Since fantasy is reckon somewhat to be near the stuff of dreams, just thought I'll post this here

Faeries are known by many different spellings, the most common ones are fay, fae, faeries, fayerye, fairye, fayre, faery, fairy, sidhe, the 'wee ones', and kindly neighbours, to say the lest. It has been said that the wee folks do
not like to be called fae, instead preferring to be adressed by good neighbours or wee folks... With all the mis-use of the word "fairy" nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised...

Not every fairy comes with wings, wands and in the size of a butterfly... In fact, after the show Lord of the Rings, one could not help but be yet again mesmerised by the magic of these good folks, like the good old days of our childhood...

What is here is a thread on these folks, and what is found over the internet, if you happen to have come across any resources that I happened to miss, and thought that it is all too good to not share, please, by all means, post here!

I believe in faerietales...
Do you...?