some quotes regarding the story...

Three Men and a Baby - A Ghost?
In the seen where the actor Ted Danson has his Mother stop by to help with the baby, she picks the baby up in his room. When she starts to walk out to the left, look at the back window, there will be a figure of a boy in the curtains. The story goes that a little boy who once lived there died in that apartment. (But don't quote me on that)
Je§K writes:
OK, first of all, everyone who says it is a cut-out of Ted Danson is right. But you're also wrong, because anyone who has the original copy of Three Men and a Baby knows that the little kid is in fact not Ted Danson. Once the story of the little kid got out, the film was re-edited to make it look like a cardboard cut out of Ted Danson. I should know, because I have the orignal copy, and I have seen the newer edited version. Now you ask, 'Why would they not just edit the boy out all together?' Because of the simple fact that if they did that, people would be almost certain that the boy is a ghost. On the other hand, there is a cut out of Ted in the movie, so why not just edit that into there and make it look like a coincidence? And it's a fact that many apartment television and movie sets are modeled after real life apartments, so who knows? So many of you back up your stories with 'Well, the crew said that the director said this.' If this is, in fact, a ghost, do you think the movie crew would actually say so in risks of making themselves look like real jacka**es? That's my 2 cents.
Abstract writes:
Ok, I don't care who saw what, but I was sober when I checked this out over like 15 times. Go frame by frame. If you look and pay attention, you see a shotgun standing straight up by itself in front of the window. Then they don't show the window, then when they are leaving, the gun is GONE, and that freaky little kid is standing there. If thats a cut out of Ted Danson, then it completley sucks cuz it looks nothing like him, and its hand is sticking out of the curtain. So how can a cut out touch something?? And who cares if it was filmed on a set?? That's where movies usually are filmed last time I checked...what, ghosts can't haunt movie sets??? WHATEVER
synphany writes:
I have watched the movie many times and I have seen the "ghost boy" and the "cutout" of Ted Danson. The "boy" by the window is definitely NOT the "cutout" Ted Danson. They look nothing alike. I'm not sure what it is, but
there IS something there. And it stilll spokes me to watch. Weird!!!
ddnicole writes:
Okay, that is definitely - without a doubt - a little boy! He is nowhere near the size of Ted Danson! I've seen this shot many times with my own eyes, and I would bet money on it that the image we see is a young boy standing behind the door. Even the version I saw on TV shows the young boy. Plus, he is not wearing a top hat and coat! He has on regular little boy clothes (pants and a shirt).
Exar writes:
Yeah, I've heard the Ted Danson stand up story. I've paused, frame by frame, still photo etc..... It's NOT Ted Danson. That was the story from Touchstone. If thats the case, why is the standup not there on the first pass. She clearly walks by the window holding the baby and nothing is there. She turns and walks back in the same direction and VOILA.....instant ghost.
Jan1e writes:
If you look closely, it has the man (forgot his name) and the mother walking through the apartment with a little bit of space in between them. When the space in between them passes in front of the window, you can see a little boy standing there. However, when they start walking again and the man passes in front of him, it turns into the cutout. It is very clear, because the cutout is wearing a top hat and the little boy isn't. See for yourself. The producers were probably trying to cover up for it.
Mattcraze writes:
Okay, I don't know about you, but the picture that is shown at that site that disproves this story is very different from what I saw in the movie. The boy is much bigger in the picture on that site, is kinda leaning to the right, smiling and wearing a tux or something. What I saw was a smaller boy, standing straight, wearing a red and white STRIPED shirt, and you can't really see his face. I don't know what this means, but I do know that the picture at the site is definately NOT what I saw when I watched the movie.
CrisF writes:
Yes, i wish that the suggested ghost was just a card board cut out, but i don't think it's very convincing. A few years ago i was watching an Australian show called 'the extraordinary', they covered a story on this incident. Oddly enough, this little boy also appears in a film clip, leaning against a tree(i wish i could remember which one). It is the exact same boy, and apparently no one knows who he is.
Why would directors purposely place an apparition of a ghost in a film made for children, just for a publicity stunt? As i watched it as a kid, I was really scared by the film, and i avoid watching it now because the figure spooks me out. I can promise that the boy in the film clip is the same one, maybe they did it on purpose once again but i doubt it.
Jax writes:
OK...OK...I have been told of this as well. I have been told all three stories about the boy and the gun and Teds cut out...but no matter what we think we will always see what we want to see...I like the ghost boy story so to me thats what it is...a ghost of a boy who sprit has been caught in limbo and is serching for a way out.
machine_05 writes:
come on .. seriously... let's look at the two options... either it was a cardboard cut out left lying around that was clearly seen elsewhere in the movie (hard to swallow i know)...or the spirits saw fit to ease all mankinds suffering by at last revealing that there is indeed life after death..surely the most important discovery in the history of humanity. And how do they decide to inform us of this wonderous news....? they send one of there numbers to stand around...(sorry HOVER cos that's what real ghosts do right..?) the background of three men and a baby...
grow up...
the only eerie part is the though that if we're REALLY bad..we get to spend eternity behind the curtains in some crappy feel good chick movie...
Brendon writes:
The scene was apparently filmed in a movie studio and not in a real apartment building so any child deaths in apartments dont relate to it (though this is actually word from the film makers who may be trying to cover it up) It would be cool if the ghost was real!
ironbear writes:
Okay, the way I've been told by a somewhat reliable source is: The BOY in the background actually fell from the window he was standing in front of. The boys mother didn't want to, but finally saw the movie when it. Of course she was looking at the window the boy fell out of and saw her son. She cracked! And she created a huge stink with the studio. They then recalled earlier releases from the shelves and replaced them with an edited version that has the Ted Danson popup. I have the first and second edition, and it is very eerie to see the difference. I'm still not going to say that this isn't an elaborate hoax though.