Hey everyone... oh well, this is gonna be a typical tale but I am gonna just post it anyway. I'm a 19-year-old. I am schooling in a rather reputable college. I used to have everything - good grades, awesome social circle, scholarships. Yeah, I used to achieve a lot.
I was supposed to take my 'A' Level last year but reconsider taking it after facing an emotional setback and I was just at a loss. My ex-girlfriend and I used to get along well. I mean everything was so great. We could talk about everything. The only issue was that I was the one who always initiated meeting her, doing the calls, etc. I do not mind that at all. Then one day, she dropped me a note... mind you a note, not face-to-face saying,"I realize my feelings for you have changed. You are a wonderful person and someone out there deserves you better. We could still be friends."
I guess you guys could figure the rest of the story. My life just went on a downslide. 2 weeks after our break-up, she already had a new boyfriend. It's already a new year and yet I still can't move on.
Thankfully, my friends who have already taken their A levels and are out there working now still support me and send me messages to work hard and stuff. But well, I just feel something's missing. Thanks for reading.
You placed a lot of trust in her... you gave your everything to her, she took it and dump it back to you. Sorry to hear that.
But I have to say, you are very silly to give up such an important examination and wasted ONE WHOLE year worth of time for a girl who took your love and spat it back at you. Seriously, are you still considering wasting another year dwelling and thinking of her?
Have you watch a movie called "Yes Man"? It starred Jim Carrey and just like you, his wasted relationiship cost him his life, friends, career.... everything. His ex-wife doesn't even cared for him and yet he constantly and secretly wished she will come back to him. Just like you, he never moved on and kept falling into an abyss.
Eventually, he took charge of his life again and with SHEER determination, he focused his energy on other stuff and be happier again. The result? He got a new girlfriend who appreciates him more and his ex-wife begged him to come take her back again.
I think we can learn a lot from this movie:
1. No one can EVER give you the comfort you need now to pick up your life again, except you and probably your religion if you have one.
2. No girl/woman give a DAMN after a soured relationship, and the best way to make them regret is to GENUINELY be happy and get your confidence and life back; no girl/woman likes a guy/man who is in a constant pathetic state - that's right, YOU.
You still have a WHOLE life ahead of you. Make it worthwhile and be that high-achiever you claimed you used to be. Let your ex sees that it's her loss that she dumped you. But most importantly, do it not for her but for yourself because the only person in this world that matters MOST to you is YOURSELF.
Find the strength to love yourself, and everything good will come back to you eventually.
Oh, and I have to say this: there are gonna be tons of girls who are gonna break your heart for the next decade of your life or so; it's part of life. You will find a better someone. Yes yes, she is nice, you still have fond memories of her, but truth is: SHE DOES NOT CARE SO WHY SHOULD YOU?!
Stay pathetic, and you shall be. People will pity you but you know you have to snap out of it REALLY SOON. Just do yourself a favor, like NOW!
I won't speak of absolutes unlike the post above.
However, there are several facts you must face:
1) You probably are still lost and time is ticking towards your A levels.
2) You cannot find a girl like her again as there are no two identical people in this world. So don't even think that you can rekindle the feeling with another girl.
3) Don't go back to that girl because she has already forgotten about you. (Considering her fast attachment rate)
Especially now when all your friends have "moved on" and you will tend to be lonely. It is hard to pick yourself up after a fall. My advice is to let loose for 2-3 weeks, by having fun(through sports) with others(try to make new friends in school and not chase after your friends who are working because it will deepen the sense of detachment).
And ultimately, your results really matter a great deal, to yourself, your parents and those who believe in you.
If you face any troubles, hopefully the people of this same community(SGF) will help you out, even at the homework section. Haha.
as your nick suggests...yes...its an audi...what else sluts of today want?
if u dun buck up and stand firm against living in her shadow....by all means...go ahead....and for all you know....your youth wasted in chasing after a slut no longer yours....
vice versa....u dun owe any sluts any explanation for dumping them without a reason...
thats the fact of life
When a girl says you are good, someone else deserve you. What she is aying is 'I got a better boyfriend, leave me alone'
Probably when you are doing all the initiating, you did not make each meeting special. Even if you are caring, being monotonous will put a girl off.
Finally, her heart was never meant for you. It will take a very intelligent guy, plus herculean efforts to change her mind. Advice is to forget it, not worth.
Pick up your life and move on. Believe me, there are other girls who appreciate you.
Believe it or not... the moment she wrote you that note, she already in a relationship with that guy... but she doesn't want to feel guilty being a two timer, so she had to give you up...
You're young, by the time you get to my age, you will have so many girls after you that you really want to be single all the way... but ironically when guys are young, they wish to be attached.
But first, you need to make sure you have a strong career... that's a priority for a guy. Don't lose track of your priorities in life just because of a girl, because you're not losing just her, you're losing all the girls you could have had.
You are still young. Understand that you feel like shit but this is part of growing up. Man Up. Teenage relationships don't last long. That is a fact. You should never invest too much of your emotion in her. That is why some parents advice their kids not to go into relationship at young age. But at 19 is ok. You will be stronger.
The way she treat you means she never valued you as her boyfriend. She only treated you as a part time lover. So you should never regret losing her because she is a lousy girlfriend - sorry to say. You had to initiate everything. Next time choose someone who cares more for you. At least you learn this at a young age and become better at finding somebdy better.
So easily she let go you for some other guy. Means she never loved you that much. So stop confusing yourself and release her from your memory. Time to move on. No use to regret over a piece of shit like that.
I am sure there are more better women out there for you.
Hi (: I'm turning 18 this year, and currently own a relationship with my boyf for 2 years 6months plus. The number show that we are turning 3 years long in a few more months time. But we are rocky and problems are coming up now. So, why not think in the positive ways whereby, the best is yet to come? Indeed, in our mindset our partner is the best person on earth. But, look around, your friends are all giving you the support which you need now, so why not take your time, to get over her slowly. Take your time, no rush. At the same time, do your very best in everything, times heal all.
Though I have no idea how long you and her were together for, but as for me, it pretty hard to let go. As a woman, I don't stand on her side. But as a outsider, I think you really do deserve better. If you need any help in moving on, PM me? Because i'm trying to move on and let go too. (Well, he asked for break i just refuse to go ahead with his choice, but one day I will have to leave so i'm trying bit by bit now.)
Best of luck! Continue Fighting! (:
Yes, if you need a listening ear, can also PM me, I am more than willing to help.
And please be remind that Audi is so common today, we prefer at least a merc SLK, those drive audi are consider au tar people, sandwich class
Im already 20+ this year. and currently my longest relationship was 2 weeks but took me 1 month of planning and 2 weeks to get over her. like 75% the other 25 % very hard to fight off. i was living in my own world of happiness and dreams.
Your young . Just to scare you a bit you already wasted 1 year of your youth life .Thats a lot Wake up from your idea .its already 1 year .The fact that she got bf so fast means she has done her pre-planning.
Dont waste time anymore bah. The fastest you get out of depression mode. The faster you realize that emoing over something that you cant do will only put a drag on you for life
Btw i have had 5 Major Rejections 45 minor rejections from girls since the last 2 years.So chill .! and i look normal btw speak normal btw. and doing degree and doing fine in terms of financial and everything else. So ya i believe your case not so bad.
Was once your case .But try to have a fighting spirit bah .fight for yourself your future and your loved ones.Just to share with you. Anything can PM me. i also emoing over the remainder 25 % so yep totally understand what u feeling.
white people problems -.-
Don't be such a weakling
When you have money, you attract girls like flies. =)
And if you hv the money, the look and a solid body and parts, you become a magnet to them, they will stick to you, but count me out ya. Cos I aint like those sg gals, I know nothing last forever, the teaching of Zen is lacking in singapore culture
what - so smart lah
If you're the one who initiates everything, it's a sign they're not so interested. Move on, concentrate on your education ... there's so many girls out there ... no use crying over just one !!
ya, dun create your own dream that people like or love, move on.
den angel cannot i created that dream in the hotl loom how?
Can why cannot, day dreaming helps to agitate your mind, otherwise dementia may set in. Keep dreaming
19 years old...
Please focus on your studies.
Originally posted by angel7030:Can why cannot, day dreaming helps to agitate your mind, otherwise dementia may set in. Keep dreaming
but recently i cannot dream anymore. if only you are nearer - like in a hotel room next to my toilet. so neare to you i dream better - got dreams
Originally posted by dangerboi:19 years old...
Please focus on your studies.
Focus studies too much is of no use, latter become brain stagnate and damage, learn to look further than just studies, be creative in thinking, dreaming and innovative is good for singapore, because no matter how hard u study, singapore still lack of talents
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:
but recently i cannot dream anymore. if only you are nearer - like in a hotel room next to my toilet. so neare to you i dream better - got dreams
oh, the toilet cleaner ah soh you also want...tsk tsk tsk, please lah
Originally posted by angel7030:
oh, the toilet cleaner ah soh you also want...tsk tsk tsk, please lah
good idea, next time you will be my toilet ah soh model photoshoot. thanks that's what i call creativity tsk tsk tsk
Then instead of asking that ah soh for photobucket, she throw a big bucket of soil water over you.