They found the idea of a sudden beginning to the universe philosophically unsatisfactory.Originally posted by Icemoon:plo30360 -no, i am asking why did the scientists even believe in it in the first place. Doesn't the notion of no beginning surprised them at all?
No begining and no end goes back to steady state theory.Originally posted by F Takumi:
There is no beginning and no end. The hypothesis of a supreme being will inevitably lead to the question of what comes before him.
Where is stupidissmart?
No beginning and no end does not imply steady state theory only. It just mean that we are unable to trace the beginning of everything, and at the rate the universe is expanding, there will be no end.Originally posted by plo30360:No begining and no end goes back to steady state theory.
SIS will be here shortly, no doubt about it![]()
The first one being that someone or something(Supreme being) willed everything into existence(at least the basic forms).if u want a satidfying answer than I need to know the psychology state of your mind and which thing appeal to u more.
The second scenario is that everything came out of nothing???
Well, I would like both scenarios to be fully explained.
if u want a satidfying answer than I need to know the psychology state of your mind and which thing appeal to u more.
Did you read what I said about creation and evolution being complemenatary as in creation took care of the basic forms and evolution took over from there.
I guess u r a christian and u believe in a creator tat create everything. Then the question is
Wat create the creator ?
If I am not wrong, u will come out with the following answers
a) It was not created. It popped out suddenly.
then my answer for u is since u already believe in something so complex popping out of the blue, then u should believe the galaxy can popped out of nothing as well
Let's put aside the Christian factor first.Originally posted by plo30360:Did you read what I said about creation and evolution being complemenatary as in creation took care of the basic forms and evolution took over from there.
And anyway I don't want to be difficult, I just want to know more what do you mean by no begining no end. Apart from steady state theory and FTakumi's comments about the begining being untraceable by cause and effect, do you have a different or similar explaination?
Originally posted by F Takumi:I put aside the christian factor the moment I created this topic hence I mentioned "Supreme Being" since a lot of religions share this concept.
Let's put aside the Christian factor first.
Almost every race and culture believes in creation, ie some supreme being created the universe. The most popular among Chinese is "Pan Gu Kai Tian Di". As I have said before, the weakness in believing in a creator is the question of what comes before him.
In other words we have to wait for science to catch up. So, one day we'll eventually know?
In scientific theory, the current belief is in the Big Bang Theory. However, there is no means to determine what happened before the Big Bang.
Recently,contemporary evolutionary theory favors the egg.
I'd say discussing about this topic is like talking about whether chicken or egg come first
The point about putting aside the Christian factor is meant for stupidissmartOriginally posted by plo30360:I put aside the christian factor the moment I created this topic hence I mentioned "Supreme Being" since a lot of religions share this concept.
Of, course all these religions would point out that the creator is the ultimate cause, nothing can come before him, but I'm don't want to primarly discuss that aspect.
In other words we have to wait for science to catch up. So, one day we'll eventually know?
Recently,contemporary evolutionary theory favors the egg.
Given Mendel's theory of inheritance, the transition to chickenhood can
only take place between an egg-layer and its egg.
But anyway, are you comapring this "no begining no end concept" with the chicken and egg analogy?
According to scientific journals, the latest findings show that our universe is currently on a neverending expansion.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:We know surprisingly little about the true nature of the universe to make any big claims about it.
Though if you follow through with conventional astrophysics, the expanding universe does have an end. Eventually, antrophy will win over, the stars will burn out or collaspe into singularities, the singularities will eventually combine and consume all the matter in the universe, that is, our universe will eventually become nothing more then a singularity. Eventually, even singularities decay on a quantum level and in the end, there will be nothing left, that's as far as our physics can take us, as of now, in very long term predictions. But so far, what we do observe does indicate that our universe has an end.
But I know I have little to lose anyway.
Did you read what I said about creation and evolution being complemenatary as in creation took care of the basic forms and evolution took over from there.creation dictates tat all the lifeform we see now is the result of creation, tat is the wolf is created, the rat is created and men is created. In evolution, it meant tat a single cell appears due to nature conditions and it evolves to wolves, men and rat. So it is very different
And anyway I don't want to be difficult, I just want to know more what do you mean by no begining no end. Apart from steady state theory and FTakumi's comments about the begining being untraceable by cause and effect, do you have a different or similar explaination?I believe in the big bang, i.e it has a beginning. However the other result on the creator etc is to remind people tat when playing with such question on wat create wat etc, no one has a truly satisfying answer even from a religion context.
Of, course all these religions would point out that the creator is the ultimate cause, nothing can come before him, but I'm don't want to primarly discuss that aspect.actually tis goes back to the point A tat if u believe nothing comes before the creator, then why don't u just believe the galaxy have no precedence as well. Galaxy is simpler and more likely to appear than a complex being with thoughts and emotion isn't it ?
In other words we have to wait for science to catch up. So, one day we'll eventually know?if u ask me, somewhere down the line it will come to the conclusion tat something appears out of nothing. Maybe the answer is already out but u just find it hard to believe
Though if you follow through with conventional astrophysics, the expanding universe does have an end. Eventually, antrophy will win over, the stars will burn out or collaspe into singularities, the singularities will eventually combine and consume all the matter in the universe, that is, our universe will eventually become nothing more then a singularity. Eventually, even singularities decay on a quantum level and in the end, there will be nothing left, that's as far as our physics can take us, as of now, in very long term predictions. But so far, what we do observe does indicate that our universe has an me, u will never see tat day. Might as well try to make everyday of your life happy instead of worrying on things tat far off
The point about putting aside the Christian factor is meant for stupidissmart I have no good impression of Christians but I do try to maintain some objectiveness during discussions.well, the point is to tell people tat there is no answer tat will please everyone, not even answer from religions. It is good to establish tis fact first before any discussion should continue.
Hmm..maybe should not have used the term creation. The thing is, from a religious view point, I'm making an assumption that, the ultimate cause(Supreme Being), created the basic forms and then evolution took over.
creation dictates tat all the lifeform we see now is the result of creation, tat is the wolf is created, the rat is created and men is created. In evolution, it meant tat a single cell appears due to nature conditions and it evolves to wolves, men and rat. So it is very different
Cause and effect is not possibe, if it hits a nothing(null). For, example, if we were to take the chicken and egg analogy, the chicken and the egg both can be either a cause or a effect, but you need at least one of them. This is why having nothing as a cause does not satisfy people.
if u ask me, somewhere down the line it will come to the conclusion tat something appears out of nothing. Maybe the answer is already out but u just find it hard to believe
I agree, but being human we are curious to know. I guess human curiosity is something that will never have an end.
trust me, u will never see tat day. Might as well try to make everyday of your life happy instead of worrying on things tat far off
Hmm..maybe should not have used the term creation. The thing is, from a religious view point, I'm making an assumption that, the ultimate cause(Supreme Being), created the basic forms and then evolution took over.well, IMO there is no such thing as an ultimate being. Life form started by nature.
Anyway from a non-religious point of view:
Cause and effect is not possibe, if it hits a nothing(null). For, example, if we were to take the chicken and egg analogy, the chicken and the egg both can be either a cause or a effect, but you need at least one of them. This is why having nothing as a cause does not satisfy people.then hwo does the supreme being appear ? wat is the "cause and effect" on the supreme being ? If tat is the case then surely something has to be the one creating tis supreme being isn't it ?
I agree, but being human we are curious to know. I guess human curiosity is something that will never have an end.tat line actually is trying to tell people not to worry about stars being extinguish and universe coming to an end since tat is probably few ... I don't know billions of billions of billions of years away
well, IMO there is no such thing as an ultimate being. Life form started by nature
With regards to these two quotes, actually, I was hoping you would elborate on your 'things starting from nothing'.
then hwo does the supreme being appear ? wat is the "cause and effect" on the supreme being ? If tat is the case then surely something has to be the one creating tis supreme being isn't it ?
My religious one being, the one about the ultimate cause giving the start for evolution.I need to find out more about your religious assumption. Wat cause this "ultimate cause" ?
My non-religious one being if there is no supreme being, are we to accept the "Big Bang" and its untraceable cause or find an alternative explaination?wat answer do u think will be appropriate ? If someone give an answer saying the big bang, u will ask wat cause the big bang. (someone say it was caused by some 9 dimensional object) When we found an answer on wat cause the big bang, then u will ask wat cause tis "cause" again and there will really be no limit to these answering. Lets say u ask the cause and effect for infinity times and infinity causes were given. Wat do u think will be the answer at the end of it all ? A supreme being is the least likely answer at the end since it too has to be caused as well. My bet is, it has to be something created out of nothing.
A supreme being in our context, by definition, is uncaused. Don't play around with words.Originally posted by stupidissmart:A supreme being is the least likely answer at the end since it too has to be caused as well. My bet is, it has to be something created out of nothing.
I accept your statement that the theist believes that the supreme being is uncaused and ever-present.Originally posted by Icemoon:A supreme being in our context, by definition, is uncaused. Don't play around with words.
This supreme being exists outside our "bubble", if you imagine the whole universe and all matter to be in this bubble. It is meaningless to ask what caused this supreme being since we cannot "think" outside this bubble.
Your creation out of nothing is harder to accept since you assume this "bubble" can exist by itself.
Anyway, in trying to compare which is more plausible (God or nothing), you made an unfair assumption - that God is at the same level as this nothing. You see, everything in your argument involves (can only involve) things in this "bubble". The theist's First Cause is outside this "bubble". Can you compare the two like two apples?
In the eyes of science, the two views are indistinguisable. There is a Big Bang.