Originally posted by da_xing_xing:
what are those?
whats the story behind it?
anyone saw that movie already?

Hmmm.. i dunno what is it.. But think is something about dream catching.. cos i saw this at Chinatown point.. One of the shops there sells this.. and hang lots of them.. Also can find astrology and fengshui and dream workshop there..

Well.. i went to watch the movie today... don't really understand much out of it.. How come the "Scoopy Doo" guy oso turn into alien.. And who was that girl that they actually wanted to save but turn out to be "Mr Grey"..

Confusing leh.. How does the aliens come about... *scratch head*
But overall the movie was quite interesting.. So horrifying parts oso.. But then aliens look more like a leech!!! The most disgusting part was the guy in the toilet and blood everywhere... that's EEewwww!!!!!

Those havent can go watch.. But don't watch on weekends.. Ex leh.. The movie quite long too!! 2 hours plus!!!

ANyone watch liao?? explain those parts to me.. i really dun get it.. ahhaha