I always act indifferent when gals talk to me abt sex.
I act cool like it was nothing to me.
But in fact deep down my heart is racing fast as they tell me about issues in their life like their bra, panty, pads, consti, b reast shrink aft dieting, bra cup change, nipple colour changes and even discomforts aft wrong sexual position.
I just laugh and act cool, instead of showing that I am eager to hear more. For that I heard even more, as they tot i am not the type eager to heard private stuff.
They show me their barebackand I say nice and act like a gentleman. Actually I really hope to touch them...hehe...

They often called me when they are drunk to send them home. I send them back as they are super drunk. Thee are times they knock out in my car and I feel like touching them...I am often contradicting myself when I see them zhao geng as they are drunk...to touch or not...but cannot bcoz I still want to have these them as fds, as they are quite fun to be with. And so far they really believe that I am a gentleman.
Am i being despicable by acting cool and suppressing my desire?