ya la, some gers/women very jiak lark lah, as if no seat will die liddat.
many times i see gers/women snatch up the seat, sometimes i hear them say 'wah heng got seat ah, hehehe' WTF?!!

They even fight among themselves friends or colleagues juz to get a seat. These people are not old folks, mind you. Shopping can walk for hours but stand in MRT for awhile seem like taking their lives away.

Talking about old folks, many ppl oso wont give up their seats for old ppl, all act sleeping or busy. There was this one time on the MRT, i gave up my seat for an old lady, and some young fellow react so damn fast and snatch the seat. Wah piang, I so frus I wanna shout at him let everyone hear me and make him feel pai sei, but then the old lady say 'nevermind lah, i alighting soon'. WTH are these young people thinking these days? stand awhile oso cannot? see old folks they act blur. dont they know old folks fall down very dangerous?! selfish pricks