Hi, may I ask is there a cure for such syndrome? I admit that I have got such problem where I am always absent minded and often screwed lot of things that I done.
I have done admin job in my national service. I doesn't like it but I try my best to do it. I am appointed to sort out documents and arrange them neatly according to the date, from the latest onward and destroying documents that are outdated. When I arranged them, I took out the outdated ones and destroy them. I arranged the rest of it in order and I have checked that I have sorted them out properly, but there are still a few documents that I arranged wrongly where my senior have checked and he said that some of the outdated documents are still in. They are worried that did I destroy the new ones. In the end, there are some new documents that are destroyed by me and they got angry with me. I have been doing this a couple of times and I still have such carelessness. I often got confinement for doing such mistakes. My supervisor was very angry with me and my colleagues complained that my brain is slow and often mess up and muddle things around.
There are seevral times, one of the colleagues wanted to frame up. One of the case is he put the contact list of our entire unit camp in my bag. I was very busy at that time and I did not notice. They phone me when I was on off day to ask me if I have accidentally brought home the contact list and they asked me to check my bag. I was shocked to found out that it was in my bag where I am certain that I did not open my bag on that day, only before and after office hour where I change my clothes only and why is the contact list in my bag, I am clueless. One of them wanted to frame me and use my absent-mindedness weak point to set me up.
Even simple calculation, I am slow in working out. I am good in Maths and POA for calculation with the help of using calculators but they don't allow me to use calculators at work. Some of the colleagues saw me counting figures using my hands and they laughed at me saying to me still a primary school moron. They treated me like an ignorance fool.
I am worried that this might happen again if I am working in a company/premises in my job career. I am not sure what should I do? I am not sure are there something wrong with my brain? Is there a way to cure such illness?
no cure
and it is not an illness
some ppl are just "mong" lah
make conscious effort to be more careful
write things down, create planners and reminders
Originally posted by FireIce:no cure
and it is not an illness
some ppl are just "mong" lah
make conscious effort to be more careful
write things down, create planners and reminders
I have tried before, it is useless :'( I still end up messing things up
You definitely have no illness, however sometimes we cant predict how our brain reacts..(once I was in your shoe too ) Why dont you consult a therapist? psychologist ?
Dont spend money for this. Go with somwone who offer free consulation.
wow. free consultation.
I will send you a personal message, dont want post the details over the forum. May be I will ask my Bf to ask that guy to post his details or start a new thread.
I can't even remember what I ate just now.
Now come to think of it, could it be maybe I am slow in counting numbers? I often rely on calculators. If there are no calculators and counting it mentally, I am slow. For example, without using calculatos, I calculate 50 - 9.90, I have a hard time thinking for about a few mins to solve and answer it wrongly. Not sure if that is the case...:/
Maybe if I improve my mental sum, can I improve my thinking ability and absent mindness?
Maybe if someone could work with me, he/she would not stand my slow brain syndrome and that is what happen when I am serving my national service in admin office.
when you sort your documents, put the new ones one side, and those to be destroyed one side
with these two piles, you can go through them one more time to double check yourself
then ask your supervisor to check first before you destroy
so at least they can confirm that you have done it correctly
or if there's any mistake, it's not too late
I did that too, putting new files and old files side by side and in the end, there are some old documents in the new files :( I even check carefully, they are still in.
I remember I asked my supervisor to check, she got annoyed and she said "asked me to check? it is your job okay!"
How about slow in learning? I have this syndrome too. Come to think of it if i am working in a packer industry, my boss teach me how to pack goods in a complex way and he/she did it fast. I asked him/her to do it slowly and my boss show me another time. I try my attempt on it and i did it slow and do it wrongly again. I remember i did it in my admin unit and pissed my fellow mates and surpervisor off. if it is in working place, my boss will say this to me: and the rest of my colleagues will sing na na na goodbye song and they celebrate with beer
anyone don't believe me, want to test me out? I am cool!
I also have this "illness" ... Sadly it is a character trait . Be very conscious ,learn from errors in the past , be ware that it could be the same scenario , then take efforts to check recheck and prevent ... Best is avoid Similiar jobs in future
Julia Roy’s 3 Simple Ways To Change Your Brain : http://superheroyou.com/julia-roys-3-simple-ways-to-change-your-brain
Having Trouble Concentrating? : http://memorise.org/learning/trouble-concentrating-001967.html
Brain Rules : http://www.brainrules.net
The Upside Of Forgetting : http://thescene.com/watch/pbs/braincraft-the-upside-of-forgetting
Magnetic Memory Method : http://www.magneticmemorymethod.com
What Are Good Nootropics? Improved Memory, Concentration, And Overall Brain Health : http://simplesmartscience.com/blog/the-best-nootropics-improved-memory-concentration-brain-health
Smart Brain Academy : http://www.smartbrainacademy.com
7 Skills To Become Super Smart : http://superscholar.org/features/7-skills-become-super-smart
BrainGuide : http://www.besecondtonone.com
Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking : http://youtu.be/KNuoGeD9Qeo
Inspire3 : http://www.inspire3.com
The Ideas Book : http://www.theideasbook.net
Learning Tech : http://www.learning-tech.co.uk/BuyBooks.html
Psy-Q : http://www.benambridge.com
Siow Neurology Headache & Pain Centre : http://www.siowneurology.com
Kids Testing And Dyslexia Centre : http://www.kidsdyslexia.com.sg
Dr John Demartini's Personal & Professional Development : http://DrDemartini.com
Brain Training - Brain Revolution : http://www.ultramindenergy.com/free/BrainRevolution.pdf
Self-Development Forum : http://selfdevelopmentforum.com
Foods That Make You Think Like Einstein : http://thepowerofpositivehabits.com/foods-make-think-like-einstein
Subliminal Dynamics : http://subdyn.com
Yo Gamers: Playing Video Games Is Good For Your Brain - Here's How : http://thedudes.club/gear-tech/yo-gamers-playing-video-games-is-good-for-your-brain-heres-how
I don't think there is a cure but rather things that you can do to avoid forgetting to do things. As for ability to react or do tasks, find tools to help you or learn to live with it. Afterall, not everyone are born equals
that's why they invented the smart phone.