as above. how much does it cost installing chinese character on Nokia 3120 Classic? cause when i first bought my handphone in May 2009, it comes with eng and chinese (tat time dont give a ****).. then last sunday morning phone got problem.. then monday (yesterday) phone send for repair **** the person say my phone memory inside (C:) corrputed or what la idk... which cause the whole thing to reformat... then when i use my phone.. i found non chinese in my phone but instead english and some dutch, french words wth man... i didnt know it would become like tat...
haizz sian la and if ur reply was to buy new phone.. save it.. i now even more sad that my SIM card is spoil and have to use new number which cost wasting time asking ppl and u know la... some want give some dont.. some though i am crazy.. haizz