maybe god doesnt have control over certain things?Originally posted by antoh:i fully agree with you. could someone more experience help me with this questions?
i have asked," if we were to predestined by God to be his children, does that mean that some of us were created not to believe in him?"
Well, I am sure some people become Christians because they fear death. However I think for most Christians, it is the acknowledgement that there is a God, and this God took the form of a man to be punished for the sins of mankind. The issue of the eternal life is a by-product of this acknowledgement. Sometime or other we all die, so there is no issue on death in itself. It is what comes after death that is the big question mark. We believe that there is a hell and there is a heaven. Either way, a person's soul continues on forever, so in that sense, either way, there is no "death".Originally posted by loseagain:from the way some christians speak about their religion, it seems that they accepted christ because he promised eternal life. do these ppl deserve to go to heaven as well? cos their motive for accepting christ is selfish ( fear of death ), not because they really want to be like god.
to me, it's like 4D addicts who pray for numbers from cai shen ye.
If, I'm not mistaken SingaporeMacross is quoting the Catholic point of view, Pope John Paul 2 reaffirmed in one of his letters that "All those who sincerely seek the face of God.." or something along that line.
okie, I read the bible and nowhere in it does it give tis idea. I have read about the white throne judgement and the phase tat "the only way to heaven is through christ and also comments tat no men can go to heaven without christ since all men r borned guilty etc. So pardon me for asking where do u get the above conclusion ?
Hitler by embracing evil rejects Christ and God,for God is goodness and love.
If according to your laws, then it is really true tat hitler like christian can go to heaven and mother theresa like buddhist will go to hell. Christian can really go around killing people or do anything they want as long as they believe in jesus.
if there is a hell and there is a heaven, how do u noe heaven is a better place than hell? cos the bible says so? wat if the bible lies? wat if god made man with a bad motive, n the serpent actually saved adam n eve by making them eat the forbidden fruit?Originally posted by Chin Eng:Well, I am sure some people become Christians because they fear death. However I think for most Christians, it is the acknowledgement that there is a God, and this God took the form of a man to be punished for the sins of mankind. The issue of the eternal life is a by-product of this acknowledgement. Sometime or other we all die, so there is no issue on death in itself. It is what comes after death that is the big question mark. We believe that there is a hell and there is a heaven. Either way, a person's soul continues on forever, so in that sense, either way, there is no "death".
I quite like the way heaven and hell is portrayed in the movie "Constantine"...
I don't think anyone can prove to you that heaven and hell exist. Your question may be a contradiction in itself because you seem to acknowledge that God created man but is saying that he has an ulterior motive to do so. I think one should assume that the Bible is the world of God or it is not. There is no in-between. The reason is simple: who can tell which verse is true and which verse is not?Originally posted by loseagain:if there is a hell and there is a heaven, how do u noe heaven is a better place than hell? cos the bible says so? wat if the bible lies? wat if god made man with a bad motive, n the serpent actually saved adam n eve by making them eat the forbidden fruit?
n souls r created everytime a baby is formed?
If, I'm not mistaken SingaporeMacross is quoting the Catholic point of view, Pope John Paul 2 reaffirmed in one of his letters that "All those who sincerely seek the face of God.." or something along that line.If i am not wrong, tat means according to the scriptures, there is only one way to heaven, which is through christ as no other. But the pope says something tat is opposite to wat the scriptures described. So if u ask me, the point tat non-believer will go to hell definitely is more believable since the scripture should holds more power than mere human judgement. In short, non-believers go to hell straight
It basically means anyone who does good deeds and lives a good life is acceptable for heaven because the whole message of Christ is to be good and to love . With Christ's death on the cross, he opened salvation for all(even non-Christians) provided they fufill the good and loving life requirements
For Christians they belive in God and have accepted Christ as their Saviour, therefore must live that Christian life.
Hitler by embracing evil rejects Christ and God,for God is goodness and love.Tat really depends on your interpretation. God may not stand for goodness and love since it do starts wars and fighting and it do kill a lot of people to achieve its aim. His motives may be truly pure and he did it for his obedience to god. So should he be going to hell for doing something purely for god ?
He will not go to heaven because he is Christian The whole point of being Christian is to follow the commandment of Christ's to love.
Scripture states that Christ his death on the cross opened salvation for all.
If i am not wrong, tat means according to the scriptures, there is only one way to heaven, which is through christ as no other. But the pope says something tat is opposite to wat the scriptures described. So if u ask me, the point tat non-believer will go to hell definitely is more believable since the scripture should holds more power than mere human judgement. In short, non-believers go to hell straight
Christians take it that God is good and loving. About the point of religion killing people, I'll not go any further than to say this:Religion does not cause wars, it is people who twist religion to suit their agendas.
Tat really depends on your interpretation. God may not stand for goodness and love since it do starts wars and fighting and it do kill a lot of people to achieve its aim. His motives may be truly pure and he did it for his obedience to god. So should he be going to hell for doing something purely for god ?
Originally posted by loseagain:Well, I respect your decision. But it does strike me strange that if you have never and don't intend to read the Bible, on what basis are you trying to understand the how Christians think? In reality, devotions and chapels in school only scrap the barrel on how one should read the Bible. But as I'd said, I respect your decision, and I was not even remotely trying to convert you, it's just another way to exchange ideas and opinions.
to [b]Chin Eng : nope, i have never and dont really intend to read the bible, but thanks for ur offer.
( i roughly hear about its contents during devotions and chapels in school. )
another qns : if believing and accepting Christ will bring eternal life, y do christians treat death as such a sad thing?
after all, they will meet each other again once God's kingdom arrive.[/b]
free will...Originally posted by bratpig:maybe god doesnt have control over certain things?![]()
God is not all about good and loving. Many charismatic churches only teach about God's love and love and love and love. But the most fundamental of God's characteristics is the Christian God is a God of Judgement and Covenant.Originally posted by plo30360:Christians take it that God is good and loving. About the point of religion killing people, I'll not go any further than to say this:Religion does not cause wars, it is people who twist religion to suit their agendas.
Scripture states that Christ his death on the cross opened salvation for all.he also say tat he is the only way to heaven. So should we reject tat statement ?
Wait a minute.. I don't see any words in tat passage tat suggest the above
As for Scriputre supporting this idea, there are like this one:
"where love is, there is God" and encouraged to hope that the love a person expressed in their life was an outworking of the Holy Spirit of Christ at work in their hearts and drawing them toward communion with God (see Romans 2:14-16).
And as I said to love and to do good deeds is accepting Christ for God is love.
Christians take it that God is good and loving. About the point of religion killing people, I'll not go any further than to say this:Religion does not cause wars, it is people who twist religion to suit their agendas.I guess i was not clear about tis but the scriptures itself says tat god made mens fight wars against other tribes. It is not about men, it is about god himself involving in the war written in his own words.
Hitler certainly did not believe he was doing it for God. Though he used Christian literature in his own distorted way. At the most he justified his actions at certain moments by drawing parrells with Christian literature. After he came to power he closed down Christian churchs and set up his own church.There r many evidences tat show hitler believes in christ but I do not wish to dwell on tat matter. The pope for a time even praise god for him managing to escape an assasination
But more importantly, if someone claims he is doing for God, then:In the OT, there r several acts tat warrants the "death" penalty. If he goes around killing prostitutes, he does not really deviate from the teachings of the bible.
The action cannot contradict the commandment of loving one's neighbour, if it does that person certainly is not doing it for God.
Alas....Originally posted by fandango:Indeed, you can see the differences in the explanantion of SingaporeMacross as compared to the others in this thread. The teaching of the Catholic is really not of the Bible. I think majority of fundamental christians are holding their breath on the appointment of the next pope because he may be the false prohphet of the Antichrist which will bring the religions of the world together. The Harlot riding the Beast is almost clear now.
By accepting Christ and to follow his way means you follow his commandment of loving one's neighbour. Therefore, by loving Christ, it is to accept him and his way.
he also say tat he is the only way to heaven. So should we reject tat statement ?
Gentiles, refers to non-believers. to simplify this passage:
Wait a minute.. I don't see any words in tat passage tat suggest the above
Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 16This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares
I did not say Hitler did not believe in Christ. I said he did not think his actions were for God.Now, regarding Pope Pius XII prasing God for Hitler escaping an assasination attempt, I would like to know where did you get your source from?
There r many evidences tat show hitler believes in christ but I do not wish to dwell on tat matter. The pope for a time even praise god for him managing to escape an assasination
Hao2 bu4 liu2 qing2 one siah ..Originally posted by fandango:Indeed, you can see the differences in the explanantion of SingaporeMacross as compared to the others in this thread. The teaching of the Catholic is really not of the Bible.
Sorry, havn't read that book before. Just the Bible.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:Alas....
You've been reading too much Left Behind haven't you?
Majority of people think Christianity and Roman Catholism are the same. So just trying to show that they are different.Originally posted by Icemoon:Hao2 bu4 liu2 qing2 one siah ..![]()
the difference is at least the KKK aren't afraid to admit they are white supremacists and that they hate blacks.Originally posted by laurence82:Cant stand the Catholics bashing that arose form time to time in this forum..what's the difference between those hypocrites and KKK?![]()