You can't say the Church is built onto Peter 'cosOriginally posted by Honeybunz:Then prove to me that the Church is not built onto Peter, while I continue to prove that Peter is the first head of church.
This, luckily for you, is the situation today - the two giant denominations are almost universal in their teachings.Originally posted by Honeybunz:Considering these two giant denominations have historical evidence and probably archaeological to link back to the Apostles' Time and both their teachings are almost 100% similar, how wrong can Catholic Church goes?
Again the claims which HB posted are based on Catholic strength and assumptions.Originally posted by Icemoon:This, luckily for you, is the situation today - the two giant denominations are almost universal in their teachings.
But flash back 2000 years ago - orthodox christians fought theological battles with heretics. No one believed in Papal infallibilty I suppose. Or else councils would not be convened to settle theological disputes?
I also don't know why i bother....but i'm especially sensitive to misquotation of scriptures.Originally posted by Chin Eng:Guys and gals... why bother???? Like not hot enough in EH already...![]()
Sure if you say so. Take your time.Originally posted by Honeybunz:Wah... so many things after one day of not logging in....
give me some time to rest, can?
Have to recharge my battery first.... In the meantime, have fun.
Fandango was the one who started it. Actually it is sooo unnecessary.Originally posted by Chin Eng:Guys and gals... why bother???? Like not hot enough in EH already...![]()
Yes. God always makes use of sinful people to do great things.Originally posted by sillyme:Personally, the important thing to draw from Peter's story is that God can still use you even after you rejected Him. Peter rejected Christ thrice but repented. Peter wasn't able to deny himself to let go of the fear being persecuted. He didn't believe that Christ needs to be crucified in order for salvation to be completed. It was after he realised that taking up the cross means much more than listening to the Word that he repented. Only when you listen, obey and perservere then your service to God will overflow.
You have taken the verse completely out of context. The shepherd was not a reference to the Apostle Peter. The shepherd is Jesus Christ. Please read the Bible carefully. This is what Jesus said,Originally posted by Honeybunz:"There shall be one fold and one shepherd." (John 10:16).
Please note carefully what Jesus said. He said, "feed MY sheep," not "feed YOUR sheep." The sheep still belongs to Jesus. Jesus is still the shepherd.Originally posted by Honeybunz:"Feed my lambs...feed my sheep." (John 21:15-17).
Even though the Bible did not mention the word "Trinity," the concept of the Trinity is found in the Bible. The Christians simply coined a theological term to define that concept. The teachings for those theological concepts like "Incarnation," "Ascension" are all in the Bible. They are just collective terms.Originally posted by Honeybunz:The bible only records events happened during that period. Anything that it doesn't mention, you will have to count on history and tradition. For example, where in the bible do you find the word Holy Trinity? It isn't mentioned. So can we say that the two words are wrong? Other words that are not mentioned in the bible and yet Christians have always been using : "Incarnation,"; "Ascension," and "Bible".
Indeed, i find no point in further questioning the authenticity of Matt 16:18,19 of topic stated above.Originally posted by Honeybunz:It is important is understand the history in order to understand why today the Church teaches certain topic in certain way. Is it a newly invented interpretion of the bible or has it been traditionally taught that way? History plays an important part. History and politics will also tell you how certain teachings or interpretion might have been distorted. You see, we only have that many books in the NT. There are many questions, eg Icemoon's question on the few impt cities, which the NT cannot explain.
It is just like why we have to know the culture in Jesus day in order to understand why it is so significant to mention Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman and a Caanite woman.
Not understanding the history and tradition of the church will only result in wrong interpretion of the bible. This is exactly what resulted in many cults being form during the last two centuries. Eg. Jehovah Witness. Did they ignore the church history? yes. Did they rely solely on the bible and they started off with a bible study class by a group of Protestant . Yes (which I think nothing wrong with this, except... see my last question). Did they have wrong interpretion in the bible? Yes.
The bible only records events happened during that period. Anything that it doesn't mention, you will have to count on history and tradition. For example, where in the bible do you find the word Holy Trinity? It isn't mentioned. So can we say that the two words are wrong? Other words that are not mentioned in the bible and yet Christians have always been using : "Incarnation,"; "Ascension," and "Bible".
Also, why Christians get married in Church? Why in the bible did anybody say we can do that? Nowhere. So is it wrong? So how do we know more about Christian marriage???
It is of course very convenient to ignore the history. Less things to teach. Also to hide the fact which is the original church. It is also easy for ppl to come out with own new interpretion of the bible.
___________________________________________I am not interested in discussing what is not written in the bible.
There are too many issue to be questioned which will led to smacking ourselves on our own faces.
Those were allowed by early apostles and church father, traditions which was passed on. Traditions which were created by man to facilitate the function of church.
I am not interested in these discussions. There are too much to discuss.It's not convenient to ignore, but do you have full comprehension of early ages of church too? Do you claim to have grasp the account of church history from Acts till to date?
If you do, i would love to meet up for a EH outing and we'll discuss/learn on this face to face.
Another reason for me to highlight the history is because Catholic Church is the only Christian Church that goes back in history to the time of Christ. Even historians can prove that. If I use Catholic writings in my arguments, firstly, you may not understand, and 2ndly, it might be seen by some other ppl as a "Catholic conspiracy".
Regarding whether Peter was the leader, you can see very clearly every time the disciples assembled in council (Acts 1:15, 5:1-10), and they placed his name first every time they listed the names of the Apostles. (Matt. 10:2, Mark 3:16, Luke 6:13-14, Acts 1:13).
In addition, there is the testimony of the Church Fathers. In the second century St. Hegessipus compiled a list of Popes to the time of Anicetus (eleventh Pope) which contained the name of St. Peter as first. Early in the third century the historian Caius wrote that Pope Victor was "the thirteenth Bishop of Rome from Peter." In the middle of the third century St. Cyprian related that Cornelius (twenty-first Pope) "mounted the lofty summit of the priesthood...the place of Peter." Even Protestant historians have attested to Peter's role as first Bishop of Rome, first pope of the Catholic Church. Wrote the eminent Protestant historian Cave in his Historia Litiraria: "That Peter was at Rome, and held the See there for some time, we fearlessly affirm with the whole multitude of the ancients." Hence the source of the Pope's authority to rule over the Catholic Church is quite obvious: It was given him by none other than Jesus Christ, by God Himself.
The Lord saying: "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona...Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build by church." (Matt. 16:17-19). "There shall be one fold and one shepherd." (John 10:16). "Feed my lambs...feed my sheep." (John 21:15-17). The words "rock" and "shepherd." (John 10:16). "Feed my lambsÂ…feed my sheep." (John 21:15-17). The words "rock" and "shepherd" must apply to Peter, and they must distinguish him as the head Apostle, otherwise Christ's statements are so ambiguous as to be meaningless.
In my respect of Apostle Peter and scripture which i read.
I have absolutely no doubt if anyone would say Apostle Peter is the Leader of the Twelve.
However, my presentation is not to prove if he is or not the Head/Leader.
My presentation is as of First posted. My question isn't answered again.![]()
Allow me to recap: Church is built onto Peter? according to Matthew 16:18-19
Who is the Rock? Peter or Christ or unknown???
Yes, true that a few ppl were mentiond arguing with Peter. Does that mean that he was not a leader? Ppl do argue. Even in today's church, there bound to be ppl disagreeing with one another. Even Martin Luther and John Calvin argued before.
"THE CATHOLIC CHURCH is the world's largest, and Christianity's oldest, religious body. Her 1 billion members inhabit the width and breadth of the earth, comprising almost one-fifth of the total human population. She is far and away the most popular religious concept the world has ever known. Paradoxically, however, the Catholic Church is also the world's most controversial religious concept. Catholic belief is different, too different to be orthodox, say Protestants and Christian cultists. Catholic belief is too ethereal to be logical, and too strict to be enjoyable, say the humanists and agnostics. Hence to millions of people, Catholicism is not only a colossal success, it is also a colossal enigma. Of course, there has to be an explanation for these contradictory opinions -- and there is an explanation: Protestants and others who have questions about Catholic belief too often make the mistake of going to the wrong place for the answers. Too often books written by religious incompetents are consulted. The result is incomplete and distorted information. With such information, one cannot help but see the Catholic faith as a colossal enigma.
The right place to go for information about Catholic belief -- in fact the only place to go for complete and authoritative information -- is the Catholic Church herself. As any detective will tell you, no investigation is quite so complete as an on-the-spot investigation. Hence, dear reader, if you are a Protestant, an unaffiliated Christian, or an agnostic, who wants to know the truth about Catholic belief, take this friendly advice: Seek out a Catholic priest and put your questions to him. You will find him a very understanding and obliging person. Or read this little booklet. This booklet was written by a Catholic who knows the questions you are likely to ask, as well as the answers, because once he, too, was outside of the Catholic Church, looking in. The questions in this booklet are basically the same ones he put to a Catholic priest, and the answers are basically the same ones given him by that priest. Read this booklet; then forget all the fiction you have heard about the Catholic Church, for you will have the gospel truth. " - Paul Whitcomb, a former Methodist Pastor in USA
What was the difference between the Bereans and the Thessalonians? Was it that the Bereans examined the Scriptures and the Thessalonians didnÂ’t? No.Originally posted by theoronin:When the Apostle Paul preached to the Bereans in Acts 17:11, how did the Bereans validate Paul's teachings? Through traditions? Definitely not! They "examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
Thanks M©+squareOriginally posted by M©+square:theoronin: Good biblical presentation.
On Acts 1:15Originally posted by Honeybunz:Regarding whether Peter was the leader, you can see very clearly every time the disciples assembled in council (Acts 1:15, 5:1-10), and they placed his name first every time they listed the names of the Apostles. (Matt. 10:2, Mark 3:16, Luke 6:13-14, Acts 1:13).
Certainly nobody is going to argue that Peter took over Christ's position in the Church. They are both totally different. Peter is just a servant looking after the Church, while Christ is still the centre of Christianity. But every group will have a leader. If Christ let the group go on without a head, what is going to happen? Everyone will have his own way of running things, and thus everyone will have his own way of interpreting the bible.Originally posted by theoronin:Please note carefully what Jesus said. He said, "feed MY sheep," not "feed YOUR sheep." The sheep still belongs to Jesus. Jesus is still the shepherd.
There are other verses where the Shepherd explicitly refers to Jesus Christ:[*]"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep." (Hebrews 13:20)
Also, take note of this Scriptural passage: "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers--not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away." (1 Peter 5:1-4)
[*]"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls." (1 Peter 2:24-25)
What do we know from this?[*]The Apostle Peter is asking the overseers to be shepherds over God's flock, just as Jesus asked Peter to be a shepherd over God's flock. Therefore, Peter is not the only shepherd.
[*]The Greek word for "lording it over" is katakurieuo, which means to "control, subjugate: - exercise dominion over (lordship), be lord over, overcome." No earthly shepherd of Christ is supposed to be exercising control over God's flock, i.e. the church.
[*]Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd of the church.
Yes, Jesus did talk about him being the Cornerstone. But they were parables for His other teachings. He appointing Peter is not a teaching. It was a command. It is just like you can't put the story of Moses being told to write the 10 commandments with the story of Adam and Eve.Originally posted by M©+square:I somehow sensed that the answer i get won't be a scripture based answer.
theoronin: Good biblical presentation.
Nope, I disagree. There is clearly no indication that the Thessalonians were examining the Scriptures like the Bereans did. In fact, Acts 17:11 shows the opposite.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:What was the difference between the Bereans and the Thessalonians? Was it that the Bereans examined the Scriptures and the Thessalonians didnÂ’t? No.
Paul spent three weeks debating the Scriptures with the Jews in Thessalonica. Obviously, they were examining the Scriptures too, but they were closed-minded, and hostile to PaulÂ’s message.
You are assuming without basis that Paul was simply "appealing to the Old Testament messianic prophecies." Don't forget, Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:15 that "the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation." Since salvation is through the message of the gospel, it also means that the entire contents of the gospel is found in the Scriptures. Therefore, Paul was actually preaching the gospel to the Thessalonians and the Bereans, which can be found in the Scriptures alone.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:Does this mean that Scripture is enough for Christians? No. Let us take note that neither the Bereans nor the Thessalonians were Christians. They were Hellenistic Jews. This whole passage is about how Paul dealt with potential converts from Judaism by appealing to the Old Testament messianic prophecies. It has nothing to do with whether Christians must rely on the Bible alone.
Jesus only referred to the Apostle Paul alone when he said these words to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."Originally posted by Honeybunz:Christ only talked to Peter alone when he said "Feed my sheep ... my lambs". He wouldn't be telling more than 1 person to be the head. What's going to happen if he did? Well, the different heads will be arguing with one another day to day, won't it? Already with Peter as the head, there were a bit of arguments.
Nowhere in the Bible does it imply that Peter is in charge of interpreting the Scriptures for every Christian, whether directly or indirectly. In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul wrote to Timothy, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."Originally posted by Honeybunz:Certainly nobody is going to argue that Peter took over Christ's position in the Church. They are both totally different. Peter is just a servant looking after the Church, while Christ is still the centre of Christianity. But every group will have a leader. If Christ let the group go on without a head, what is going to happen? Everyone will have his own way of running things, and thus everyone will have his own way of interpreting the bible.