Frankly I'm not sure.Originally posted by fallin:is it true that you'll go to hell if you dont forgive people who do wrong against you. Matt 6:14-15
did god just make u double post?Originally posted by mdfjami:double post =p
A non-Christian who was unable to accept Christ because nobody prayed for him, nor bothered to share with him about Christ, is excused. He can go to heaven, provided he tries to live a good life the best way he knows of.Originally posted by le cruz:I learnt from a christian friend that "no one goes to the father without going by the son"
Clarification for non christian forumites, and christian frens pls correct me if i'm wrong: the line basically means that one has to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour before he/she can go to heaven.
So, if don't believe in Jesus, gg straight to the other place...
I'm just want to ask: what about all the other good people in the world? People who have dedicated their lives to charity, who have made tremendous positive contribution to the community, etc. What about them?
But say a man commits many sins in his life. He can be a murderer, drug dealer, committed adultery... but he accepts Christ. Why is this person allowed to go to heaven?
I understand because Jesus died for all mankind, therefore by his blood, men in the past, present and future have been cleansed. But being human, it's quite difficult for me to accept that men who are good (by our standards) are not allowed to go to heaven, but bad people (by our standards, as well) who accept Christ are allowed to..
Pls enlighten me.
How about the verse in Romans that says claiming not knowing God is inexcusable?Originally posted by loseagain:cos no one goes to heaven except thru christ, he will go to hell? juz cos he never heard of christ?
In Romans 2:11-16 it speaks about those who have never heard the Law of God and how they will be judged according to the law that is written in their hearts. The Law written in their hearts is the knowledge of right and wrong. Perhaps God's judgment of those without a proper knowledge of Him is included there where it says that they will be judged according to their own consciences that "bear witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them." All I know is that God will do what is right and the only way to have your sins forgiven is through Jesus.Originally posted by loseagain:someone asked tis before, but i didnt check the reply:
wat if a guy lifes in some place where he has never heard of christ all his life?
say in a tribe in some deep part of some forest?
but he has always done good deeds n commit few sins?
cos no one goes to heaven except thru christ, he will go to hell? juz cos he never heard of christ?
Let us look at these as 2 separate issues.Originally posted by le cruz:I learnt from a christian friend that "no one goes to the father without going by the son"
Clarification for non christian forumites, and christian frens pls correct me if i'm wrong: the line basically means that one has to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour before he/she can go to heaven.
So, if don't believe in Jesus, gg straight to the other place...
I'm just want to ask: what about all the other good people in the world? People who have dedicated their lives to charity, who have made tremendous positive contribution to the community, etc. What about them?
But say a man commits many sins in his life. He can be a murderer, drug dealer, committed adultery... but he accepts Christ. Why is this person allowed to go to heaven?
I understand because Jesus died for all mankind, therefore by his blood, men in the past, present and future have been cleansed. But being human, it's quite difficult for me to accept that men who are good (by our standards) are not allowed to go to heaven, but bad people (by our standards, as well) who accept Christ are allowed to..
Pls enlighten me.
I see. So there is hope for non christians too.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:A non-Christian who was unable to accept Christ because nobody prayed for him, nor bothered to share with him about Christ, is excused. He can go to heaven, provided he tries to live a good life the best way he knows of.
A murderer can go to heaven if He accepts Christ, but only if he repents.
Yea, Jesus died for all mankind. And God judges people in His own way. So we cannot automatically condemn non-Christians to hell.
I have to say it here SPECIFICALLY here it is really for people who REALLY never heard of the gospel before. Most of us in Singapore have heard and we will judge as people who have heard and our response.Originally posted by le cruz:I see. So there is hope for non christians too.
If i rem clearly, I heard the Bible mentions 2 people who went to heaven, but who din believe in Jesus Christ. But how come 2 ppl niaz?
Sometime back, my fren jioed me to go Indoor Stadium to attend Rev Benny Hhin's Healing Crusade.
It was an eye opening experience for this non-christian to say the least. Anybody here went also?
It is a gd explanation.Originally posted by gasband:Let us look at these as 2 separate issues.
So, just as this while are living, we are given rewards and punishments according to the laws of this world, so are there 'laws' or 'criteria' to grant us "entry" to heaven.
To put it simply in an example, the criteria to enter NUS is totally different to the criteria needed to enter Berkeley's Music College.
Sincerely if you believe that these men will suffer for eternity just because they do not accept Christ, why not accept Christ?Originally posted by le cruz:It is a gd explanation.
But that would mean that many good men will suffer for eternity after leaving this world.
I'm buddhist, btw. I believe we can discuss these things lar. Just discussion niaz.Originally posted by gasband:Sincerely if you believe that these men will suffer for eternity just because they do not accept Christ, why not accept Christ?
Why do I say this?
If Jesus is real, you would go to heaven as Jesus promised.
If Jesus is fake, do you have anything to lose?
Having said that, I am not asking people to "PLAY SAFE". What I am saying is give Jesus a chance. He will show you He is real when you accept Him. If down the road, you really really think that this Jesus thingy is a load of crap, then just heck it and leave. It is easy if you think that Jesus is fake. But my challenge to my friends is, but what if what Jesus had been preaching is true?
It is never okay to use God's name in vain and use it for their own selfish motives. We would never know what happen then and why they fought the war but I am sure of one thing is that if their motives are selifish and are using God's name in vain, God would never endorse their actions and would judge them according to His standards.Originally posted by bratpig:bible talks abt the crusade. why is it okay to fight a war in the name of god? shouldn't religion teach people to be peace loving and forgiving?
if so, can people use religion to create havoc in this world, e.g. terrorism.
Hey yeah glad u choose to see things from Christian point of view. It makes for great discussion. Sure I respect ur belief and hope u will find the information helpfulOriginally posted by le cruz:I'm buddhist, btw. I believe we can discuss these things lar. Just discussion niaz.
As for "...suffering for eternity..." I'm trying to see it from christian pt of view. That just strikes me as a little unfair.
But oklar, you said different criteria. Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation.
Eye opener or not is unimportant. David Copperfield also can make your eyes open big big when his locomotive disappears.Originally posted by le cruz:Sometime back, my fren jioed me to go Indoor Stadium to attend Rev Benny Hhin's Healing Crusade.
It was an eye opening experience for this non-christian to say the least. Anybody here went also?
We are all God's children? Just that some are "predestined for salvation". Don't take my phrase in the quotes literally. It is not as straightfwd as you think.Originally posted by antoh:if we were to predestined by God to be his children, does that mean that some of us were created not to believe in him?
A non-Christian who was unable to accept Christ because nobody prayed for him, nor bothered to share with him about Christ, is excused. He can go to heaven, provided he tries to live a good life the best way he knows of.okie, I read the bible and nowhere in it does it give tis idea. I have read about the white throne judgement and the phase tat "the only way to heaven is through christ and also comments tat no men can go to heaven without christ since all men r borned guilty etc. So pardon me for asking where do u get the above conclusion ?
MAN A is a someone who does alot of good deeds but refuse to receive Christ.wat about man a do a lot of good deeds and no one knows ? Wat if man b commit murder and nobody knows as well ?
MAN B is a murderer, rapist and arsonist who decides to receive Christ.
So, just as this while are living, we are given rewards and punishments according to the laws of this world, so are there 'laws' or 'criteria' to grant us "entry" to heaven.if u ask me, tis doesn't really help in making the people do good deeds. If according to your laws, then it is really true tat hitler like christian can go to heaven and mother theresa like buddhist will go to hell. Christian can really go around killing people or do anything they want as long as they believe in jesus.
And the only 'criteria'? To accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
If Jesus is real, you would go to heaven as Jesus promised.if buddhist is real then u can have a chance to obtain nirvana
If Jesus is fake, do you have anything to lose?
Having said that, I am not asking people to "PLAY SAFE". What I am saying is give Jesus a chance. He will show you He is real when you accept Him. If down the road, you really really think that this Jesus thingy is a load of crap, then just heck it and leave. It is easy if you think that Jesus is fake. But my challenge to my friends is, but what if what Jesus had been preaching is true?
It is never okay to use God's name in vain and use it for their own selfish motives. We would never know what happen then and why they fought the war but I am sure of one thing is that if their motives are selifish and are using God's name in vain, God would never endorse their actions and would judge them according to His standards.I hope no one is gonna shammed me for tis but the scriptures do speak of religious wars tat wipe out tribes completely in the name of god. It will not be a surprise if the reader of the scripture interpretes tat fighting "just" wars r accepted.
i fully agree with you. could someone more experience help me with this questions?Originally posted by Icemoon:We are all God's children? Just that some are "predestined for salvation". Don't take my phrase in the quotes literally. It is not as straightfwd as you think.
Ok, this concept can become dangerous if not handled properly. So I shall stop and let a more experienced Calvinist take over ..![]()