MTYs arise!!! Here's another MTY movie outing! Yet another sleepless Saturday to gather, chill, scandalise & crap! Everyone is welcome! If u think it's too late and can't stay awake, we'll bring smelling salts & cattle prods!

Come come dun shy ya? Newbie, oldbie, who cares? We gonna see movie, not your yandao face or chiobu killer body wakakaka!

May meet for late dinner & kopi B4 screening but TBC late on the day itself. Most likely a spot of supper to follow after the 3-hour film too...
Movie :
TroyDrool Factor : Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger, Eric Bana
Place : Golden Village Plaza Singapura
Date & Time : Saturday 15th May @ 1.00am
or 1.20am screening
Attendee list:- TX
- the_don
- Aulf (TBC)
- Larren (TBC)
Put yer names down if interested and I'll update. Will pick up tickets in advance. Last orders by
Saturday 15th May 6pm please. Thanks & hope 2 c u there!