Originally posted by SMB315C:SMRT Bus Feeder 912M
Woodlands Sq
Woodlands Ave 5
Woodlands Ave 2
Woodlands Ave 1
Woodlands St 41
- Blk 425
- Blk 406
Woodlands Ave 1 (Express)
Woodlands St 31 (Express)
Woodlands Ave 3
- Opp Marsiling Stn
Woodlands Ave 1
- Blk 303
Woodlands St 41
- Blk 409
- Blk 413
Woodlands Ave 1
Woodlands Ave 2
Woodlands Ave 5
Woodlands Sq
- Connect Woodgrove residents to Marsiling Stn during the peak hours
- Relieve Blk 303's loading
912M's current loading is alright with 1 SD 1 BD deployment..
There is a need to do rescheduling.. 912M departure timings are mostly scheduled to bunch with another 912 / 912E bus..
Great suggestion! Actually all along I feel that there is a need to connnect Woodlands West residents to Marsiling MRT to lighten the load from Woodlands Regional Int.
Since the commercial areas at Woodlands Centre Rd is going to be demolished soon, I have suggested these 3 route amendments to the current Woodlands Intratown services (only the west loop portion is shown). These current routes will instead be renamed as sv 911T, 912T & 913T respectively (T=Woodlands Train Checkpoint) running at 20mins-30mins interval to maintain the connection to Woodlands Train Checkpoint.
Feel free to give constructive feedbacks/criticisms. Thanks!
edit: route suggestion for amended sv 912 credited to user SMB315C
Service 114
HGDEP - Compassvale Cres/Compassvale St (Loop)
Defu Ave 1 (no boarding/alighting)
Hougang Ave 3
Lor Ah Soo
Upp Paya Lebar Rd
Upp Serangoon Rd
Serangoon Ctrl
Yio Chu Kang Rd
Buangkok Green
Buangkok Link
Buangkok Crescent
Buangkok Dr (extension)
Sengkang Ctrl (Buangkok MRT
Sengkang East Ave
Sengkang East Rd
Sengkang East Way
Compassvale Rd
Compassvale Crescent
Compassvale St (looping point)
High loading: Buangkok Drive/Link/Crescent/Green - Buangkok MRT/Serangoon MRT
Medium loading: Sengkang MRT - Compassvale Cres, Serangoon MRT - Lor Ah Soo (duplicates 53/M)
Low loading: Sengkang East Rd (only links a few flats to Buangkok MRT)
It was hard to find a terminus for this route. Hougang South would have been a good choice, but it has been closed long ago. Shortening it to Serangoon is also impossible as Serangoon has no space for new services.
SMRT Bus Service 803 Extension
Yishun Temporary Bus Interchange
Yishun Avenue 9
Yishun Avenue 6
Yishun Street 42
future road at Miltonia Close (Loop)
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Service 114
HGDEP - Compassvale Cres/Compassvale St (Loop)
Defu Ave 1 (no boarding/alighting)
Hougang Ave 3
Lor Ah Soo
Upp Paya Lebar Rd
Upp Serangoon Rd
Serangoon Ctrl
Yio Chu Kang Rd
Buangkok Green
Buangkok Link
Buangkok Crescent
Buangkok Dr (extension)
Sengkang Ctrl (Buangkok MRT
Sengkang East Ave
Sengkang East Rd
Sengkang East Way
Compassvale Rd
Compassvale Crescent
Compassvale St (looping point)
High loading: Buangkok Drive/Link/Crescent/Green - Buangkok MRT/Serangoon MRT
Medium loading: Sengkang MRT - Compassvale Cres, Serangoon MRT - Lor Ah Soo (duplicates 53/M)
Low loading: Sengkang East Rd (only links a few flats to Buangkok MRT)
It was hard to find a terminus for this route. Hougang South would have been a good choice, but it has been closed long ago. Shortening it to Serangoon is also impossible as Serangoon has no space for new services.
This suggestion could possibly replace 43M and/or 53M. Am I right to say that??
Originally posted by Tranzort08:Great suggestion! Actually all along I feel that there is a need to connnect Woodlands West residents to Marsiling MRT to lighten the load from Woodlands Regional Int.
Since the commercial areas at Woodlands Centre Rd is going to be demolished soon, I have suggested these 3 route amendments to the current Woodlands Intratown services (only the west loop portion is shown). These current routes will instead be renamed as sv 911T, 912T & 913T respectively (T=Woodlands Train Checkpoint) running at 20mins-30mins interval to maintain the connection to Woodlands Train Checkpoint.
Feel free to give constructive feedbacks/criticisms. Thanks!
edit: route suggestion for amended sv 912 credited to user SMB315C
Yes the commerical area may be demolished soon but the Causeway's not going anywhere anytime soon. Your suggestions are best off as peak-hr only variants that avoid the congested parts of Woodlands Centre Road ...
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Service 114
HGDEP - Compassvale Cres/Compassvale St (Loop)
Defu Ave 1 (no boarding/alighting)
Hougang Ave 3
Lor Ah Soo
Upp Paya Lebar Rd
Upp Serangoon Rd
Serangoon Ctrl
Yio Chu Kang Rd
Buangkok Green
Buangkok Link
Buangkok Crescent
Buangkok Dr (extension)
Sengkang Ctrl (Buangkok MRT
Sengkang East Ave
Sengkang East Rd
Sengkang East Way
Compassvale Rd
Compassvale Crescent
Compassvale St (looping point)
High loading: Buangkok Drive/Link/Crescent/Green - Buangkok MRT/Serangoon MRT
Medium loading: Sengkang MRT - Compassvale Cres, Serangoon MRT - Lor Ah Soo (duplicates 53/M)
Low loading: Sengkang East Rd (only links a few flats to Buangkok MRT)
It was hard to find a terminus for this route. Hougang South would have been a good choice, but it has been closed long ago. Shortening it to Serangoon is also impossible as Serangoon has no space for new services.
Nice route. Especially since it can replace 43M and 53M.
HGDEP is probably the best terminus if SBST allows it to terminate there. An alternative would be Eunos (covering some areas in Ubi/Kaki Bukit without services along the way), but the route would be too long.
Originally posted by Tranzort08:Great suggestion! Actually all along I feel that there is a need to connnect Woodlands West residents to Marsiling MRT to lighten the load from Woodlands Regional Int.
Since the commercial areas at Woodlands Centre Rd is going to be demolished soon, I have suggested these 3 route amendments to the current Woodlands Intratown services (only the west loop portion is shown). These current routes will instead be renamed as sv 911T, 912T & 913T respectively (T=Woodlands Train Checkpoint) running at 20mins-30mins interval to maintain the connection to Woodlands Train Checkpoint.
Feel free to give constructive feedbacks/criticisms. Thanks!
edit: route suggestion for amended sv 912 credited to user SMB315C
To add on to what orange28 has said, the Woodlands Train Checkpoint bus stops actually functions as a mini-interchange for pax from these intratowns to transfer to 170, 178, 856, 903 and other intratowns, without going through Woodlands MRT/Int.
Having said so, demand to WTC is probably much smaller than Marsiling MRT (I'm not sure about the loading patterns there so won't comment further). Just that 20-30 mins interval for the 'T' services may be too long I guess? As for demand from Woodlands MRT to Woodlands Train Checkpoint, there's still 856/903/178 and I think these intratowns should not be the ones responsible for this link.
Originally posted by Tranzort08:Great suggestion! Actually all along I feel that there is a need to connnect Woodlands West residents to Marsiling MRT to lighten the load from Woodlands Regional Int.
Since the commercial areas at Woodlands Centre Rd is going to be demolished soon, I have suggested these 3 route amendments to the current Woodlands Intratown services (only the west loop portion is shown). These current routes will instead be renamed as sv 911T, 912T & 913T respectively (T=Woodlands Train Checkpoint) running at 20mins-30mins interval to maintain the connection to Woodlands Train Checkpoint.
Feel free to give constructive feedbacks/criticisms. Thanks!
edit: route suggestion for amended sv 912 credited to user SMB315C
Based on my morning observations..
911: Very few would choose to take 911 to Woodlands MRT.. Residents living near Marsiling Stn would choose walk to the station itself, while those nearer to the future Police HQ can take any Woodlands Ave 3 service at Blk 173 to Woodlands Stn or Blk 320 to Marsiling Stn..
912: Woodlands St 41 residents would choose to walk to Marsiling Stn, while Woodgrove residents can take any Woodlands Ave 3 service at Blk 347 to Opp Marsiling Stn or Opp Blk 347 to Woodlands Stn..
913: Take 178 to Kranji Stn, or 913 to Woodlands Stn..
Those people living around Woodlands Ctr Rd as well as the Malaysian students also take one of the 3 Intra-Towns to their Primary/Secondary school, with a number taking towards the East loop too..
Also applies during evening time when residents are going back home..
Unsure whether there will be any demand for 912M amendment to Opp Marsiling Stn.. Given that walking to the bus stop (along Ave 3) or station is better..
Originally posted by array88:To add on to what orange28 has said, the Woodlands Train Checkpoint bus stops actually functions as a mini-interchange for pax from these intratowns to transfer to 170, 178, 856, 903 and other intratowns, without going through Woodlands MRT/Int.
Having said so, demand to WTC is probably much smaller than Marsiling MRT (I'm not sure about the loading patterns there so won't comment further). Just that 20-30 mins interval for the 'T' services may be too long I guess? As for demand from Woodlands MRT to Woodlands Train Checkpoint, there's still 856/903/178 and I think these intratowns should not be the ones responsible for this link.
Majority of the people going to WTC from Woodlands Int will take 856 and 911..
From the feedback from the lta
We note the request for the direct bus from Sengkang (Compassvale Bus Interchange) to Marina Centre area. We wish to highlight that for such long haul distance travel, the MRT is a better travel option due to trains not being affected by en-route conditions and having their dedicated right of way.
We also wish to highlight that significant resources are needed to provide new bus services and given finite resources and the numerous requests, this has to be balanced against the potential number of commuters who will benefit from the proposed route such that resources are not wasted or under-utilised. We seek your understanding that in view of the current travel options available, we are unable to accede to the request.
We thank you for writing in.
Yours sincerely,
Senior Transport Planner
Bus Planning
Originally posted by SMB315C:Based on my morning observations..
911: Very few would choose to take 911 to Woodlands MRT.. Residents living near Marsiling Stn would choose walk to the station itself, while those nearer to the future Police HQ can take any Woodlands Ave 3 service at Blk 173 to Woodlands Stn or Blk 320 to Marsiling Stn..
912: Woodlands St 41 residents would choose to walk to Marsiling Stn, while Woodgrove residents can take any Woodlands Ave 3 service at Blk 347 to Opp Marsiling Stn or Opp Blk 347 to Woodlands Stn..
913: Take 178 to Kranji Stn, or 913 to Woodlands Stn..
Those people living around Woodlands Ctr Rd as well as the Malaysian students also take one of the 3 Intra-Towns to their Primary/Secondary school, with a number taking towards the East loop too..
Also applies during evening time when residents are going back home..
Unsure whether there will be any demand for 912M amendment to Opp Marsiling Stn.. Given that walking to the bus stop (along Ave 3) or station is better..
It is precisely because the residents have to walk quite far to marsiling mrt that i suggested amending these 3 routes to marsiling mrt. Personally i feel this connection is important as it also provides a sheltered route to the mrt station and also benefits those with mobility issues.
Students of marsiling and woodlands secondary can also transfer at marsiling mrt instead of WRI.
Anyway there will be a huge bto project beside marsiling secondary school so when it is ready the amended services will connect this bto to marsiling mrt as well.
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Service 114
HGDEP - Compassvale Cres/Compassvale St (Loop)
Defu Ave 1 (no boarding/alighting)
Hougang Ave 3
Lor Ah Soo
Upp Paya Lebar Rd
Upp Serangoon Rd
Serangoon Ctrl
Yio Chu Kang Rd
Buangkok Green
Buangkok Link
Buangkok Crescent
Buangkok Dr (extension)
Sengkang Ctrl (Buangkok MRT
Sengkang East Ave
Sengkang East Rd
Sengkang East Way
Compassvale Rd
Compassvale Crescent
Compassvale St (looping point)
High loading: Buangkok Drive/Link/Crescent/Green - Buangkok MRT/Serangoon MRT
Medium loading: Sengkang MRT - Compassvale Cres, Serangoon MRT - Lor Ah Soo (duplicates 53/M)
Low loading: Sengkang East Rd (only links a few flats to Buangkok MRT)
It was hard to find a terminus for this route. Hougang South would have been a good choice, but it has been closed long ago. Shortening it to Serangoon is also impossible as Serangoon has no space for new services.
Can you be nice enough to give me the credit for copying my route suggestion from Compassvale to Serangoon Central?
Originally posted by rajboi37:This suggestion could possibly replace 43M and/or 53M. Am I right to say that??
Yes 43M that was the reason I had recommended 114 be routed that way. 3004X extended it to HGDEP which is not likely as HGDEP does not house revenue services, otherwise we would have had SWT to Serangoon from there long time ago + have 115 start from there.
Originally posted by vampier77:From the feedback from the lta
We note the request for the direct bus from Sengkang (Compassvale Bus Interchange) to Marina Centre area. We wish to highlight that for such long haul distance travel, the MRT is a better travel option due to trains not being affected by en-route conditions and having their dedicated right of way.
We also wish to highlight that significant resources are needed to provide new bus services and given finite resources and the numerous requests, this has to be balanced against the potential number of commuters who will benefit from the proposed route such that resources are not wasted or under-utilised. We seek your understanding that in view of the current travel options available, we are unable to accede to the request.
We thank you for writing in.
Yours sincerely,
Senior Transport Planner
Bus Planning
Hi mr vampier77, if LTA replied Sengkang compassvale to marina centre is a no-go, it means no hope for express Sengkang to Boon Lay. Cheers. Thanks.
seems to be another template ans after all
Originally posted by dupdup77:Hi mr vampier77, if LTA replied Sengkang compassvale to marina centre is a no-go, it means no hope for express Sengkang to Boon Lay. Cheers. Thanks.
Sengkang - Boon Lay service always sounded a bit unrealistic.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Can you be nice enough to give me the credit for copying my route suggestion from Compassvale to Serangoon Central?
Yes, from Buangkok Dr to Serangoon Central.
I know it's an insane suggestion...
Service 258/990 merger: Joo Koon - Bukit Batok
- Provides direct and fast connection from Jurong West (Gek Poh) to Jurong East
- Alternative MRT access for Jurong West (e.g. those taking NSL or buses from Jurong East Int)
- Links Jurong West residents to large shopping malls near Jurong East, such as Big Box and IMM (not so close to MRT)
- Enhances connectivity for Jurong West Ave 2 where there's only 157
- Provides direct bus for Jurong East and Bukit Batok residents to Joo Koon (though quite winding)
- 258 takes over 256's route between Joo Koon and Pioneer
- Skipped sectors on 258:
Upp Jurong Rd (99, 192)
Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Int (243G/W, 181)
- 990's bus stop at Boon Lay Way outside Jurong East MRT is skipped, because very few pax use that bus stop
Originally posted by array88:I know it's an insane suggestion...
Service 258/990 merger: Joo Koon - Bukit Batok
- Provides direct and fast connection from Jurong West (Gek Poh) to Jurong East
- Alternative MRT access for Jurong West (e.g. those taking NSL or buses from Jurong East Int)
- Links Jurong West residents to large shopping malls near Jurong East, such as Big Box and IMM (not so close to MRT)
- Enhances connectivity for Jurong West Ave 2 where there's only 157
- Provides direct bus for Jurong East and Bukit Batok residents to Joo Koon (though quite winding)
- 258 takes over 256's route between Joo Koon and Pioneer- Skipped sectors on 258:
Upp Jurong Rd (99, 192)
Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Int (243G/W, 181)
- 990's bus stop at Boon Lay Way outside Jurong East MRT is skipped, because very few pax use that bus stop
Can,Only must pay TTS how many million until 2021 for kapo that 990.
Service 150: Sims Place - Marine Terrace (Loop) via Ubi
- Connects Ubi Rd 1, Ave 4, Rd 3 to nearby MRT stations (DTL Ubi, CCL/DTL MacPherson, EWL Eunos & Paya Lebar)
- Connects Sims Place to Aljunied MRT
- If necessary, 150M can be implemented from Sims Place looping at Eunos with DDs
Originally posted by carbikebus:Can,Only must pay TTS how many million until 2021 for kapo that 990.
Just give them Route 52 in exchange. Problem sorted.
Originally posted by iveco:Just give them Route 52 in exchange. Problem sorted.
Then Bishan-Toa Payoh package get what in return?
Originally posted by carbikebus:Then Bishan-Toa Payoh package get what in return?
Route 90 lor
Originally posted by iveco:Route 90 lor
90 is under Serangoon-Eunos la dey