TS should take picture of her when she is quishing the butter in her mouth and post it in Stomp. Damn farnie...
She drools butter on him, to make him smell bad, so that she can smell him and then makes fun of how he smells like rancid butter.
Rancid butter smells like sweaty feet or rotten cheese.
She likes to do this him especially after physical-education class when he is drenched in greasy sweat. SG climate is hot and humid which will only add to the smell.
This butter especially smells bad because it is unpasteurized and cultured with cheese bacteria.
use a condom and get on with life.
Originally posted by Hitman Chief (Barium):use a condom and get on with life.
Sorry. I was reminded of this case, when I got my car washed today. It is an computer-operated wash. Soap and water and brushes all electronically-controlled.
The machine because spraying thick liquid soap onto the windows. This soap looked like the girl's drool. Similar to the mixture of saliva, mucus, and butter that she spits on the boy's neck. The brushes then began hitting the windows. This looked like the girl rubbing her nose on the part of the boy's neck she spit on.
If he defends himself against her, she can always say he "molested" her. He will then be caned on the anus. Next, he will go to a boys' home, where guards and 17-year-old boys [who are the dominant inmates] will torture, degrade, beat, and do things to him that are not appropriate for discussion.
BTW, boys homes smell terrible, like sweat, vomit, and excrement.
If this boy [who is only 15] goes to this home for "molesting" a girl, the guards and the 17-year-old boys will make him smell bad, smell him, and then insult him about how he stinks.
So my best advice for this boy is, let the girl do what she wants to you. Better to be harassed by a girl than by men and bigger boys.
Let's make matters more interesting. She spits/drools the butter on his neck, rubs her nose on the part of his neck she spits/drools on, then smells that part of his neck. Next she cruelly-teases him about how he smells like rancid butter. While teasing him, she pulls out an aluminum ratan (cane) and strikes that part of his neck with it.
All the boy can do is peacefully-ignore her as she takes advantage of her freedom. If he defends himself, he'll severely-regret it -- if he survives the consquences of "hitting a girl".
She also spits/drool butter into his lunch.
She not only does spitting and drooling with butter. She also pumps this butter into her nostrils, causing it to mix with her nasal mucus. She then slowly lets this butter-mucus mixture fall out of her nose and onto the boy's neck and food.
that was so awesome!!!
intro leh.
But it gets more intense.
The girl in this story forms a gang of girls who are all her age [14] and harass the boy mercilessly. In this gang, there are 2 girls every every tooth, fingernail, toe-nail, and limb of the boy. Each girl is armed with an aluminum ratan. The gang harasses him on the way to school, in school, and on the way home. If he refuses to allow them to bully him, they will all complain that he "molested" them and his life will be over. They mistreat him in front of his helpless mother. She can only beg them to please leave her son alone but they won't listen. The gang members degrade him by smearing foul-smelling rancid cultured unpastuerized butter on his skin and into his hair. They then spit and drool more butter on him. They then blow mucus from their noses onto him. After that, they massage the saliva and mucus on his skin, with their noses. Next, they smell him. After smelling him, they cruelly-insult him about how he stinks like the rancid butter. Finally, they pull out their ratans and strike him on the parts of him that sniffed. His arms, legs, feet, toes, hands, back, and neck are covered in bruises from the ratan. The boy is in tears and sobbing and so is his mom. There is nothing the boy or his mom can do to save him from the girl-gang.
The girls butter him up, spit/drool on him, and massage the mixture [using their noses] on his skin/hair with only one purpose in mind -- to make him smell bad.
Why do they want him to smell bad? So that can smell him.
Why do they want smell him? So that they can notice his sweaty rancid smell
They sniff him but not for the sake for sniffing him. They sniff him so that they can cruelly-insult him about his sweaty body odor mixed with the stench of rancid butter.
They smell him to degrade him.
The boy's parents are both Chinese. Each girl has a Tamil mother and a Chinese father.
He has the following characteristics:
Hair color: black
Hair shape: straight
Eye color: brown
Eye shape: Chinese
Skin color: Similar to that of the average Chinese-Singaporean individual
Body size: Skinny
Head shape: square
Face shape: square
Chin shape: square
Hair length: Just short enough to be appropriate for boys – not longer, not shorter
Members of the girl-gang have following characteristics:
Hair color: black
Hair shape: straight
Eye color: brown
Eye shape: Chinese
Skin color: Similar to that of the average Tamil-Chinese blend Singaporean individual
Body size: Skinny
Hair length: Long enough to be appropriate for girls
hmmm...after all yr postings,
r u sure u r a gentleman for girls?? I am not sure sure leh
Curious about china is back
and not forgetting his clone, Warm hearted man passive
Originally posted by angel7030:
hmmm...after all yr postings,
r u sure u r a gentleman for girls?? I am not sure sure leh
Maybe not me, but the boy in this story certainly is. He has no choice but to let the gang have their way with him.
Maybe he likes it this way, some boys like violence, if not, no fun for them
Originally posted by angel7030:Maybe he likes it this way, some boys like violence, if not, no fun for them
Even if he doesn't like it, there is nothing he can do other than sob to his mom and with his mom. His mom can't protect him either.
He stinks of his sweat and rancid butter along with the saliva and mucus of the members of the girl-gang.
But there's more. He isn't allowed to even LOOK at these girls. If he does, they can put him in jail for "staring" at them. So he must look away from those girls as they bully him.
Some guy simply like to get banged and bullied by girls, to them, it is a pleasure and honor, let it be. Born to get banged