Sometimes when we listen to Heavy Metal or so called THRASH by many people, we just dismissed it as "How can christians ever say that such music glorifies God"
In the Christian context, we must understand that MUSIC can be used as a tool. MUSIC is such a powerful tool to spread messages. If you have been into the local christian band scene, you may have heard of a christian hardcore band now defunct called BLYSS. They are christians and they played music which like you all said cannot hear what they singing somtimes. You know what, they declare themeselves christians but you have MALAYS and MUSLIMS and all sorts of races, the Mohawks, the SKINs all turning up for their gigs. We can hold an OFFICIAL gig stating it is a CHRISTIAN BANDS gig and have BLYSS and still other religion people will still turn up. You ask how is it powerful then.
I am fortunate to know them and in BLYSS's songs, you find messages against DRUGS, against submitting to bad influences... contrary to what many people think of such bands.. and most importantly they told us, that music should be an off stage ministry. Whether you are a christian band or not, whatever kind of music you play, you must let the audience know you are willing to mingle and you are friends in order for you to get your message across. That is why some bands after playing just go into backstage, BLYSS do not... after their set, they always come down stage and sit amongst people who came to support them. The heavy music they play is just a draw but to make a difference in people's lives, you need that personal touch.
Therefore in the christian context, what kind of music you play isnt important as to how you use the type of music to draw people and get positive messages across.
The man who was death
Never really listen to satanic music, goth/black metal have.
those really satanic bands are like deicide or napalm death.
dun see anything wrong with listening to satanic music. maybe oxymoronic.
i juz listen to what i like
so.. wad wld u go to hell for?
hmm.. i think to listen metal or rock is still OK... It doesn't mean that after listening song about killing in their lyrics... then the fellow kills ppl directly right? All things in the world maybe full of sins... but again goin back to the person him/herself... Sure... a lot of things is forbidden to do.. killing.. raping.. suicide..etc but again it goes to the person.. there are TWO WAYS... 1)wanna go ahead and do the correct way... whatever religion/beliefs the person has... or 2)Being stupid and doing things that's badly hit everybody. The choice is in the person... not the satanic song.. the guide to be a terrorist.. the bad movies