This idea came up yesterday night while having supper. Would be good to match faces to the names I been talking to during all those MTY nights. Anyone wanna give me face n attend? Weekday evening suggested so as not to clash with family/darling time

date: 24th March (Wednesday)
time: 8pm
venue: S-11 Stamford RoadAttendee count:- TX
- Gedanken
- Weidev
- Skeujin (kiv)
- coolger03 (KIV)
- Bochupi
- s|nNeD
- Estee (SHF)
- FireIce (hiding behind tree)
- Tim^Guitarist (???)
- the_don
- Heng@ (TBC)
- larrenV2.003 (TBC)
- ratinacage (KIV)
- thhong22
- the bear
- Imperfect (TBC)
- choco B (TBC)
- Viper52
- xian89 (TBC)
- F.O.S (depends on work schedule)
- stoner (depends on work schedule)
- KittynMeow (TBC)
pre-dinner kopi session
date: 24th March (Wednesday)
time: 4.30pm
venue: Wisma Atria Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf- the bear (I/C)
- MooKu
- s|nNeD
- coolger03 (TBC)
- Weidev
- TX (TBC)
- narz (TBC)
- tare
who wanna join me/us leave yer name here k? List will be updated.