Originally posted by Audi:Hey everyone... oh well, this is gonna be a typical tale but I am gonna just post it anyway. I'm a 19-year-old. I am schooling in a rather reputable college. I used to have everything - good grades, awesome social circle, scholarships. Yeah, I used to achieve a lot.
I was supposed to take my 'A' Level last year but reconsider taking it after facing an emotional setback and I was just at a loss. My ex-girlfriend and I used to get along well. I mean everything was so great. We could talk about everything. The only issue was that I was the one who always initiated meeting her, doing the calls, etc. I do not mind that at all. Then one day, she dropped me a note... mind you a note, not face-to-face saying,"I realize my feelings for you have changed. You are a wonderful person and someone out there deserves you better. We could still be friends."
I guess you guys could figure the rest of the story. My life just went on a downslide. 2 weeks after our break-up, she already had a new boyfriend. It's already a new year and yet I still can't move on.
Thankfully, my friends who have already taken their A levels and are out there working now still support me and send me messages to work hard and stuff. But well, I just feel something's missing. Thanks for reading.
She didn't like you and has moved on. Bang a few chicks and get on with ur life.
Alternatively, you can also let some ducks bang you firstĀ and then decide if you want to get on with yr life ya.