This is going to make you so MAD!
There are three words in the English language that end
in "gry". ONE is angry and the other is hungry.
EveryONE knows what the third ONE means and what it
stands for. EveryONE uses them everyday, and if you
listened very carefully, I've given you the third
word. What is it? _______gry?
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This is a very old riddle, which has become corrupted over the years, as it has been retold from person to person. The mangled version is unsolvable.
Here is the correct riddle:
Angry and hungry are two words that end in "gry".
There are three words in the English language.
What is the third word?Here's the solution:
The way the puzzle is worded is the clue.
The first sentence is irrelevant and just to confuse you.
The second sentence says:
"There are three words in the English language." Notice it doesn't say:
"There are three words which end in "gry" in the English language." The question "what is the third word?" does not refer to words ending in "gry," it refers to the three words in "the English language".
So the third word in "the English language" is "language".