Originally posted by aHGer^83:
recently i had a very weird dream...i must say evry weird lor...everything was inside a building...but diff grp of frens...it goes smtng lydat...
i remebered i woke up in my ITE classroom...as usualll i fell asleep in class(who dun??

den i went out for a smoke...just walk out lydat...den most of my class mates who smokes...followed me...even my ex...he followed me...we din say anything...but had a session of b.ball and smoke...
den class ended...everyone left the classroom...so me and my ex and our frens all walked towards a door...which i remebered it shld be gg to the roof...
but when we opened the door and walked thru it...it was the roof...it was a HDB flat...so we walked past one of the units...it was very strange..it was those very malay kind of flat lor...
den my classmates all drag me go in...i went in reluctantly...den me wonder abt lor...see the rooms very big and nice lor...den all sat at a big and round table....i din sit down...i was looking in a room...den suddenly...appear this malay boy...abt 10 yrs of age...he chant smtng den do some strecthing...den he say "I CAN FLY!!" den he jumped out of the window...i was very shocked...so i went to the window ans see...he was lying down dere...but...no blood stain ntng...so i ran down...den i saw my church frens...dey were all outside dat unit...dey said dey were here for me...take me away..i said...not so soon...so i ran downstairs the spot whr the boy died...he wasnt dere!
so i ran up again...the boy was at the sam spot at the window...he did the same thing again...den he jumped out the window again...dis time...he was dead?? nope...i looked out the window...dere were blood everywhr...and police and ambulance and crowds start to come...he was pronounced dead as i tot...however, when i went up the unit, the boy was dere again...this time, covered wif blood and his bones were almost crushed and u noe..fragile and things...
den suddenly, the boy grabbed my rite arm very hard and he wanted me to jump wif him after i saw him jumping down several times...dis time i gave out a loud scream and i woke up in my very own bed...den i saw my arm...the marks...very clear...
hmmm.... i dont really understansd your dream.. but i can roughly let you know soemthing from it...
ex: Feminine ideal, either integrated or rejected. Ready to accept or failed to a accept within yourself.
door: Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life.
rooms: Central part of a house. Regarding something important within yourself.
fly: Combination of control and freedom. Power. Success in all enterprises.
window: Opening. Opportunity. Feelings of being watched.Need for privacy.
down: Overturned. Confusion. Great disorder. You want to straighten something out.
blood: Essence. Life energy. Unfortunate love affairs. Severe disappointment.
church: Big happiness. Being loved by God. Spiritual belief.
boy: Young power developing. Increase in the family.
up: Feminine projection. Improved image. How do you want to be seeing in the outside world.
police: Order. Control. Support. Seeking order but fear control.
ambulance: Financial troubles .Rescues. Recover from an illness.
time: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.
bones: Structure. Evidence. Support. Poverty and death.
arm: Strength. To dream of seeing an arm, means victory over enemies but family quarrels.
jump: Inconsistent in love affairs. Escape from danger. Adventures.
You say you had this dream over and over again... Most probably is all yourself.. and not the surrounding... Maybe do get a change in your life.. Perhaps.. your personality character or behaviour.. Learn as you groW!

As for the markings.. it might be you holding yourself subconsciously.. which you dunno when you are asleep.. Cos in your dream.. you are in fear.. somemore the guy is holding your hand.. and in reality you tot maybe someone or something else did that to you...

It jus like you dunno whether do you mumble, making some noise or talk when you sleep... You dunno.. Surrounding environment could also affect your dream.. Example.. In your dream you heard ringing sound.. can be a phone or a bell.. But actually in real life.. the phone might be ringing somewhere or maybe at home at the same time.. and when you are awake.. you could hear it clearly...

Dont worry on the markings.. Is not like what you think!

ANyway maybe you are too stress in working.. Relax abit.. have an early rest and dun sleep late!