these are meant to be holy convocations, the feasts of the LORD.
Leviticus 23:3 3 ‘Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.
Yet man has chosen to celebrate the sabbath on sunday, which is the day of the sun and not the Lords day of rest, we do not keep the sabbath holy. There is so much research that the early church celebrated the Lord's sabbath on saturday and it was only changed in opposition to the Jews later on.
Leviticus 23:4-8 the passover and the feast of unleavened bread.
Leviticus 23:9-14, the feast of the first fruits.
Leviticus 23:15-22 the feast of weeks
Leviticus 23:23-25 the feast of trumpets
Leviticus 23:26-32 the day of atonement
Leviticus 23:33-44 the feast of tabernacles.
You may say that these are jewish feasts, but we through our faith have been adopted as abrahams seed so that we have abrahams blessings. These are the feasts of OUR God, unless we are not worshipping the same God of the Jews, who is also God of the gentiles, do you think that God would have one standard for us and another for the Jews? I do not think so because God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
if you want to remeber those days, then by all means do so AFTER you have remebered to keep the LORD's feasts. Actually you are the ones that are being lazy because you do not keep the Lords feasts and yet still insist on keeping man made tradition. What is more important, God or man? God clearly stated in the bible that these are HIS feasts to be kept, so why are you not doing it? If you believe in God and call Him your Father, you are His child, we are citizens of Heaven, yet we do not celebrate the Lords feasts why???Originally posted by Honeybunz:Did Jesus tell us not to remember those days!??!?!
Bible doesn't mention, doesn't give us the excuse to be lazy.
Originally posted by breytonhartge:Oh.... going to church during Lenten & Advent, on Easter and Christmas is lazy and not observing the Lord's feast?
if you want to remeber those days, then by all means do so [b]AFTER you have remebered to keep the LORD's feasts. Actually you are the ones that are being lazy because you do not keep the Lords feasts and yet still insist on keeping man made tradition. What is more important, God or man? God clearly stated in the bible that these are HIS feasts to be kept, so why are you not doing it? If you believe in God and call Him your Father, you are His child, we are citizens of Heaven, yet we do not celebrate the Lords feasts why???[/b]
Read the bible, is easter a feast of the Lord as ordained in Leviticus? Is christmas?Originally posted by Honeybunz:Oh.... going to church during Lenten & Advent, on Easter and Christmas is lazy and not observing the Lord's feast?
Everything man made is bad. Church buildings are man made too. Christian hymns are also composed by man. Are you supposed that we worship under the sun or in the cave?
Where in the bible Jesus condemned commemorating him???
Where in the bible Jesus wants us to remember pagan gods on days commemorating him?
As long as Christians know the purpose of these celebrations is adequate. Any popular festivals will lose it's meaning eventually. Chinese new year relative visitations has not meaning to me, and I usually do it one day and be done with it.Originally posted by NT2:ok..i udnerstand where brey comes from and i agree with him.
Modern christian festivals that are no where found in the Bible are taken into our celebrations whereas the holy convocations the LORD instituted in the OT is taken lightly or at worst forgotten and ignored.
The modern christian festivals though may have biblical stories to accompany them are at times paganised or commercialised by people. Christmas is seen as a Shopping spree day while Easter a day to distribute hard boiled eggs n bunnies.
Originally posted by NT2:Here's where you and brey differ. I totally agree with you. One time, we had a messianic Jew conducting a sermon on the various jewish festivals which included the apparatus used. It was awesome! But the end of it, there is really no application, because the Jewish festivities (no matter how religious there are, remains a foreign culture).
The holy feasts of the LORD on the other hand celebrates God's faithfulness and holiness. The feasts have messianic meanings and although we are gentiles and gentiles do not celebrate and observe such feasts as the Jews do. we should kept in mind what these feasts mean.
Why hah? that thread is on "our moderator"????Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:For all discussions related to Passover, let's go over to
Pesach, or Passover. Pascha as they say in the greek and the same word is used in the original latin, so if you want to celebrate the ressurection of our Lord, then yes do so in the appropriate way and use the appropriate terminology. Not easter which has no meaning to pesach at all.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:i think it is better to consolidate all the debates on passover into one thread. afterall, he's the one with the issues.
Acutally there is application, because we still worship the God of the Jews and as His adopted children we are to be aware of our Fathers business and to know His commands, unless you say that the OT does not apply to Christians, to which then why are we called the seed of Abraham through Yeshua?Originally posted by Chin Eng:Here's where you and brey differ. I totally agree with you. One time, we had a messianic Jew conducting a sermon on the various jewish festivals which included the apparatus used. It was awesome! But the end of it, there is really no application, because the Jewish festivities (no matter how religious there are, remains a foreign culture).
As far as I am aware, Paul had written to Jewish Christians not to enslave Gentiles believers on their traditions and practices.
I wrote something about this in the other thread.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Pesach, or Passover. Pascha as they say in the greek and the same word is used in the original latin, so if you want to celebrate the ressurection of our Lord, then yes do so in the appropriate way and use the appropriate terminology. Not easter which has no meaning to pesach at all.
FYI you brought up pesach, not me. I do not have the issue here, I think you are confused.