Originally posted by IamAngeline:
i always dream that i would be kept in a house all lock up and couldn't escape from it. the house would be of a very high building and very often i either dreamt that i commit sucide or i just jump off the building but remain alive. and the next moment i would see ppl chasing me but no matter run i just couldn't run as fast as i could...
and the most terrifying thing is i can't even wake up after the dream.and have to struggle to be awake.
Hi IamAngeline,
HouseIt is common to dream about houses. They usually symbolize
our emotional and psychological selves. All of your experiences, stages of development, and parts of your conscious and unconscious life may be represented by that house. The house may be representing issues concerning a particular
dilemma in your life, or it may be more general and comprehensive. Either way, if you pay attention to the details in this dream, you may learn a thing or two about yourself.
FallingDreams of falling usually reflect a
feeling of loss of control, your fears and insecurities, and can be a sign of stress, tension and pressures in your current life.Interpret your dream by considering your primary fears, current difficulties, and situations in your life that seem to be on a downward spiral, especially those situations that seem outside of your control (financial, romantic,etc.). You feel you cannot keep up with your social circle or that you don't measure up.
ChasingTo dream that you are being chases, signifies that you are
avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for
some form of insecurity. (possibly your own habits and negative behaviors).
The pursuer or attacker who is chasing you in your dream may also represent a part of yourself. Your own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, and possibly love, can assume the appearance of something threatening for the dreamer. One may be consumed by their own anger, jealousy, love, or self-destruct behaviour.

I think you are basically feeling very insecure about something.. but somehow you dun wish to think about the insecurity you had and trying to push it away... Its all about your emotions, soul, and well-being of yourself..