this afternoon, moi finally got my butt to the clinic for the medical check (it's for the pains and sickness i've been having for the past months).
it happens that my veins are hard to find and according to the doc, they move and collaspe easily. thus doc had to poke me in 4 different places to get enough blood for the test. the amount of blood taken didn't seem a lot but by the time the doc was done, i was feeling faint. the clinic assistants tried to carry me to another room to rest but i collasped after a few steps and ended up lying in the waiting room.
ggggrrrrrr.... wat the.... how come kenna poke 4 times to take some blood also will like that one... grrrr...... now the punctured areas are hurting pretty bad, not to mention the process it self was more painful then usual. ggggrrrrrr......