Originally posted by Chin Eng:
Not confused at all.... It's all in the definition.
A crowd - a group of people - does not denote the size. If a size needed to be denoted we will arrive at a large crowd or a small crowd.
Straight angle - a simple mathematical definition. A straight line is also an angle because it is a 180 degree angle.
Student teacher - no brainer - no need to explain
Open secret - a common knowledge but no one wants to talk about it
Living dead - a scientifically impossibility but check all RPG games
![Laughing Laughing](/images/emoticons/classic/icon_lol.gif)
Unity in diversity - The unity here does not refer to a similarity in ideas but an understanding that all the concepts/ideas are different but everyone concern is ok with it......
Back to the original question (cos I don't know where HH is going with the above terminologies) - no I don't get confused. For most parts, the various denominations do not differ very much. Only a couple of the independent churches has weird doctrines.
Just among Bible Only churches, we see major disputes about central issues of Faith that are far greater than any disagreements between churches that adhere to scripture plus Apostolic Tradition. The list below doesn't include more minor causes of "bible-only church" splits, such as style of service, church, government, vestments, attitude to alcohol, pastoring styles, tithing, methods of receiving communion etc.
Should there be infant or Adult baptism?
Does baptism confer Grace or is it just a symbol?
Is our destiny governed by Calvinist Predestination or Arminian Free Will
Once Saved Always Saved?
Is there assurance of Salvation?
Can one lose Salvation?
Is Salvation a one-off event or a lifelong journey?
Does hell exist?
Can one be saved outside the Christian Church?
Should images be used in worship?
Does the Church replace Israel?
Is Divorce permissible
Is Abortion murder?
Is prophecy still given?
Are there still Miracles?
Are miracles guaranteed if you have enough faith?
Will there be a pre-trib Rapture?
Premillenialism or Postmillenialism?
Will there even be a millennium?
Speaking in Tongues - valid or deception?
Baptism in the Holy Spirit - is it real?
Are demons real?
What role do Works have in Salvation?
What is the Nature and Function of Sacraments?
Is Jesus physically present in Communion?
Are the Sacraments necessary to salvation?
What form of Authority should exist in the Church?
Does a minister need to be ordained?
What does ordination confer?
Is Apostolic Succession necessary?
Can women be Pastors?
Can homosexuals be admitted to Church?
Does God promise Christians material prosperity?
The list goes on and on........
And you call it "For most parts, the various denominations do not differ very much" ?What HH used to argue about is one of the way the church used to defend themselves of the many denominations. The terminology for such words is called oxymoron. Heard of this word, oxymoron?