Every dream is a message from your unconscious self, expressed in a code which
only you can understand and interpret.
The images, colours, moods and terms of your dreams depend upon your culture, up-bringing, slang and your own understanding of things and values. In order to interpret your dream correctly, you have to work on every dream symbol, and the following tips can be useful to you.

Here, in this forum, we will do our best to tell you the things that appears in your dreams.. and linked them up.. But however, YOU need to relate your dreams yourself in real life.. Cos ---- Every dream is connected with our own "reality". Thus, in interpreting your dreams, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences.

A dream unifies our body, mind, and spirit. It provides us with insight into ourselves and a means for self-exploration. In understanding our dreams, we can better understand and discover our true self. So stay awhile to explore, discover, have fun, and find out what's in your dream!

Sweet dreams