My boss give clear hints, three of us in the office will get promoted to the next grade in the annual promotion exercise.
One of them is my buddy, the other is a selfish bastard and one more is myself.
Words spread around...everyone is quite sure liao.
In the end, only two of us got promoted. Myself and the selfish bastard.
My buddy did not get it.
The reason? He has not reach a certain time of service in the month short to qualify for promotion. So he has to wait for next year.
Now my buddy is very upset and took leave to cool off. He came back in between to get some documents done and he passed to my colleague to let my boss sign. He dun even wan to face my boss.
I dunno how to console him. He can just say "YOu got it, easy for you to say take it easy lah!". This a tough buddy dun wanna talk to me (or anybody), my colleagues are teasing me everyday on my promotion, and some...keep bugging me for treats.

What shd I do? esp for my buddy who is very down...