.................. traffic accident ..................
the cab i was in decided to e-brake and wham into the butt of new blue car. i ended up hitting the back of the front passenger seat with my left jaw, chest, shoulder and leg. As i just got onto the cab a few seconds before the accident occurred, the safety belt was not strapped on yet. I called UMTY who rushed to my aid, brought me to a clinic nearby.the doctor there suggested I go straight to the A&E. Headed off to SGH A&E, have some doc ‘inflict’ more pain, took x-ray and thank goodness there were no fractures on my chest nor leg.
Now IÂ’ve got a potential massive bruise on my shouler, chest and leg. the pain is bad so moi on mc to rest for the next few daysÂ… heee heee Â…..

this is how the bruise on my left shoulder looks like..... yellowish liao.. is that good or bad