You diam diam lah!
canoot, i ver noisy 1
noisy 3, 4 ,5, 6...very kaypoh one
Reminds me of the movie Mary and Max... it's an amazing movie. It's about a guy with Aspergers and the most memorable moment I cannot forget is when he looked into the mirror and say along the lines of... "Why are they asking me to take medicine... I am fine... I feel fine... everything about me is fine... there is nothing wrong with me..."
And that makes me think... does it mean if someone is different, we allocate a type of mental illness and segregate these people who are different into a group and call them sick, just because they think differently?
I say this because I have autism myself but ironically I function extremely well in life (both financially and in educational terms - post grad myself). But I have problems relating to people and social situations. I'm saying that because I know people who are depressed and admit themselves into IMH and because we brand them as losers or failures or whatever, they feel judged and their beliefs created a vicious downwards cycle from then on and I feel the society is being extremely unfair to these people.
I think we need to look at things differently.
so, can someone please tell me what is Assberger???!!