Originally posted by John Wong:wow u are one nasty piece of work
Let me know when u are done growing up.
there's definitely ways to solve this problem... good luck in finding one...mayb u cld consider changing ur personal phone number first.
alternative u change contact number and dont give it to her husband lor... then essentially the wife wont be able to find u liao mah
i believe the last and most drastic move u can take is to change jobs and change phone... totally cutting off from her husband.
To all the young girls out there, simple rules when stepping into the working world.
1. Do not act cute to your co workers, in this case the company consultant, no matter how cute he/she is. Especially the married ones. You won't know what kind of spouse they have.
2. Do not be smug and insult their spouse when accused of flirting or acting cute.
3. When your co worker tell u to shut up after u have muck up, please just shut up. Don't need to snub the accuser just because you think u are innocent.
4. Acting cute does not absolve u from guilt, so stick to rule number 1.
A sincere apology goes a long way. Don't ever think it is beneath you to say you are sorry.
If u do not want to look like a thief, stop acting like one.
Stupidity CAN get you into a lot of trouble, so think first before u act.
when a angry spouse is out there punishing the betrayer, stay clear ! Payback is a long and extremely painful process.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Let me know when u are done growing up.
I don't stop growing. But I got a feeling u stop long ago
Originally posted by jojobeach:To all the young girls out there, simple rules when stepping into the working world.
1. Do not act cute to your co workers, in this case the company consultant, no matter how cute he/she is. Especially the married ones. You won't know what kind of spouse they have.
2. Do not be smug and insult their spouse when accused of flirting or acting cute.
3. When your co worker tell u to shut up after u have muck up, please just shut up. Don't need to snub the accuser just because you think u are innocent.
4. Acting cute does not absolve u from guilt, so stick to rule number 1.
A sincere apology goes a long way. Don't ever think it is beneath you to say you are sorry.
If u do not want to look like a thief, stop acting like one.
Stupidity CAN get you into a lot of trouble, so think first before u act.
when a angry spouse is out there punishing the betrayer, stay clear ! Payback is a long and extremely painful process.
Hello if girl is cute she is cute, you want everyone wrap up and act like nun wah lau pls la
aiyah pervert say pervert lah. yep wrap up for what? i will like to see your ma not fully wrapped up also.
Originally posted by John Wong:Hello if girl is cute she is cute, you want everyone wrap up and act like nun wah lau pls la
Real cute girls don't need to act cute lah. They are naturally cute.. even they counting money they also look very cute... not slutty like some fake cute girls.
This one act cute with married man, now his wife come kick their ass. Ok Good !
She want to act mommy love you dear dear, take care ok lovey lovey... his wife find out liao... kena xiong xiong....turn their life upside down... pity no use de.
Somemore ang moh married man... please lah... you think she will act cute to local guys ? I doubt so lah.. maybe tell them to F off hor....
let's get this clear, you mean this trhead is angmoh expat married a cheena from china here 1?
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:let's get this clear, you mean this trhead is angmoh expat married a cheena from china here 1?
Local girl act cute with ang moh consultant..ang moh married man shiok shiok , think his cock big big you see.... then Ang moh's wife found out.. then want to settle with local girl.. local girl go insult that wife.. wife pissed off even more.. take revenge on local girl.. at the same time kick her Ang moh's hubby ass...
Both ang moh and act cute local girl kenna xiong xiong from that angry wife lor...
aiyo.. these type of case.. I see plenty already...
angry wife teach both a lesson they will never forget !!
Wife is China .. but that is beside the point lah... any woman will act like that if they found out their husband flirting with another woman outside lah....
I also seen ang moh woman act like that.. but more violent than China ok !
Originally posted by Nobodythk:i asked my colleague help to talk to her husband about the harrasment and her husband send this to my colleague said he also cant do anything and sending this to my colleague said he is asking his lawyer for the following and say very sorry to me: my colleague forward this to me, i just show it fo your.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Oct 6, 2012, at 11:05 PM, her husband wrote: Dear Rachel (lawyer firm), Could you please find out THE FACTS on the following accusations : 1) That I bought an appartment for xxx(me) ( viz. attached file sent to me on the 7th of October 2012 ) as my wife is accusing me of same but refuses obstinately to show me the corroborative evidence . Quote "So u bought apartment for her.  2) That xxxx(me) was with me in my studio in Switzerland during August 2011 , in Paris end August 2011 and with me again in Switzerland in August 2012 . My wife also asserts that xxxx(me) was with me in Geneva on the 10 - 11 and 12th of September 2012 and that we stayed at the Mandarin Hotel in Geneva the night of the 11th of September . Could you please ask Ms xxxx(my head manager) , the head accountant and office manager of xxxx(company name) where xxxx(me) works and to whom I am a consultant to confirm ( or not ) if xxxx(me) was in Singapore , executing her duties , throughout those periods on oath as well as xxx(me) . Moreover , my wife asserts that xxx(me) was with me in Myanmar on the 27th and 28th of April 2012 as well as on other occasions . She , of course , refuses steadfastly to present the evidence that would support such claims . She claims that my business partners , Mr xxx and Mr xxxx who always accompany me on my trips to Myanmar can corroborate this fact . ( I will provide you with their e-mail addresses ) Could you please ask them to corroborate OR invalidate this preposterous accusation on oath . 3) By checking through my Viber account ( which I do not use ) , she claims that xxx(me) is purchasing items / songs using my account and under my name . As I am technically incompetent with computers , could you kindly verify these facts . Furthermore , this Viber account "revealed" to my wife that xxx(me) lived " from time to time " in an appartment situated at 190 Dunearn road and had a computer there which I allegedly purchased for her and through which we communicated clandestinely . On the night of the 3rd of October , exasperated by her baseless and absurd accusations , I asked her to accompany me to this address in order to clarify the matter once and for all . It turned out that this was the Singapore Chinese girl's school ...... My wife asked them to show her the classroom ( PE 1 ) in which she alleged that xxxx(me) was living " from time to time " ( ?....) and in which was housed " the computer that i bought for her " . The schoolgirls that were sitting on the steps of the entrance and to whom she directed these questions laughed and told her that this classroom as well as all others were closed and that this classroom , like all the others , was a mere classroom with school benches and NO COMPUTERS and that NO ONE LIVED THERE . Confronted with these irrefutable facts my wife was temporarily silenced .... 4) Today , in a misguided effort to resend me the file which contained only the photograph of the appartment which my wife claims I allegedly bought for xxx(me) , she , mistakenly , sent me a VERY CONFIDENTIAL business file relating to the purchase of cathodes from a company that I trade with on behalf of the world's second largest trading firm , xxxx Pte Ltd . This shows that she is searching in every corner of my computer and could , as a result , compromise the secrecy of these transactions . This is a very serious matter which could cause me irreparable damage .  以下是转�  All this is very serious and exhausting and would greatly appreciate your examining in detail all these baseless accusations so that my wife be obliged to face the facts however unpleasant it will be for her . Regards , her husband
This is what angry woman do to punish their husband.
People will think she is crazy...actually she is very very angry.
This is call... payback.
Originally posted by Nobodythk:Let me show u some of the messages that crazy woman(PRC) send to me.
Copy n paste using my iPhone : SMS btw me vs her husband last year work related as follow: 1) me(8.12.11) : (company name) year 2006&2007 accs. U hv alrdy signed but still hv some pages auditor made amendment n ytd just rcvd year 2008 accs and we will check e figures n disclosure 1st. So if u r not feeling pls stay at home . I will trying to get all docs let u sign together rest well! 2) her husband (8.12.11) : Tk u xxx n but i have to go to the doctor anyway so i can come when u want 3) me (8.12.11) : No need to come cos docs still checking for correctness u home n rest! 4) her husband (8.12.11) : Yes Mum 5) me (8.12.11) : Good son!(Based on above messages keep harassing/accuse me till now "yes mum" & "good son " ) - was it very common people called u mum then reply good son?.
China women sms me:1) PRC(6.1.12): I don't want u loss face that's why call u,but if u don't mind,we will meet in ur office. 2) PRC(30.6.12):éº»çƒ¦ä½ æŽ¥ç”µè¯�好å�—?我们ç§�下谈总好过在办公室当ç�€æ‰€æœ‰äººé�¢è°ˆå�§ï¼Ÿ å†µä¸”ä½ ä¸�是总是å�«xxxä¸ºä½ çš„å„¿å�ï¼Œä½ è‡ªç§°æ˜¯ä»–å¦ˆå¦ˆå�—? 3) me (30.6.12): I don't know what going on n nothing to do btw ur matter. Stop harassing me again, if u do n I will report to police. 4) PRC (30.6.12): 请自爱ï¼� 5) me(30.12.12) :æ— çŸ¥ï¼Œå�Œäº‹ä»¬éƒ½è®¤ä¸ºä¸¢ä½ è€�公的臉。是他们å�«æˆ‘ä¸�ç�†ä½ çš„ï¼Œè¯´ä½ å�ˆä¸�是第一次冤枉人。请自é‡�å�§ï¼� 一百万?请增大眼ç�›ï¼Œè¯»ä¸€ç™¾é��å�§ã€‚è¯»åˆ°ä½ æ‡‚çœŸæ£å�«ä¹‰ä¸ºæ¢ã€‚æ‰�æ�¥è¯´å�§ï¼�结婚是信任对方而ä¸�是猜疑。对自己没信心就把è€�å…¬é”�在家å�§ï¼�冤枉人也è¦�æ‹¿è¯�æ�®å�¦ç›¸ç–¯å©†å�到处冤枉人ï¼� 6) PRC : ä¸�è¦�脸的人è§�è¿‡å¾ˆå¤šï¼Œæ³¥è¿™æ ·çš„è¿˜çœŸç»�ç§�了ï¼� 7) PRC: è‹¥è¦�人ä¸�知,除é�žå·±èŽ«ä¸ºã€‚给我è€�å…¬é�¢å�,æ‰�æ²¡æœ‰è®©ä½ ä¸ºéš¾ï¼Œç»™è„¸ä¸�è¦�è„¸ï¼Œä½ ä¼šè‡ªä½œè‡ªå�—的,别娼狂得太早。 8 ) PRC : 别太高兴,我和è€�å…¬å�ˆå¥½å¦‚åˆ�ï¼Œå¤©å¤©ä¸€èµ·ï¼Œç…§æ ·è¿‡å¾—å¼€å¿ƒã€‚ 9) me : 那太好了,就å�¯ä»¥å°‘了一个疯婆å�å‘€ï¼�我太高兴了ï¼� 10) PRC : 贱货就是贱货,任何商å“�éƒ½æ¶¨ä»·äº†ï¼Œä½ è¿˜æ˜¯é‚£ä¹ˆçˆ±å�‘贱。 11) PRC (31.8.12) :佩æœ�ä½ çš„è„¸çš®ä¹‹åŽšå¤©ä¸‹æ— å�Œï¼Œåƒ�ä½ è¿™ç§�贪婪,自ç§�ï¼Œå¿ƒè‚ æ¹æ¯’的女人,幸好没有å«�人ï¼�如果å«�人那æ‰�是å«�祸于人ï¼�éš¾æ€ªä½ å�ªå–œæ¬¢æŠ¢åˆ«äººçš„è€�公。 12 ) PRC : 暗地å�šå°½æ— 耻之事,表é�¢è¿˜å�‡è£…清高。å�ˆè¦�当婊å�å�ˆè¦�立牌å�Šï¼�13) me (5.10.12) : 我本人å†�三申明,我和xxx 一点关系都没有. ä½ ä»¬å¤«å¦»ä¹‹é—´çš„é—®é¢˜ï¼Œåº”è¯¥è‡ªå·±è§£å†³è€Œä¸�是éš�便诬赖和骚扰我。我已ç»�报è¦2次,第3次就会å�‘è¦æ–¹ç”³è¯·æ³•é™¢æŠ•è¯‰(magistrate's complaint/ subordinate court)。赔å�¿æˆ‘ç²¾ç¥žä¸Šå’Œæµªè´¹æˆ‘é‡‘é’±ä¸Šçš„æ—¶é—´ï¼Œæ‰€è°“æ²¡æœ‰æ ¹æ�®çš„诬赖和骚扰。我ä¸�çŸ¥ä½ ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆä¸�å�œçš„骚扰我,已ç»�快一年了,有何è¯�æ�®ï¼Ÿã€‚在执迷ä¸�æ�‚çš„è¯�,我看还是在法åºè§�å�§ï¼�。这也是我就å�Žä¸€æ¬¡ç»™ä½ 的简讯。 14) PRC(05.10.12) : 那么用他å��å—注册使用电脑和viberçš„ä¸�æ˜¯ä½ å�§ï¼Ÿä¹Ÿä¸�是他è¦�ä¹°æˆ¿ç»™ä½ å�§ï¼Ÿä»Šå¤©ä»–没有è§�ä½ çš„å®¶é‡Œäººå�§ï¼Ÿå¦‚果是我错了,我会诚心é�“æ‰ã€‚ 15) me(05.10.12) : è¯„ä»€ä¹ˆä½ è®¤ä¸ºæ˜¯æˆ‘ã€‚ä½ åº”è¯¥åŽ»é—®ä»–ã€‚æ— è¯„æ— æ�®è¯·åˆ«åœ¨è¯¬èµ–和骚扰我。ä¸�然就用法律去解决æ�¥è¯�明,我的时间ä¸�æ˜¯æµªè´¹åœ¨è¿™æ— è�Šçš„äº‹æƒ…ä¸Šã€‚ä½ æ‰¾é”™äººäº†ã€‚ 16) PRC : åœ¨ä½ çœŸå¿ƒå–œæ¬¢ä¸€ä¸ªäººæ—¶ï¼Œä½ åº”è¯¥æ¯«æ— é¡¾å¿Œåœ°è·Ÿå¥¹èµ°åœ¨ä¸€èµ·ï¼Œä¸�è¦�害怕自己的心æ€�会被暴光。爱情是伟大的ã€�神圣的ã€�æ˜¯æ— æ€¨æ— æ‚”çš„ï¼Œä½ è¦�是真心喜欢她就ä¸�怕让别人知é�“ï¼Œä½ è¦�是真心喜欢她,就敢将她公诸于众.æˆ‘è¿™æ ·å¯¹xxxxè®²è¿‡ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä»–çœŸçš„å–œæ¬¢ä½ å¤šè¿‡æˆ‘ï¼Œæˆ‘ä¼šæ¯«ä¸�犹豫地离开 ,但是他å�‘誓从æ�¥æ²¡æœ‰è¿‡ï¼Œå°†æ�¥ä¹Ÿç»�ä¸�ä¼šå’Œä½ ä¸€èµ·ï¼Œå�¯èƒ½æˆ‘çš„ç¡®é”™æ€ªä½ äº† ï¼Œå¦‚æžœè¿™æ ·ï¼ŒçœŸçš„é�žå¸¸æŠ±æ‰ï¼�周末愉快ï¼� 17) PRC(06.10.12) : 真想å�¬ä½ 说今天上å�ˆä½ 们没有è§�é�¢ã€‚ 18 ) PRC(08.10.12) : i want to devoice, if u still have a little bit conscientious left, pls do the way normal people have to do n pls stop play all tricks.hope we still can be friend after this.See she seems like normal and ok in last friday(05.10.12), but afterthat she's crazy again using his husband's mobile called me at 12.25am (07.10.12) and block call at 5.51am(07.10.12)....she is ok for a moment then crazy again....see!!!, how to deals with this?.
Act so concern for the ang moh... act cute girl overstepped her boundaries already...of cors the wife angry lah.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Local girl act cute with ang moh consultant..ang moh married man shiok shiok , think his cock big big you see.... then Ang moh's wife found out.. then want to settle with local girl.. local girl go insult that wife.. wife pissed off even more.. take revenge on local girl.. at the same time kick her Ang moh's hubby ass...
Both ang moh and act cute local girl kenna xiong xiong from that angry wife lor...
aiyo.. these type of case.. I see plenty already...
angry wife teach both a lesson they will never forget !!
Wife is China .. but that is beside the point lah... any woman will act like that if they found out their husband flirting with another woman outside lah....
I also seen ang moh woman act like that.. but more violent than China ok !
u are insane hahaha
Originally posted by jojobeach:Real cute girls don't need to act cute lah. They are naturally cute.. even they counting money they also look very cute... not slutty like some fake cute girls.
This one act cute with married man, now his wife come kick their ass. Ok Good !
She want to act mommy love you dear dear, take care ok lovey lovey... his wife find out liao... kena xiong xiong....turn their life upside down... pity no use de.
Somemore ang moh married man... please lah... you think she will act cute to local guys ? I doubt so lah.. maybe tell them to F off hor....
wah lau you are the worship the white man type ar? tsk tsk
wonder what's up with you and local guys, what did you kenna before? hahahahah
Originally posted by John Wong:wah lau you are the worship the white man type ar? tsk tsk
wonder what's up with you and local guys, what did you kenna before? hahahahah
Having lived in USA for many years... I've seen enough to know they are no different from non ang mohs in many many ways.
Ang mohs like to think they are better than people of other races. ( similar to Sg men thinking they are better than Vietnamese men or men from less developed countries)
Unfortunately, our local culture re-enforced that idea on them. We treat them (expats) better than we treat our own kind, simply because we want them to feel welcome.. which is part of our upbringing to be a good host.
So they do received more respect than they truly deserved, and we did give it to them. Resulting in them really believing they are higher beings than us.
In fact, I find some of their behaviors somewhat backwards. They really arn't as good as we thought them to be. They are just human beings like you and me.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Having lived in USA for many years... I've seen enough to know they are no different from non ang mohs in many many ways.
Ang mohs like to think they are better than people of other races. ( similar to Sg men thinking they are better than Vietnamese men or men from less developed countries)
Unfortunately, our local culture re-enforced that idea on them. We treat them (expats) better than we treat our own kind, simply because we want them to feel welcome.. which is part of our upbringing to be a good host.
So they do received more respect than they truly deserved, and we did give it to them. Resulting in them really believing they are higher beings than us.
In fact, I find some of their behaviors somewhat backwards. They really arn't as good as we thought them to be. They are just human beings like you and me.
somehow your words give you away...
"Somemore ang moh married man... please lah... you think she will act cute to local guys ? I doubt so lah.. maybe tell them to F off hor...."
Originally posted by John Wong:somehow your words give you away...
"Somemore ang moh married man... please lah... you think she will act cute to local guys ? I doubt so lah.. maybe tell them to F off hor...."
Where ? Which part ?
Originally posted by jojobeach:Where ? Which part ?
The part I quote lor
Originally posted by John Wong:The part I quote lor
jojobeach is someone who always think they are right all the time... it's a waste of time talking reasons with such people because it won't work... if someone thinks eating shit is good, you can say all you want, but they will continue to eat shit anyway.
save your breathe, bro.
and to the girl who genna harressed, if you need help, i can help... i love pranking people all the time, but i only prank telemarketers and waste their time... now seems like got a nice victim, if you give me her number, i do some pranks as pay back.