that's a very good game, i forgot how many times i completed it. with different teams.
all sword user
all girls(except main charater)
all fist user
all zuoyouhubo user("zuoyouhubo" is the skill that make you hit twice per turn)
all bad ppl/good ppl(that's common)
and other combo of teams i can remember all.
And then later i play with editing, not just edit my charater to be very powerful, but i edit the "wugong", make some wugong can hit the whole screen, change the name of the wugong. Many many thing can edit.
OK. sorry, too much crap, back to your problem.
Perhaps your version is not correct. or you should run "play.bat" instead of "*.exe".
try using the bat file first. If cannot, d/l other version, 20+MB only, just download. the few google links above, there should be a download page with the xp playable version.