At my work they educate people to a certificate programmer. We can choose between .NET (C#) or Java.
I know that Java is very popular for years and that C# is an upcoming language. But will it ever beat Java?
Unlikely, because it is hardly better. The namespace concept seems more logical but it is not "essential" and Java people are not going to waste their time and relearn something when it is not absolutely essential. You better go with Java IMHO.
But if people aren't willing to learn C# then its only better for me to learn it right?
I saw on the internet that Java's popularity was dropping and C# was raising.. The salary of a C# programmer is also higer then other languages...
C# has the support of microsoft because they invented the language but dont be deceived by the rising and falling trends. You need to look at the absolute numbers and if C# rise by 1000 to 10,000 and Java dropped by 1,000 to 99,000 the rise and fall is meaningless.
Sue if you learn c# your pay is higher IF anyone employs you because people are mostly looking for Java rather than .Net programmers.
Microsoft presence in the Internet and database markets is not that strong and so you have to be careful when you talk about programing for the net and database programming.
Take what I said with a pinch of salt because I have stopped programing for a while.
Thanks for the info! You seems to know a lot about IT, what is your occupation if I may ask?
I do have another IT related Question. Its some kind of dillema that i'm facing right now.
Last year I obtained my Bachelor (Information Technology) degree in The Netherlands. Because Singapore addresses my very well, I want to start a new live in Singapore.
Now the Question is: Is a Bachelor degree enough to find a Job in Singapore? Or do I need to pursue my Master degree? Beause if a bachelor degree is high enough, then I rather start working and built up my Workexpericience and getting my Java SCJD certificate..
And can you get a good job with a Java SCJP certificate?
Java or C#, they are both object oriented languages. Which you choose to learn is up to you, as the concepts are the same. The only difference is probably the syntax, but the difference is minor.
Once you know Java or C#, you can move on to another easily.
The only thing about C#, is the usage of .NET framework. It limits you to create programs for a certain platform only. If you want to create programs that work on multiple platforms, Java is good... but it lags on an old PC quite badly.
As for certifications... as far as I know... not many companies really value them, unless you are working for MNCs.